Sunday, January 12, 2025

Ramin Yektaparast's changing tatoos


Speaking of defamation, take a look at the tattoos on Ramin Yektaparast's left arm. On his left pec you can see a map of Iran with the word Iran in English. Why would it be in English? He was raised in Germany and spoke German. The fact that it's in English isn't that abnormal. He has script along his collar bone that says Expect No Mercy in English which is not unusual.  

On his left bicep you can see two hands holding something. On his left forehand you can see the top of the Hells Angels death head and between the two is an empty space.  

On his right arm there aren't many empty spaces but if you zoom in on his right shoulder you can see a small swastika. It's not a tattoo of a swastika, it's an empty space among his other tattoos. It's almost as though someone erased some of his other tats in the shape of a swastika with photoshop.

In real life you can easily cover tattoos but not erase them. Bikers do get tattooes of swastikas. They see it as rebellious I see it as deranged. I would say that it would be unusual for him to get a tattoo of a swastika growing up in Germany. Nazi symbols have been banned in Germany since 1949.

As I said before the German remorse for the Holocaust is very real. Hitler conned them with false flag attacks. First it was segregation. People knew Jews were being rounded up but they didn't know they were being executed. Many had their suspicions but by then it was too late. If you said anything they would kill you too. The false flag attacks trapped them into compliance. 

Later we see a new picture appear on the Internet showing the face of Hitler in the empty space on his left arm. I find that highly suspicious. Ramin was assassinated by Mossad. It's well within the realm of believability that the Intelligence community spiced up the defamation about him with photoshop.

This is another picture of his left arm showing the death head on his left forearm above the wrist and the wings extending up his forearm. This is totally believable since he became a member of the Hells Angels. However in this picture you can see the same spot on his lower bicep. It's covered now and there is no picture of Adolf Hitler. In that picture his short sleeve covers the top of his shoulder but it's higher than it was in the other photoshopped picture of the Hitler profile. 

The fake picture is found on a fake profile on X they made for him. This other picture is another view of his left lower bicep with no Hitler tat. When people go to that much effort to defame someone, it forces me to question their narrative.

This is another picture of the shaded swastika on his right shoulder. I don't think that's real. I think that's photoshop. It looks slightly different than the other photoshopped one. They're both crooked but in different directions.

So what do we really know about the guy. We know that at one time he was a member of the Bandidos in Germany and his whole crew patched over to become Hells Angels. 

We know that he had a Filthy Few patch and had been accused of murdering and dismembering a police informant. That's believable but I'm not sure the rest it. Drugs and prostitution, yes. Antisemitic attacks, no. I think that part is bullsh*t.

The Curious Case of the Kerman Attacks

Speaking of terrorist acts, "On Jan. 3, a twin blast killed more than 90 people and injured close to 200 in the Iranian city of Kerman, a few hundred meters from a ceremony commemorating Gen. Qasem Soleimani, the slain commander of the Quds Force, the division of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) responsible for foreign operations. It was the fourth anniversary of the U.S. drone strike that killed Soleimani, and Kerman was the general’s hometown."

Iran did not do that. Mossad and the CIA did. This is why the CIA's antisemitic false flag attacks in Germany are so offensive.


  1. Wow Watson. A dead Iranian terrorist's tattoos. Fuk dude. Fentanyl labs. 2 busted and 1 storehouse in Enderby. You ain't interested in doing anything worth a fuk vis-a-vis fentanyl produced here?

    1. That's kind of old news and you're still obsessing over the guy you lost a gigantic defamation award to. It would be prudent to choose your battles. On a side note, you might want to check how that looks on other browsers. The text in the middle is vertical not horizontal.


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