Sunday, January 19, 2025

Quebec Hells Angel Associate killed with child in car

La Press is reporting that "A 37-year-old man, who is believed to be connected to a subordinate Hells Angels club, was shot dead in his vehicle, while his child was in the back seat, Wednesday morning in Saint-Charles-Borromée, near Joliette, northeast of Montreal." The suspect was on a bicycle

"According to sources, the victim, Antoine de Margerie-Blais, is linked to or may have belonged to the Full Metal motorcycle club in the Pointe-aux-Trembles district of Montreal, which supports the Hells Angels." They imply it was an internal purge not a rival as is the Dirty Newz.

The Dirty News is reporting that "Less than an hour later, a fully-patched HAMC member would be target to an attempted murder." That was Alexandre Maltais. A Quebec Hells Angel in charge of the drugs on the North Shore, in the Sept-Îles region." His car was shot at but he survived.

1 comment:

  1. Zero pucks given if they want to off each other it’s the innocent lives of bystanders or the child who will now be another fatherless figure. Not first time won’t be the last. Wpg’s Kevin Sylvester pulled alongside MB hells member Rod Sweeney tow truck he was operating back in early 2000’s. Sweeneys young son sat in truck as Sylvester unloaded several rounds while Sweeney screamed not in front of my kid. Fortunately for Sweeney & his kid the survived as did Sylvester when Sweeney’s brother Dale, also a MB hells member attempted to kill Sylvester in broad daylight on portage ave in a running gun battle


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