OK I probably shouldn't comment on this because it involves two completely unrelated scandals that I pretty much know nothing about. However, before I even begin to sift through all the complicated drama I will say a few things.
Wherever there is truth, there is opposition defaming it and preventing that truth from being revealed. Christ said if they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much shall they call them of his household?
So what does that mean? Wait 'till I tell ye. Beelzebub is another word for the devil. Christ told his apostles that if they have said he was sent from the devil, they'll say the same thing about them. After Judas committed suicide they called Mathias to take his place. After that every single one of the 12 apostles were martyred for their testimony. What was their testimony?
Each one of the 12 apostles testified of Christ's resurrection. Remember the story of doubting Thomas? Christ appeared to the apostles in the upper room where Thomas felt the nail prints in his hands and thrust his hands into Christ's side there by becoming a first hand witness of the resurrection.
Stephen wasn't an apostle but he was an ordained missionary. Right before he was martyred he claimed to have a vision where he saw Jesus standing at the right hand of God. The religious leaders then stoned him for blasphemy. Paul killed a lot of Christians for blasphemy before his dramatic conversion.
So that's opposition from without, but there is also opposition from within. David was an important servant of God yet he was not without sin. David made two big mistakes. One was bigger than the other. First he committed adultery, then he committed murder. David's opposition came from within. Temptation.
I'm not even going to get into the Daystar drama. It's far too complicated for me to even listen to. For that I'll simply point you to Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson. She's been talking about it nonstop for a while now. It's some kind of sexual abuse cover up involving a Christian television network.
I've always been leery of TV evangelists. I remember when I was very young I was flipping through the channels on television and I saw a white TV evangelist with a trumpet in his hand parading around an altar full of money. He was like put one hand on the TV and the other hand on your wallet then send in your donations. It freaked me out.
I quickly changed the channel before he got struck by lightening. It was complete blasphemy. Having said that, I see one of the Wikipedia references about Daystar mention the term prosperity theologian. To me that's another word for anti Christ. It's blasphemy. On that note I used to work with a Christian who was a musician. They used to call him Dutchy.
He was also a Calvinist. I was like really? I've never met a Calvinist in real life before. He was a really good guy. He was smart, had a sharp wit and was cuttingly sarcastic. I liked him. He wrote a song called Parade about three Jimmies. Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Baker and Jim Jones. He felt all three were the same. The song says I once saw a Jimmy leading a parade... then he says I wish you'd move your side show from my front door. It was very well done.
As for Laura Lynn I think she's sincere. I respect her. No doubt she's born again and thinks Mormons are of the devil but I won't hold that against her. Alma 5 talks about being born of God but I personally avoid born agains like the plague.
Many of them believe if you say I believe in Jesus you are saved no matter what you do after that. I do not. I believe as ye sow, so shall ye reap and that faith without works is dead.
Then there's the Mica Miller story. I just came across it after a blog reader mentioned Jamie Dlux who covered it. She was the wife of a pastor in Texas who committed suicide. That story is both sad and complicated. I support religious freedom.
I don't hate on Muslims. I respect all religions that teach people to do good including the Sikh faith. Guy's like Ian Paisley and the Bible answer man I reject. They preach hate and as Martin Luther King said, I've seen too much hate to want to hate.
As for the Mica Miller case a 911 call and surveillance video of her purchasing a firearm at a pawn shop would confirm she committed suicide but why? The 911 call was very disturbing. Especially after she made previous 911 calls about her husband's domestic violence convictions.