Saturday, January 18, 2025

Sam Cooper's CSIS News Network

Someone sent me  a link to Sam Cooper's article on Substack called Emerald Haze about the Hells Angels and grow ops tied to politicians and China. Rollyeyes. 

Just so we put his report in context, Sam Cooper is a mouth piece for CSIS. In previous articles he was loud and proud about the fact that CSIS was his source. When you scan the headlines on his Substack it has CSIS written all over it.

Not to hate. I just want to put his comments into perspective so we can sift the truth from the lies. Sam Copper is all about the blame China for everything and ignore the CIA's long-standing connection to drug trafficking in North America and the Golden Triangle. (Terry Reed Compromised and The politics of Heroin by Alfred W. McCoy as well as Vietnam War Hero Bo Gritz. Lisa was in the audience at 0.12

CSIS is part of the Five Eyes. They support the CIA and MI 6's false narrative promoting the WEF which includes false flag attacks. The headline of one of his articles states "CSIS and Toronto police believe..." He doesn't hide his reprinting CSIS' position on issues. He's loud and proud about it. 

The Emerald Haze article starts off stating that "In October 2020, British Columbia police raided three agricultural properties, targeting Health Canada–regulated marijuana grow operations in Richmond—a once blue-collar farming community that, since the 1990s, has rapidly transformed into a hotbed of transnational narcotics trafficking and money laundering linked to China, Latin America, and the Middle East."

China and the Middle East? GMAFB. That's CSIS spin. It goes off on past history about licenced medical marijuana outlets producing more than they were allowed to which simply doesn't matter pot is legal now. 

Then he starts going off about Yad Kallu which the Richmond News has covered in detail twice. That's as far as Sam Coopers free version goes and that's as far as I'm going to read because I know it's all spin.

What is interesting and relevant is the Richmond News article tying this in with a billion dollar stock fraud involving Courtney Vasseur a BC Hells Angels Nomad which I reported on in 2022 and in 2023. The FBI are shady and the CIA are dirty. 

We saw in BC that former cops are part of a company that sells legal pot. They have a former Ontario cop on their team and they are trying to muscle the Hells Angels out of the business. If former cops can sell legal pot so can the Hells Angels and Clay Roueche. The number of former politicians, mayors and even premiers involved in legal pot now is staggering. Even Ly'n Brian Mulroney. If they can sell legal pot, so can the HAs.

CSIS provided the explosives for Air India. They lie. 

1 comment:

  1. "a hot bed of transnational".....that's some funny shit right there. Isn't the most salient characteristic of propaganda supposed to be that it's at least somewhat believable?


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