Saturday, April 13, 2024

Rapper shot dead in Toronto

The Toronto Police Service is confirming that Ibrahim Abdikarim, 30, of Toronto wash shot dead on Thursday, April 11, 2024, at approximately 2:36 AM. The Dirty Newz is reporting that Ibrahim Abdikarim is the local rapper JasonGGG from the Go Getem Gang who associate with the color blue and are affiliated with the Driftwood Crips. This is so 1980.

Stupid beefs. Was it worth it? I think not. Martin Luther King: What Is Your Life's Blueprint?

Wade Cudmore murder trial and Lolo Lanski

The court registry is reporting that Wade Cudmore's murder trial has started in Vancouver. Wade is acused of killing Carlo and Erick Frye in Naramata back in 2021. Jamie Bacon's right hand man, Lolo Lanski is on trial for murdering Cudmore’s mother, Kathy Richardson, in retaliation.
Not that anyone cares but Larry Amero received a 18 year sentence for ordering Dip's murder in Vancouver. Both Crown and the Defense have appealed that decision. The Crown is asking for a life sentence not just 18 years. The Defense has made so many appeals on that decision it has clearly become an abuse of process. Larry Amero is a POS. F*ck him.
Bardales Medina and Diego Saed's Wolf Pack drug trafficking trial is also under way in Vancouver. Looks like Damion Ryan gave them up. Will that be enough to get him off the fake Iranian dissident charges? Time will tell. It always does. Dean Wiwchar is in courtroom 66.

Halton Police seize 20 kilos of cocaine

Halton Hills Today is reporting that "On March 25, 2024, members of the Halton Regional Police Service Regional Drugs and Organized Crime Unit concluded a four-month investigation dubbed Project Fade. Fade commenced after identifying a resident of Milton who was (allegedly) involved in the distribution of cocaine. Investigation into this male revealed a drug trafficking network involving three other parties that operated in the Halton Region and surrounding areas."

"Between March 24 and 25, 2024, six Controlled Drugs and Substances Act search warrants were executed at residential locations in the Town of Oakville, Milton, Mississauga and Guelph." 20 kilos of cocaine was seized during that search. Ontario is doing police work. BC is not.

The Toronto Sun is reporitng that Sami Karnaz, of Milton, Gurdeep Bagri, of Guelph, Fadey Tannus, of Mississauga and Phillip Chung, of the Mississauga have all been charged with possession for the purpose of trafficking. In 2012 Sami Karnaz was charged with second-degree murder and arson. The Hamilton Spectator referred to is as a murder for hire.

"According to the agreed statement of facts in the case, Taha paid 31-year-old Sami Karnaz $10,000 to set fire to the Main Street East store, which was being converted from a 7-Eleven. He was to receive another $15,000 when the job was done."

"Awny Taha, who owned at least 30 Big Bear convenience stores in the Hamilton area, died Oct. 12 after crashing his car into a concrete pillar. This was just two months after the fatal fire."

Friday, April 12, 2024

Gina Carano on Tucker Carlson

Disney fired Gina for her political opinions which is unlawful and constitutes wrongful dismissal.

NDP withdraws support for Carbon Tax

Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe refuses to collect carbon tax.

Protesters at the New Brunswick Nova Scotia border.

New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs states carbon tax hike is wrong.

7 Canadian premiers oppose Justin Trudeau's carbon tax hike. 73% of British Colombians agree.

2nd Law of Thermodynamics: Order in the Universe

While I'm on a roll I'll add this conclusion to my three part trilogy on science and metaphysics. I'll throw it out there before I kick the bucket and move on like the Aging Rebel and everyone else who has come and who has yet to come to this earth. Let it be my mark on society and the carbon footprint I leave behind. After all, we all cast shadows on the horizon so we do.

In my last post I mentioned the 2nd law of thermodynamics which states in a closed system order does not increase. The actual wording can be a bit confusing. It states "the state of entropy of the entire universe, as an isolated system, will always increase over time." Entropy is a state of disorder so when they say entropy will always increase it's a double negative. It really means in a closed system order will not increase without energy added to it. So what does that really mean?

It means over time things tend to deteriorate. For example, If I throw a stack of lumber and nails on my front lawn, in a million years it won't magically build a house all by itself. If I build a house on my front lawn, in a million years it will deteriorate it won't improve. We can plant a garden and it will grow but order in the universe doesn't increase all by itself. It needs energy but it needs more than that. If you add light into a closed system the garden will grow but will DNA mutate into a more advanced form or less? Some people claim the 2nd law of thermodynamics disproves the theory of evolution. I'm not saying that. The theory of evolution is a theory because it hasn't been proven or disproven. That's why it's not a law or axiom. I'm not going to argue creation versus evolution. I'm just going to say both are theories. Neither is proven or disproven.

For me personally, order in the universe points to a creator. Take the Mona Lisa for example. Look at the top picture. What is that? That is the Mona Lisa. How do you know that? Everyone knows that. Who painted it? Leonardo Da Vinci. How do you know that? Everyone knows that.

Did you see him paint it? No. How then do we know Leonardo Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa? Let's start with the obvious. We have the evidence right in front of us. We can see the Mona Lisa. It's at the Louvre in Paris. We cannot deny that it exists. It didn't appear out of nowhere. Someone had to paint it. What evidence do we have that Leonardo Da Vinci painted it? We have his signature on the painting. Experts verify the signature matches his signature on other paintings. Experts verify that the style and composition matches Leonardo Da Vinci's other paintings.

The Mona Lisa was commissioned by her husband Francesco del Gicondo. It was painted at his studio in Florence. Agostino Vespucci witnesses Leonardo painting the portrait of Lisa del Giocondo. Some claim there were two paintings not one. The bottom line is that for all practice purposes we can confidently prove Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa. We know someone had to. We know it didn't paint itself. That's my point. Paintings have painters. Buildings have builders. Creation has a creator. Order in the universe doesn't prove the existence of God but it points to an architect. A Grand Geometrician so to speak. Like I said I don't care whether or not someone believes in God. I care what they do and don't do. Actions speak louder than words.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Science Kits, Aithiests and Flat Earthers

Not to flog a dead horse, but I had some relevant thoughts on moving forward. A coworker is an atheist. He asked me once if I believed in God and I said yes. Then in shock he said the Bible says the world was only created 4,000 years ago. I smiled and said the Bible says that? Yeah, somewhere he said. I smiled. Obviously I don't believe that. I'm also cautions because just because I believe God exists doesn't make me a good person or religious. I simply believe that life doesn't end at death and that creation has a creator. Second law of thermodynamics.

Obviously there are different kinds of atheists just like they are different kinds of everything else. When I say I believe in religious freedom that includes the right to be atheist. It means I don't care if you're religious or not. In fact, I personally find atheists are often more trustworthy than most religious extremists. Part of it is because atheists don't do good for a reward in heaven, they do good based on an internal set of values. Also because extremists in anything are shady.

My brother in law is an atheist and he is a very good person. He was very good to my sister throughout their long marriage before she passed away. That's basically all that matters. Religious extremists are a bit harder for me to process. I find them irritating.

Now let's talk a little bit about science. I know that's sadly become a political term since Covid. Statements like oh I follow the science are a little bit irritating when most of the people saying that aren't following the science they're following the politics. Since Covid we've seen an alarming amount of medical censorship and fake science. Yet the scientific process is very real. It's logical and makes sense. When I was young, science was my favorite subject in school.

When I was a kid I inherited my older brothers' chemistry kit. It was full of test tubes and tiny containers of various chemicals you could experiment with. Let's see what happens when you mix this with that. Obviously the first thing my brothers taught me was how to make gunpowder from scratch. It's pretty basic. Back then you could buy salt peter from the drug store. The same with sulfur. Wood charcoal you could make yourself. In high school I learned that if you mix potassium permanganate with glycerin, it would slowly react and catch on fire. I got in trouble at two different high schools for pulling that stunt. I never thought of using it camping. Chemistry kits are fun.

The periodic table is a part of chemistry. Water is H20 - two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen in each molecule. So we are told. Let's conduct an experiment to see if that is in fact true - electrolysis. You get a container of water and throw in a bit of salt. Then you hook it up to an electric current. You have positive on one side and negative on the other. Once you turn the electricity on, hydrogen gas forms at one electrode while oxygen gas forms at the other electrode.

So yes, our experiment confirmed that water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen. Everything they told us wasn't a lie. Some things they told us were true. This relates to my DEVO post. When I was a kid you used to be able to buy all kinds of science kits from Radio Shack. They were cool. Some had little springs you could hook wires up to to form basic electrical circuits. A lot of people are homeschooling now that school has become a political battlefield of child grooming. Science kits like these would be really good to get. I see National Geographic have some.

Microscopes are cool. In grade 8 we used to study protozoa in water through a microscope. You can also look at blood cells under a microscope. Telescopes are cool too. Now you can buy telescopes that will find the planets and constellations for you.

Looking at stars with a telescope is kind of anti climatic but looking at moons and planets is revealing. Do what Galileo did and look at the moons orbiting Jupiter. Look at the rings around Saturn. If you get a filter you can look at sunspots.

I guess one of the reasons I can't comprehend flat earthers is because science and astronomy was so important to me growing up. The flat earth theory contradicts everything we know about the universe and the laws of gravitation. It just doesn't make sense. People say the Bible says this, the Bible says that, shut up. A lot of people misinterpret the Bible. Facts are harder to misinterpret especially when you are looking at them through a telescope.

If the earth is flat, why are all the other moons and planets spheres? The whole concept of gravitation and the earth's rotation is pretty basic. When I was young my father was an avid photographer. Sometimes we'd go out at night and try and take pictures of a meteor shower with a time lapsed camera. One time he put the camera on a tripod, aimed it at the North Star then set the exposure for a couple of hours. It was a simple experiment anyone can do.

We saw the same thing everyone else saw. The North Star was a fixed point in the centre while the other stars were short lines rotating around the North Star. We know the stars aren't literally revolving around the North Star. The earth is moving and the North Star is the axis of the earth's rotation. So we know that the earth is moving. It is rotating. That's why we have day and night. That's why we have sunrises and sunsets. Gravitation relates to a sphere not a coin.

We see the earth's shadow on the moon. The Hubble Telescope and the International Space station are not fake. Even if the moon landing was faked, that doesn't mean everything was faked. We can see the earth from outer space. This is why I have no time for flat earthers. They are defiant and argumentative. They are wrong and they refuse to admit it so they argue. I have no time for that. The reason I can't even conceive of the theory is because it defies all the laws of science and everything I see with my own eyes. I believe in real science not political science.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

90 kilos of Opium and 13 kilos of Meth seized in Ontario

The Peel police are reporting that "Project Vegas, concentrated on a criminal network responsible for the international importation and distribution of illegal narcotics. Investigation revealed illegal drugs were exported from Middle Eastern countries into other countries, including Canada, utilizing various concealment methods. The drugs were then distributed throughout the GTA and into Manitoba and British Columbia." 90 kilos of Opium and 13 kilos of Crystal meth were seized.

That's rather odd. Opium is used to make heroin but you don't see much opium around here. I wonder if the crystal meth was coming or going. This one is suspicious. I wonder if people are smoking opium in hookah lounges. Those hookah pipes look like opium pipes to me.

Burnaby man arrested in Regina drug ring

CTV is reporting that "A 27-year-old man from Burnaby, B.C. is in custody following a years-long investigation by the RCMP’s federal serious and organized crime (FSOC) unit and Regina police. The joint investigation into drug trafficking across western Canada began in March 2022 and implicated multiple individuals."

The primary focus of the investigation, 27-year-old Nikola Galic, was convicted of five drug trafficking-related charges on March 20, 2024. According to the RCMP, the sophisticated operation involved transporting illicit drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamine — in kilogram quantity — from British Columbia to various parts of Saskatchewan and Alberta."

Biden considering request to drop Assange case

MSN is reporting that "President Joe Biden said Wednesday that he is considering a request from Australia to drop the decade-long U.S. push to prosecute Wikileaks founder Julian Assange for publishing a trove of American classified documents. For years, Australia has called on the U.S. to drop its prosecution against Assange, an Australian citizen who has fought U.S. extradition efforts from prison in the U.K. Asked about the request on Wednesday, as he hosted Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida for an official visit, Biden said, “We’re considering it.”

So was Donald Trump but he didn't do anything about it. Can you imagine Biden pardoning Assange when Trump didn't? That would be astounding. Australia's parliament made the request.

Australia calls for US to drop case against Assange