Thursday, February 20, 2025

Movie about the adverse effects of Transitioning

Matt Rey featured in a movie about the adverse effects of Transitioning. Getting this information out there is a part of informed consent. Telling people there are no adverse effects of transitioning simply isn't true. Grooming children to make that decision before they are old enough to to vote is shameful.

Having said that, I agree with many others in that I sincerely believe gender dysphoria is a complete distraction. It's part of the problem reaction solution and distraction paradigm. 

For example, they create a problem then send in someone to save you from the problem they created. While everyone celebrates being saved from the fake problem that same savior leads people astray into the real problem they wanted to create. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Fatal shooting in Edmonton

The Western Standard is reporting that "Police are investigating after a man was found fatally shot inside a vehicle Tuesday evening, in Edmonton’s Chappelle neighbourhood."

"Officers with the Edmonton Police Service (EPS) responded to reports of multiple gunshots near 41 Ave. and Chappelle Rd. at approximately 8:49 p.m.."

"Upon arrival, they discovered a male victim in the driver’s seat of a vehicle parked outside a residence. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) attended the scene and pronounced him dead."

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The Fake News runs with Sam Cooper

A Farewell To Sam ‘Scooper’ Cooper, The Spy Agency Microphone


First off, remember I said Sam Cooper was a spin doctor for CSIS? Remember how he was caught red handed lying about Bill Majcher? CSIS knowingly gave him false information and he ran with it. Now Sammy and CSIS are spinning the same lie. 

Let's not forget CSIS is part of the Five Eyes. The CIA created the Golden Triangle. The CIA was responsible for the US crack epidemic and the CIA was behind Operation Fast and Furious. Iran Contra never stopped. CSIS provided the explosives for Air India and we're supposed to blindly reprint every fake press release they send out? GMAFB.

This new breaking fake news story is so ridiculous I'm just going to say OMFG. This is just like Iraq's WMD fake story. 

The Five Eyes Lies. 1) Remember how the story changed. First Trump said he was going to tariff Canada until they become the 51st state. He said if we become a state, the tariffs will disappear and we'll pay less taxes. Securing the border had nothing to do with it.

Recognizing how ridiculous that was Trump changed his story and said the tariffs were because of all the drugs and illegal immigration which was another ridiculous lie. 

All the cocaine in Canada comes through Mexico and the United States. It doesn't come from Canada into the United States. All the illegal guns that gang members use in Canada come from the United States. All the illegal migrants come to Canada from the United States. 

Ever heard of the Darian Gap? Migrants from all over the world come up though Central America into Mexico and into the US. Then they come to Canada from the US. Ever heard of the Roxham Road crossing? All those illegal migrants were coming into Canada from the United States not the other way around.

Fentanyl and crystal meth come from Mexico through the US into Canada. Fentanyl is not made in China and imported into Canada or the US. The CIA claim some of the precursor chemicals used to make fentanyl comes from China but the CIA are the biggest drug traffickers on the planet. Just have a look at their airport on the US military base in Honduras. 

Not long ago there were two large drug labs busted in BC and Alberta. Those were sting operations. BC did have a couple of meth cooks. They do make some meth here but the CIA supply the Sinloa cartel and import their fentanyl.

CSIS' current China influence obsession is no different than Hillary Clinton's Russian interference campaign. It's a bullsh*t distraction from their own drug trafficking network. Sam Cooper lied about Bill Majcher. Ask yourself why.

Double Homicide in Winnipeg

CBC is reporting that "A 33-year-old man and 35-year-old woman are dead after a double homicide in Winnipeg on the weekend. Police were called around 4:15 a.m. Saturday to a home on Alfred Avenue, off Aikins Street, about a woman who had been shot. When they arrived, they found an injured man outside the house as well. The woman was located inside. Both had been shot, a spokesperson said."

"Emergency medical care was provided before the victims were rushed to hospital in critical condition. Both have since died, police said in a news release on Monday."

"They have been identified as Sheldon Derrach Catcheway, 33, and Shanastene Irene McLeod, 35. Catcheway was a member of Swan Lake First Nation and living in Winnipeg. McLeod was a member of Muskowekwan First Nation in Saskatchewan, and living in Winnipeg."

Plane Crash on Toronto Runway

I suppose everyone's seen this. The landing gear failed on a plane as it was touching down in Toronto. The plane slid, caught on fire and rolled but no one was killed. First responders did an awesome job quickly putting the fire out.

Canadian made. I guess Bombardier have stepped up their game. 

Sweden beat USA in Hockey

The 4 Nations Face-Off Without Russia Is Pointless

Sweden beat USA in Hockey Monday night 2-1. Now when we talk about the arrogant bullies mocking the world, Sweden is a very small country compared to the USA. They have a much smaller population to draw from. One would think they wouldn't have a chance but they did and they won.

I had a second job on Cypress during the 2010 Winter Olympics. The head chefs were all from Australia but one of the administrators was an American. When the Olympics first started he would post a daily tally of how many gold medals US won compared to Canada bragging about how much better they were than the host country. We all just rolled our eyes and thought the guy was an idiot. The US has a huge population compared to Canada. Ironically enough Canada ended up getting more gold medals than the US which was shocking. We all kind of snickered because it finally shut the idiot up. 

Nobody likes bullies. Picking on smaller countries bragging about how great you are really isn't very appealing. Thursday night Canada goes up against the US in Boston. Now I like Boston. There are a lot of Irish in Boston but I don't like bullies.

If Canada loses on Thursday it won't really change anything. It doesn't make arrogance pretty or bullies right. It means we don't bow to bullies. Period. Win or lose. That's what it means. 

Sean Strickland supported Trump but now questions his vote because of Trump's position on Gaza. Trump's position on Gaza is tyrannical. Candace Owens agrees with Trump on many things but disagrees with him on Gaza. Blind obedience to evil is unhealthy. The Spartans were defeated by Xerxes's army but they never bowed to him. Threatening to destroy our economy and steal our sovereignty is not a joke. Lying about it is worse

Monday, February 17, 2025

Jewish American shoots Jewish tourists thinking they were Palastiians

NBC Miami is reporting that "New video and photos show the aftermath of what police said was an unprovoked shooting in Miami Beach that left father and son tourists from Israel hospitalized over the weekend. The shooting happened around 9:30 p.m. Saturday in the 4800 block of Pinetree Drive."

"The father and son, Yaron Rabi and Ari Rabi, were in a car when a gunman suddenly opened fire 17 times, leaving the car they were in riddled with bullets."

"The alleged shooter, 27-year-old Mordechai Brafman, was arrested on two counts of attempted second-degree murder. According to an arrest report, surveillance video showed Brafman drove past the victims and stopped directly in front of them, then got out of his car, stayed near the driver's side and started shooting at their vehicle as it drove past him."

"Brafman was later taken into custody. Authorities said the shooting was unprovoked, and Brafman does not know either man. While Brafman was in the interview view room with detectives, he 'spontaneously stated that while he was driving his truck, he saw two (2) Palestinians and shot and killed both,' the report said."

"Brafman appeared before a judge on Monday who ordered him held without bond. Meanwhile, the father and son, who are Jewish, said they're scared but happy to be alive."

The Guardian is reporting that "Further complicating the incident, one of the injured men reportedly posted 'death to the Arabs' in a message on social media after the shooting. 'My father and I went through a murder attempt against antisemitic background,' he wrote."

OK so the shooter, who is Jewish shot them because he thought they were Palestinians and the victims who were Jewish thought the shooter was Palestinian. This is more than a case of mistaken identity. This is bat sh*t crazy

The Times of Israel is reporting that "Ari Rabey, who was hit in the shoulder, later posted to his Facebook page about the shooting. 'Dear Jews,' he began and then explained that he was in Miami with his father. 'They tried to kill us for nationalistic reasons,' he wrote."

"Rabey went on to explain that his father had been wearing a yarmulke on his head when they were driving in the car at the time of the shooting."

Romanian Hells Angel jailed in US

Stuff dot co is reporting that "A founding member”of a Romanian Hells Angels chapter has been sentenced to 25 years imprisonment in the US after plotting to traffic hundreds of kilograms of cocaine alongside two Kiwis who remain on the run. Marius Lazar, 51, was sentenced earlier this year in Texas with Kiwi Hells Angels members Murray Michael Matthews and Marc Patrick Johnson still on the run."

"In May 2020, a US undercover special agent posed as a large-scale drug trafficker and received a message via an encrypted messaging application from double murderer Wen Hui Cui who was interested in buying a large amount of cocaine to ship to New Zealand." Encrypted messaging application. Phantom Secure, Anon or Sky EEC? They're all FBI honeypots. 

"During this meeting, they detailed how the cocaine would be shipped from Peru to Texas and then onto Romania. The final destination was New Zealand." Peru to Texas to Romania then New Zealand. That's the long way around.

Hamas concedes to the Palestinian Authority

The Times of Israel is reporting that "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated in a statement Monday that “there will be neither Hamas nor the Palestinian Authority” in Gaza after the war there ends, responding to unconfirmed Arab media reports that the terror group had agreed to hand over the reins of the Strip to the West Bank-based PA." 

It is crystal clear that not only did Mosaad create Hamas but they completely control it. The hostage exchange was complete theatrics. Look at Mossad in Congo. It's all about colonialism. That is not Zionism. That is something else. Netanyahu benefited from the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin. That was ungodly. There is nothing messianic about him.

Family Day - Fatal accident on Pattullo bridge

I forgot today was a holiday. I got dressed for work, made my lunch and was about to leave then I realized wait a sec. Today's a holiday isn't it? I don't have to go to work. What an idiot.

I'm not going to flog a dead horse about this American arrogance thing. Nobody likes a bully and nobody respects a bully. That's really all I have to say on the matter. Canada is different than America. We're not better we are different. 

Canada assisted in the First and Second world war because it was the right thing to do. It took a false flag attack against pearl harbour to get the Americans involved. Now they are leading the charge in trade wars and oil wars all around the world. Trump is bringing back colonialism and that is not a good thing.

Take a look at Vietnam and the Korean war. Canada assisted in Korea but not in Vietnam. How did that work out for you? A lot of Americans risked their lives and died for the freedom of other countries. That was noble. Bullying other countries and threatening to steal their sovereignty is not noble. There's no way to justify or rationalize that. 

Threatening to tariff small countries like Ireland is stupid. It makes things more expensive for Americans. I was leery of this America first movement from day one. It came across as me first f*ck the rest of the world. That's not very Christlike. 

The other day on the way home from work I saw a car trying to butt in line and I was going to close the gap until I saw he had a Washington plate on and was an American tourist. So I backed off and gave him some room thinking let's give the visitor some space. Then he was trying to butt in another line and no one was letting him in so he pulled out then cut right in as if to boldly declare me first. Everyone saw his plate and blasted on the horn. Another rude American loudly proclaiming me first. 

My father always used to say that's the kind of guy you want In front of you not tailgating you because they're going to cause an accident. He'd wisely say let him pass. 

On that note 6AK_TV posted a couple of dash cams of a fatal accident on the old Pattullo bridge. They always used to say that bridge was a death trap and I never understood what they meant. I commuted across that bridge during winter on my motorcycle when I attended chef school for my apprenticeship. 

I guess it's because there's no divider between oncoming traffic. If someone crosses over into oncoming traffic that can indeed be fatal but why would they do that?

The dash cam footage is from a semi driving along minding his own business then all of a sudden a testla spins out crossed over into his lane and causes an accident. 3 people died. That's not funny. The other footage is of the pile up after the crash

The speed limit coming around that corner on the bridge is about 50 K which is painfully slow but the testla was obviously flying way past that before he spun out of control. It was just another me first stupid move. We're not the only people on the planet, we're not the only people on the road. Pride kills.