Monday, January 13, 2025

Microsoft chooses infamous nuclear site for AI power

BBC is reporting that "America's Three Mile Island energy plant, the site of the worst nuclear accident in US history, is preparing to reopen as Microsoft looks for ways to satisfy its growing energy needs. The tech giant said it had signed a 20-year deal to purchase power from the Pennsylvania plant, which would reopen in 2028 after improvements." 

"The agreement is intended to provide the company with a clean source of energy as power-hungry data centres for artificial intelligence (AI) expand. The plan will now go to regulators for approval." Nuclear power is not clean. That is fake news and fake science. Nuclear waste is impossible to dispose of safely. 

Corporate Comunists like the WEF push nuclear power because they have an agenda. Nuclear weapons and nuclear accidents reduce world population. Hydroelectric power is clean. Nuclear power is not. Nuclear power also fuels the arms race and gives countries the technology and the materials to make nuclear weapons. India was able to make nuclear weapons from Canadian CANDU reactors.

Bill Gates is a raging lunatic. He is obsessed with vaccines and over population. He was caught spiking tetanus vaccines in Kenya with a sterilization drug just like Netanyahu did in Israel for Ethiopian refugees. Without their knowledge.

When rich people fund Communism it's not to share their wealth. It's to increase their wealth by turning consumers into slaves. Glen Beck exposes the playbook.


  1. Any of these people with this much money who start thinking they need to address "the rest of us" are a threat to the rest of us. Gates is a loon, a quick look at ANY of the issues he supports should make the average person nervous. You need to eat some lab grown crap they tru to make taste like steak. Why? Well, we have to feed all those people we're not going to have around because we're going to address "overpopulation". Makes perfect nonsense. Why do so many of these people turn into WEF Bond villains? If I had even a fraction of his money you'd never hear from me again, I'd be too busy living a great life, not selling this fake story about my philanthropy benefiting the human race when it's really all in support of a sick twisted delusion.

  2. Money breeds power. And most filthy rich people can’t help themselves. He should have all assets/bank accounts frozen pending forensics audits and charged with crimes against humanity. An example needs to be set.

    1. Or we could simply not listen to him any more.

    2. LOL, or we could do that. Problem is, he can afford to pay people to listen to him, to agree with him, and to do his bidding at a level that supports his kookiness when the rest of us are just trying to support a family and a ravenous government.


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