Monday, January 20, 2025

Vancouver Hells Angels clubhouse up for sale

Castanet is reporting that "Solicitor General Garry Begg announced the government has put the former gang clubhouse of the Hells Angels up for sale after more than a decade of legal proceedings over its seizure." 

"It's among three Hells Angels' clubhouses — in Vancouver, Kelowna and Nanaimo — that were ordered forfeited in February 2023 in what Begg calls a major victory for public safety and a severe blow against organized crime." 

Kelowna Cap News is reporting that "The sale, when completed, will include a right of entry, a legal tool authorizing the Civil Forfeiture Office to take the property back if it is ever acquired and used by organized crime in the future."

1 comment:

  1. I really can't imagine anyone who knows anything about East Ends history wanting to live in that house.


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