Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The Political wrecking ball of extremism

Penguin Random House just sent me another book on organized crime to review and I still haven't reviewed the last one they sent so I better get on that. 

However, before I do, I just want to summarize the extremism on both sides we've seen before I move on. 

As I keep repeating Trump has done some awesome things but he has also done some crazy things and we need to recognize that. As Joel Skousen pointed out, historically Trump was never a Conservative. He was a businessman with friends like Hillary Clinton which as we all saw went bad.

I have referred to the changing political tide to a pendulum on a clock that swings back and forth from left to right. Extreme left and extreme right are the same. 

Conservative really means moderate. To dress conservatively would mean to dress modestly. So the real definition of conservative is one who avoids extremism. 

This last political cycle has been extreme. The left has been so far left and the right has been so far right, they're both like a Miley Cyrus wrecking ball video. Trump is riding that wrecking ball right into the realms of intergalactic space. 

Invading Greenland and insisting Canada become a State is mentally deranged and the right wing podcasters who can't see that are part of a cult. The left used to say MAGA was a cult and I rejected that. However, if you can't admit that Trump's threat to use military force to take Greenland or blackmail Canada into becoming a state is crazy, then you're part of a cult. There's no free thinking in it. We all saw the left was a cult. 

It was blind and extreme. So today's analogy portrays the left wing extremists and the right wing extremists as two wrecking balls both working for the WEF to destroy our society so they can create order amidst the chaos. Their order with their rules which doesn't include civil liberty or property rights.

Everyone is talking about Canada's response to Trump's tariffs. My response is this: no response. Start trading with other countries instead. Justin Trudeau and Doug Ford have lost their mind. They're still pushing the WEF Agenda of creating an energy crisis to cause mass inflation. 

Mark Carney is another WEF zombie. He's more shrewd than Chrystia Freeland but he has the same agenda. Doug Ford says Alberta should put Canada first and consider a ban on Alberta oil to the US in response to Trump's tariffs. That is criminally insane. First, it punishes us not them by reducing our revenue. Second it will bring BC to a grinding halt with empty grocery stores and a national emergency like we have never seen. 

BC sends unrefined Alberta oil to the US and buys refined oil back from the US. If we stop sending the US refined Alberta oil, BC is completely cut off. There's no gas at the pumps and no food in the grocery stores. That would be a very bad idea. We need to build a refinery in BC. That's obvious.

As I previously said Canada putting tariffs on US food imports in retaliation to Trump's tariffs would be a very bad idea. It would punish Canadian consumers by raising the price of food more than it already is and it would punish American farmers which is exactly what the WEF wants. The WEF attacks farming to create world food shortages.

We could put tariffs on American cars, trucks, boats and motorcycles. That would make America's economy suffer. But why would we want to do that?  We're mad at Trump not them. So my advice is do nothing. Just trade with other countries instead and weather the storm. Four years and he's out. 

Balancing the extremes between the left and right is called equilibrium. Also known as enlightenment. The WEF push the extremes to justify their agenda. Don't be fooled by the circus. 


  1. Good article dennis your message is getting better the past few weeks. Keep it up with the mostly moderate articles but would recommend even though they are extreme leftist you need to address them on a level of humanity to help those see that they are still looked at with a person not a opinion.but your on the right track. Also looking forward to hearing the reviews of the books you got sent

    1. I think it's natural to dehumanize the far left and the far right because it's so hard to understand how they could possibly endorse such an extreme conclusion. It's like QAnon, Sovereign citizens and flat earthers. Yes, they're people but it's really hard for me to relate to them. ANTIFA were crazed bullies running around like they were possessed. However, I think most people reject either extreme. Most people fall somewhere in the middle which isn't a bad thing it's a sensible balanced thing.

  2. The Turd has literally run this country into the ground but Trump is now the focal point of Canadians.

    It's no wonder we have such an idiot as PM.

    It doesn't take much to distract Canadians.

    1. When someone threatens to use military intervention to invade a neighbor and threatens to ruin our economy so they can destroy our sovereignty, it's pretty easy to get distracted by that.

    2. I guess in the end the "economy didn't take care of itself."

      Canada just might want to start looking at the importance of an economy from within.

      We export way too many natural resources that we don't put any secondary value into. In many cases we actually buy the raw materials back after they have been refined or assembled.

      The Turds plan of open season on immigration didn't quite get the economic results he was so entrenched in.

      Canada has a lot to learn about sovereignty and independence in today's world.

      Globalism has made a self reliant country not so self reliant anymore.

      Exporting all the natural resources and importing all commercial goods has left the Canadian economy completely vulnerable to outside nations and their influence.


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