Sunday, January 19, 2025

Quebec Hells Angel Associate killed with child in car

La Press is reporting that "A 37-year-old man, who is believed to be connected to a subordinate Hells Angels club, was shot dead in his vehicle, while his child was in the back seat, Wednesday morning in Saint-Charles-Borromée, near Joliette, northeast of Montreal." The suspect was on a bicycle

"According to sources, the victim, Antoine de Margerie-Blais, is linked to or may have belonged to the Full Metal motorcycle club in the Pointe-aux-Trembles district of Montreal, which supports the Hells Angels." They imply it was an internal purge not a rival as is the Dirty Newz.

The Dirty News is reporting that "Less than an hour later, a fully-patched HAMC member would be target to an attempted murder." That was Alexandre Maltais. A Quebec Hells Angel in charge of the drugs on the North Shore, in the Sept-Îles region." His car was shot at but he survived.


  1. Zero pucks given if they want to off each other it’s the innocent lives of bystanders or the child who will now be another fatherless figure. Not first time won’t be the last. Wpg’s Kevin Sylvester pulled alongside MB hells member Rod Sweeney tow truck he was operating back in early 2000’s. Sweeneys young son sat in truck as Sylvester unloaded several rounds while Sweeney screamed not in front of my kid. Fortunately for Sweeney & his kid the survived as did Sylvester when Sweeney’s brother Dale, also a MB hells member attempted to kill Sylvester in broad daylight on portage ave in a running gun battle

    1. Yeah that's all f*cked up. A bunch of trailer park boys messing up kids.

  2. What is going on in Montreal? It’s crazy out there

    1. Yeah, I don't know. I guess it's untimely the trickle down effect of the big transformation thanks to Wally the Weasel Standnick. Mom Boucher and the Quebec HAs always supported the Rizzutos in Montreal while the Ontario Village Idiots supported the Calabrians out of Hamilton.

      Walter 5' 4" Stadnick was an Anglaphone from Hamilton residing in Montreal kissing Mom Bucher's a*s. He was supporting both side of the conflict until Mom and Vito were killed. Then he seized the opportunity to convince the Quebec charter to betray the Rizzutos and support the Calabrians out of Hamilton. That's what this is all about.

      Greg Wooley supported the Rizzutos so Standnick authorized his murder along with Greg's supporters. I wonder what happened to the Bo Gars. They killed the Bo Gars leader that slapped Greg Wooley. I guess they're working with them now:

    2. When is Jack Simpson getting his patch? He can be a shooter for the club at 82

    3. Yeah I don't know. Must be one of Wally's pals:

    4. He could be a shooter though. He's got nothing to lose. Like Eldridge in Finest kind who was terminally ill and shot the drug dealers harassing his son:

      If a young kid can pull a trigger so can an old man. However, it would be a shame for Jack to make it through life that long only to blow it on a senseless murder in support of the drug dealers. It's not worth losing your soul over.

  3. "in charge of drugs on the north shore".... they knew that, yet he wasn't in prison. Amazing.

  4. Is Martin Robert in charge in Quebec ?

    1. I don't know, I'm from Surrey. Somebody in Edmonton mentioned a guy named Dexter a while ago. The Dirty News has a guy writing for them from Quebec. Martin struck me as a nice guy. A voice of reason who married a freaking Mohawk princess. The cops burned down his mother in law's legal grow and that CSIS podcaster was defaming him so that made me pretty suspicious. I just think he's a good guy who happens to be a member. I don't think he's involved with all that crazy petty sh*t. I think Stadnick behind all that. Pauline Johnson was a Mohawk princess from Ontario who came to Vancouver and recorded the local legends in a book. My father used to read them to me when I was a kid. He'd take me to the Pauline Johnson stone memorial hidden in the trees at third Beach in Stanley Park. That is the ancestral spirit.

  5. Does Bc have the mafia here like Quebec and Ontario?

    1. No. Commercial drive is just a cool place showcasing the Italian community.

  6. Are the Calabrian’s powerful in Hamilton?

    1. Yeah. They run Hamilton but their influence extends to Montreal now.

  7. Don’t even bother trying to figure out what’s going on in Quebec, too many wars , truces , etc, gang members are pushing back against the mc’s , they don’t want to pay tax anymore, can’t blame them, they already make money off supplying and then want 10 percent of earnings , one gang member found a tracking device on his vehicle, blamed Quebec HA for trying to kill him , that’s when they said fuck you were not dealing with you anymore , and Quebec City problems and Montreal problems are loosely connected

    1. Yes 10% on top of what they get for selling the product is as you say a double dip but it sure as hell is better then ending up dead and all the insane violence. All that stupidity over 10%. Someone else won't charge the 10% but they'll raise the price of the product they sell you 20% so it will be a hidden tax. Greed kills. On both sides.

  8. For sure I can’t agree with you more


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