Colion Noir recently did a review of the Desert Eagle and I think it's worth discussing. For most the Desert Eagle is the coveted addition to any gun collection. Yet he talks about why he hates that gun after finally firing it.
He said the recoil was very unpleasant. Obviously the Desert Eagle initially came in two sizes .357 and .44 magnum. The .50 cal was an afterthought and that seems to be what everyone obsesses over. I've never shot a .50 cal and I have no desire to do so. For me .22 is too small and .50 cal is too big. I like anything and everything in between.
It turns out Colion got a .50 cal. No wonder it has massive recoil. I read somewhere that a .50 cal has 38% more recoil than a .44 which is significant. For me that would be like the difference between firing a .44 pistol and a 12 gauge shotgun with a pistol grip. I found the .44 fine but I found the the pistol grib on a 12 gauge shotgun very uncomfortable. I didn't like it. I mush prefer to shoulder a shotgun.
Colion showed a clip of him firing a .44 Ruger Red hawk and how much he liked it. My range buddy has one and I tried it. The first thing I noticed was the balance. My Smith and Wesson .44 is evenly balanced. His Red hawk is very noticeably top heavy. They do that for a reason. To stop the muzzle from going up.
Colion said he used to laugh at a video of a girl firing a Desert Eagle and the barrel recoiled up and hit her in the head. He said now he understands why that happens. That's why the Ruger Red hawk is top heavy. To reduce that muzzle flip.
We've all heard the story of the cop who tried firing a Dessert Eagle for the first time with one hand. It's a semi automatic not a revolver. As soon as he fired one shot the muzzle flip forced it strait up and the recoil cause him to fire a second shot by accident. That recoil caused him to accidentally fire two more shots. He ended up firing one shot down range and three into the ceiling. That was very unsafe.
The moral of the story is if you're firing a Desert Eagle for the first time use both hands and only load one round in the magazine. Especially if you're starting off with a .50 cal.
Double action revolvers are much safer in the sense that because they are double action it's much harder to fire a second or third shot into the ceiling by accident. That's more of a concern with semi automatics.
The best thing to do is not waste your time with a .50 cal pistol. It's not accurate because of the recoil. It's like the big rock versus small rock scene in Braveheart.
The Desert Eagle is a very large and heavy pistol. That means in .357 or .44 the weight of the gun would help offset the recoil. A .357 Desert Eagle should be fine. I was at DVC many years ago and they had a Tommy gun converted to single shot. I was surprised at how heavy it was. It fired a .45 but because the firearm was so heavy there was very little recoil and it was surprisingly accurate.
A word on Gun Ownership and Mass Shootings
With all the insane government over reach we've seen there is a lot of push back on gun ownership. Gang members don't use legally obtained registered firearms to commit a crime. They use illegal unregistered firearms. They call them throw aways because they can't be traced so the leave them at the scene. The reason they do that is so they aren't caught with it later on.
Mass shooting are a bit different because it revolves around someone who is mentally unstable. A coworker asked me what's to stop me from using one of my guns if someone pisses me off. My first answer was simple. Legal gun owners are meticulous about the rules because gun ownership is so sacred to them they don't want to lose that privilege.
The example I gave was road rage. I said if I get in a fight with someone I automatically second guess myself because if I was to get charged with assault I'd lose all my guns. I avoid conflict simply because I don't want to lose my guns.
However, after thinking about it there's another reason. What's to stop me from using my guns on someone that's pissed me off? Me. Do you have knives in your home? Have you ever had a desire to fatally stab someone with those knives? What's stopping you? You are.
I've had huge chef knives since I was 19 and I have never had a desire to stab someone with those knives my entire life. Now I will agree guns are a bit different because they are so easy to fire. Fatally stabbing someone is very violent but pulling a trigger is relatively easy. That's why I say you never pick up a firearm in anger. That's why we have safety training.
Control the muzzle. Never point a firearm at someone. Ever. The Americans have a different rule. They say never point a firearm at something you don't intend to kill or destroy. That's a bit excessive but it reinstills the seriousness of pointing a firearm at someone.
I was at the gun store a while ago before the hand gun freeze and I was looking at pistols. I picked one up and sighted it to see how it felt in my hand. Someone working behind the counter walked towards the path of the gun I was holding so I lowered it and asked where's a safe firing direction.
The person behind the counter showing me the gun said point it at me. I know it's unloaded. I just shook my head and said I am not pointing an unloaded firearm at you. I won't do it. That's the way I was trained. Years ago my daughter had a friend over visiting from the States.
She said oh I took that firearm course back home. They taught us when you shoot someone you have to shoot to kill. My daughter and I both looked at each other in shock and I said our firearm training in Canada is a bit different. Control the muzzle, finger off the trigger, always assume the firearm is loaded. Our training is to prevent accidental discharges so we don't kill anyone.
Mass Shooting that are Orchestrated
My coworker was concerned about mass shootings. He said someone did a mass shooting with a handgun in England and they banned handguns. They haven't had a mass shooting since. My first response was I didn't think you were allowed to own guns in England. That's why stabbings are so common.
However, the whole idea of a mass shooting with a handgun is pretty unrealistic. Our pistol magazines are pinned at 10 rounds. Yes you can get over capacity magazine illegally but how many do you have. Revolvers are usually just 5 or 6 rounds and are very slow to reload.
Semi automatic pistols are very fast but once you run out of magazines, reloading a semiautomatic pistol magazine is slower than reloading a revolver.
Steven Seagal once said he thinks many of the mass shootings in the US are orchestrated. So do I. Take the Orlando shooting. There was way too many rounds fired for there to have been just one shooter. It was ridiculous. The guy they claimed did it was a Gay Muslim. Why would a Gay Muslim shoot up a Gay bar he frequented. It didn't make sense. He was just someone they shot and blamed it on.
The only motive for that shooting was gun control. The leftists want to ban the AR 15 so they orchestrated an event to justify banning it. Just like the Nova Scotia mass shooting. Other than gun control that mass shooting had no motive. There were also a dozen other shady things associated with that shooting.
The shooter had been paid a large sum of money from the RCMP. Two plain clothes RCMP officers were caught red handed shooting up a fire hall where civilians were being protected during the lock down. That was obvious.
Then there's that police agent from Nova Scotia who was involved with that fake cartel bust in Edmonton, released early from prison only to help orchestrate the Nova Scotia mass shooting. That whole thing was shady.
Even that bank robbery on Vancouver Island that wasn't a bank robbery. They robbed the bank then waited for the police to arrive to have a shootout with the police. That was bizarre. It made no sense. Gun control was the only motive.
That was the one where the media posted a picture of a forensic manikin and said it was a dead body. It was all very strange.
Different Opinions on Gun Ownership
One of the reasons I'm so passionate about gun ownership is because I see the Intelligence community's obsession to remove that right. When I see them orchestrate mass shootings to justify their agenda that makes me very concerned.
Having said that, I realize different people are going to have different opinions. My lawyer friend supports gun control, I do not. He's not my enemy. He's smart and has his own opinion. Nobody likes mass shootings.
My coworker that asked what's stopping me from using my guns on someone that pissed me off. Although he's starting to support Trump and Pierre Poilievre, he's not comfortable with gun ownership because of mass shootings. I respect his opinion.
For me it's important but it's not crazed. I've heard some people say what it's going to take is for some people to get in a shootout with the police when they come to confiscate legally obtained firearms. My response is no it's not. That's exactly what they want. They want some wacko to have a shoot out with the police to justify taking them all away forever.
I believe in the rule of law. If they make a law banning certain firearms I'm going to vote against that law and against any politician who supports that law. I'm not going to shoot a cop for enforcing that law. Aside from target shooting and hunting the purpose of gun ownership is self defense. As Candace Owens said growing up when the racists would shoot at her home, her grandfather would shoot back.
Sailor's rights. Protection of persons and property. If ANTIFA or a mob of lawless thugs start rioting and looting in theory your firearms are to protect your family and property from them. If they riot with the police then we outflank them and support the police. We support law and order.
We never get in a shootout with the police. Ever. Even if the police become corrupt. If the police become corrupt then we surrender our weapons and sue the police. We support law and order. We don't cross that line and endorse crazy. We endorse logic, reason and morality. That is what we endorse.
Desert Eagles suck for another reason in addition to all the reasons you listed. They're not reliable. Everyone is impressed by this gun until they shoot it, or try to.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure that's true. The Jericho is considered the baby eagle and they are very reliable. So is the Masada. .357 Desert Eagle should be fine. .357 also fires a .38 special which is like a 9 mm.
DeleteTaking handguns away in the UK (after the Dunblane School shooting) solved nothing, the use of knives has replaced them.
ReplyDelete"The tighter your grasp, the more will slip through your fingers".
I guess that was the shooting he was talking about. Evidently the guy had two 9 mm semi automatic pistols and two .357 revolvers. He killed 15 students, one teacher, injured an additional 15 others before killing himself. So that's 31 rounds with zero misses. That means he fired a lot more than that.
Delete"He shot P.E. teacher Eileen Harrild who was injured in her arms and chest as she attempted to protect herself and continued shooting into the gym." OK that was at least three rounds on her alone plus others into the gym.
How many 9 mm magazines did he have for the two semi automatics? Reloading revolvers is very slow and reloading 9 mm magazines is even slower. If you have a knife or a machete the number of kids you can kill is unlimited.
It also says he was carrying 743 ammunition cartridges. He can't fire rifle ammunition from a pistol. The number of shots it claims he fired is huge. After shooting at a kid and missing he fired an additional 24 shots randomly. Obviously that shooting was horrific but I question the motive. His body was cremated without an autopsy.
Since mass shootings relate directly to gun control legislation, it's pretty obvious that the Intelligence community, who advocate for gun control, would orchestrate a mass shooting to justify their gun control agenda. In that case it's pretty obvious they threw in a couple of revolvers simply because they wanted to ban revolvers.
DeleteAs for the spook, you are not welcome here. Find some other pasture to pollute.
ReplyDeleteNo you give it a rest. F*ck off means F*ck off. This isn't a time out this is a game over. You refuse to respect boundaries. That confirms that there is nothing to discuss. Period.