Sunday, February 16, 2025

Redd Alert member sentenced to 13 years for murder

Last month the Edmonton Journal reported that "A low-level member of Edmonton’s Redd Alert street gang has been sentenced to 13 years in prison for manslaughter after a hearing that delved into the group’s history and influence."

"Kody Shortneck, 30, pleaded guilty last year to shooting Thomas Richard Russell on orders from gang higher-ups, admitting he fired a shotgun blast at Russell’s legs in the basement of a central Edmonton home."

"While the gang intended only to maim Russell, he quickly died of blood loss. The house was burned down to destroy evidence." OK hold on a second. Shooting a guy in the leg with a small caliber bullet is a whole lot different than blowing his legs off with a shotgun at close range. Not very smart.  

One thing the article later mentioned is the obvious. Redd Alert work for the Edmonton Hells Angels. Remember that. 

"Russell, 32, was a beloved father who fell into addiction and street life. He suffered delusions, including that he was the leader of Redd Alert, despite having no affiliation with the gang. This irked Redd Alert’s actual leaders, who branded him a snitch. They ordered Shortneck to give Russell a 'leg warmer' — a gunshot to the leg." With a shotgun? GMAFB.

"Russell was lured to a home in Edmonton’s Eastwood neighbourhood on Jan. 22, 2022. Once inside, a group emerged including a senior Redd Alert member with a 12-gauge shotgun. He ordered Russell into the basement and told Shortneck to “take care of it.” When Shortneck said 'no,' he was held at gunpoint and threatened. Feeling he had no choice, Shortneck took the shotgun and went downstairs."

The senior member gave him the shotgun and told him to take care of it. Either the intent to wound was a lie, or the senior member is a complete idiot. Was the senior member charged? No he was not. Was the Edmonton Hells Angel that oversees the Redd Alert ever charged? No he was not. So we still have white drug dealers exploiting Natives to do their dirty work.

Kody Shortneck was under a firearm ban at the time. Gun control doesn't work because criminals don't obey the law. 


  1. What a sad story. This stuff needs to end. It may be that we need to "end" a few people to accomplish it. If we pick the right ones, it will. For all my life we have been on this road, and I'm tired of it. I don't think I'm the only one, and I don't think a real life sentence is too harsh. As in, you never come out again. Your replacement the same, and so on. "Zero tolerance". For real. Only when such people are removed from normal society will the innocent have the peace their taxes pay for.

    1. Nope. Giving this kid lethal injection won't stop the people who ordered the hit.

  2. These people aren't smart enough to know what a femoral artery is.

    1. Yes but anyone with a brain knows blowing someone's legs off means they are going to bleed out instantly. You don't kneecap someone with a shotgun.

  3. I'd say senior leadership knew this would be the outcome most native boys are raised to know how to use a firearm for hunting and should know the difference between popping someone in the leg with a .22 vs a shotgun buck shot or slug. Regardless shortneck was forced to commit murder and the one responsible walk free to do it again

    1. One would think. Yes, he was forced to do it and the ones that forced him aren't even charged. That's how IHIT does business.

    2. It could have been bird shot for all we know. A lot of people, never having shot one at a paper target (known as "patterning") don't realize that the shot column only spreads at a rate of roughly an inch per meter of distance to the target, depending on what kind of choke the barrel has. They were in a basement. If the shooter was 3 meters way, all those pellets are concentrated in a circle only 3 inches in diameter.

  4. How powerful are the native gangs ? I heard thay more active in Winnipeg and Saskatchewan

    1. The only two that I know of are the Manitoba Warriors and Redd Alert. Redd Alert sell drugs for the Edmonton Hells Angels. Manitoba Warriors are their rivals. As you say, I think they're pretty big in Winnipeg and Saskatchewan. The Hells Angels have other puppet clubs out there to rival the MW.

    2. Lots and lots of puppets.


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