Monday, January 27, 2025

Donald Trump's interim report card: As and Fs

I know it's a bit early for an interim report card but since things are moving at a fast and furious pace, we need to stop and analyze what he has done right and what he has done wrong.

Pardoning the J6ers: A+ The punitive way they were denied the right to a fair trial was shameful. Denying them their Constitutional rights because they were deemed terrorists was a sleazy move. History has recorded that. 

Declassifying the JFK, RFK, and MLK Jr. files: A The CIA will never release them but it's a step in the right direction. 

Helping negotiate a cease fire in Gaza: A+

Promoting and end to the war in the Ukraine: A+

Threatening a military invasion of Greenland: F

Sh*ting on Canada your neighbor and Ally: F-

Addressing the WEF like they matter: F

Promoting Bill Gates' Stargate: F

What we are witnessing is a whole lot of extremism right out of the gate. Extreme good and extreme evil. I think the biggest problem we are witnessing is the defiant abuse of power. The American people elected a whole lot of representatives and none of them are being consulted on any of these rash moves. 

Trashing Justin Trudeau was funny but trashing Canada is not. It's rude and offensive. Threatening us with tariffs if we don't become a state is mentally deranged. Threatening the use of military force to take Greenland is mentally deranged.

When Trump was president he joked about wanting to buy Greenland. Denmark said sorry, it's not for sale. That was the end of it. Now all of a sudden he won't let it go. This is when he needs to stop talking because instead of sounding like a patriot he is sounding like a raging lunatic.

The same with Canada becoming a state. Once is funny, twice is not. Three times is insane. Then he starts pissing on the world threatening to tariff everyone if they don't start investing in America. Investing in America? How about boycotting America. 

Trump says he doesn't need Canada. OK I guess he doesn't need us to buy your sh*t then. I guess you don't need us to buy your cars, trucks, boats and motorcycles. I guess no one in the world does because Trump doesn't need anyone. 

I have to admit, I didn't see this coming. One of the reasons Trump had so many haters before is because they saw him as a loose cannon. Right now his erratic behavior is validating all those previous concerns. Now we're all questioning as to whether or not this guy should have the nuclear codes. 

Don't get me wrong, Biden was bad and so was Kamala but they were just puppets for a greater evil. Breaking that grip was good. However, Trumps support for Bill Gates and the WEF is a slap in the face of every patriot that voted for him.

This is why I stressed caution. Blind faith in anyone is blind. Everyone needs to be accountable. That's why we have the Constitution. To keep elected officials accountable to the people who elected them. Trump's recent demand that Egypt and Jordan taking millions of Palestinian refugees from Gaza is straight out of the Twilight Zone. 

October 7th was an orchestrated event. It could not have happened unless Netanyahu made it possible. Mosaad created Hamas to push Fatah out of Gaza after the PLO agreed to a ceasefire. They assassinated Yitzhak Rabin to pave the way for Netanyahu's defiant violation of the commandments in his Greater Israel expanded borders. That is an abomination. 

Just like sexually assaulting prisoners is. Just like killing civilians and children with drones after bombing a safe zone was. Just like assassinating aid workers was. 

Now Trump wants to endorse all that by sending all the residents of Gaza to Egypt and Jordan so his son in law can sell beach front stolen property in Gaza. That is an abomination. 

It's a horrible thing to say and it's an even more horrible thing to do. This life is a test. They say circumstances don't make the man they reveal him to himself and to the rest of the world. 

Saying such a horrible thing reveals Trump's despicable character. Trump has become an arrogant bully. God did not save his life for that. Trump has been swept away by his pride.

"We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all men, as soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion. Hence many are called, but few are chosen." Donald Trump failed his test. 

History will not remember him as a patriot, history will remember him as a lunatic. There's a religious artist that paints all these magnificent portraits of Trump as a noble figure. If I had purchased one of those portraits before he lost his mind, I would now throw it in the garbage. His nobility has been lost and all that remains is an arrogant bully. History has recorded that. 


  1. Good to see you waking up to what a lot of people saw coming with trump. To believe a man whose shown his whole life to have a very weak character was going to be the great change shows how desperate society is becoming to see change. Unfortunately the only change will come when people wake up and put the power of numbers to produce change. Canada has lots of opportunities to start this but if we keep going on this path we are doomed for failure

    1. I still support the democratic process. Trump broke the grip the far left had. RFK will bring things into balance next term.

  2. Lol boy you are clueless. Trump has done alot more good than bad. But then again you probably vote NDP in B.C

    1. Do I didn't. I live in Surrey and voted Conservative. You are a cult member. Every elected official needs to be accountable,. It's possible to agree with some of the things Trump does but also disagree with some other things he does. Especially when some of those things are so mentally deranged. Like using the military to invade Greenland or tariff Canada for not becoming a US State. That's crazy and denying that is crazy.

  3. In the future, you will make identical comments regarding Pierre Poilievre.

    1. Not to this extreme. He will no doubt eventually swing too far Harper and lose his support but not as fast as Trump has.

  4. I agree with your grades, Trump has done and will do some good things, but really he just wants 100 % power. That's a scary thing! It's a slippery slope!.


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