Monday, February 3, 2025

Jarrod Bacon formally enters Witness Protection - Update


Post Media News is reporting that "A notorious Bacon brother is back behind bars after a shooting in Fort Nelson. Jarrod Bacon, one of three Abbotsford brothers who were once part of the Red Scorpion gang, has been charged with aggravated assault in connection with the Jan. 29 shooting. Article content Article content A bail hearing is scheduled for the afternoon of Feb. 4 at the courthouse in Williams Lake."

That is ridiculous. Notorious? Get a life. The three little piggies were never notorious. Jamie Bacon was a clown who couldn't go to the gym without a bodyguard. Jonathon was a preppy b*tch and Jarrod was just a jealous kid with unresolved anger. 

Notice the article says former member of the Red Scorpions. I posted the audio of Jamie Bacon trying to convince Mathew Johnston to join him in cooperating with the police. 

Jamie Bacon lied and said the club had been stealing from him. The club was taxing him. They killed anyone who tried to take over the Red Scorpions from him. If it wasn't for the club he wouldn't have been making any money. 

After I posted the audio, IHIT and the CFSEU lied and said Jamie wasn't in Witness Protection. Yet they admitted Jamie Bacon was no longer a member of the Red Scorpions. 

That's when Kyle Latimer and Lolo Lanski rolled on BIBO to assume leadership of the RS after Jamie Bacon started cooperating with the police.

So if Jared was no longer a member of the Red Scorpions, who is he going to do a shooting for? This is where the CFSEU lies become ridiculous. 

Let's compare Post Media News with Sam Cooper. 

Sam Cooper was posting lies for CSIS while he worked for Global. He wasn't the only one. Global was pushing that Agenda. Global is owned by Post Media News. 

After leaving Global Sam Cooper was caught in an obvious CSIS lie when he posted a picture of William Majcher claiming he was shaking hands with a Triad tied to the CCP in China. In reality it was a screen shot from a movie made in Hong Kong in which Majcher played an extra.

Likewise this lie about Jarrod Bacon makes no sense. I submit that this is just a dramatic attempt to bring Jarrod into the program and waste more tax dollars covering up for Jamie Bacon after he rolled on Lo Lo Lanski. We can do better.

Update: Obviously Post Media News didn't make up this story. I understand other outlets are starting to cover it. These news outlets are simply repeating what the Gang Task Force tells them. Kind of like how Sam Cooper simply repeated what CSIS told him. We can talk about why CSIS lied but before we do that let's just take a look at the believability of the recent claim.

When the Bacon Brothers were a thing, Jamie would hire people to shoot people. He didn't do it himself. The Bacon Brothers are no longer a thing. The Red Scorpions are still a thing. Jamie Bacon is no longer a member of the Red Scorpions. So what do you think that means? 

Time for some critical thinking folks. I posted the audio of Jamie Bacon trying to encourage Mathew Johnston to join him in cooperating with the police. I didn't make it up. You can listen to it for yourself. Listen to what he is saying.

If Jamie Bacon is cooperating with the police then he's out in bad and so is Jared. If Jamie Bacon is cooperating with the police then Jarrod's life is at risk. 

So who's he going to get a gun from? The UN's sure as hell isn't going to give him one. There's no redemption from the bad blood they had in 2009. The only place he's going to get an illegal firearms from is from the HAs and he is not on good terms with the club. At all. They're not going to sell him a gun.

I believe there was a shooting and I believe he was likely arrested for that shooting but I don't believe he did it and I know he's not in gen pop. I think this is a publicity stunt and I'm going to call it from the get go.


  1. I’m actually surprised he was found in BC or stayed in BC after complaining to the parole board is life was in danger in that province? Where this happen seems to be way north of the province which I assume the population is low wouldn’t he stick out like a sore thumb? And be an easy target for anyone still hunting the last of the brothers?

    1. Yup. I guess that's why there's a publication ban in place:

  2. When did Jarrod go bad ? Before or after Jamie ?

    1. Jonathon and Larry Amero were friends since High School.
      Were any of them ever good?

  3. So are you calling them all rats ?

    1. Jonathon's dead. Jamie's the rat. Jarrod is the brother of a rat. Jamie has put Jarod's life at risk. Now it sounds like Jaron is joining Jamie in the Program.

  4. If i ever see you I am gonna break your face into pieces.

    1. Really? Donnie McWhirter still talking sh*t. Isn't threatening women more your MO? You're an idiot and the world knows it.

    2. Yeah, I'd actually like to see that. Ask Douchenozzle McToolbag if he'd do an organized fight, MMA rules or whatever you'd both be comfortable with. Or no rules. That would probably be more entertaining. I'd love to do the ring announcing for that one. "In this corner, with a record of 2 and 0 vs women....."

    3. Just a reminder making threats online is a criminal offense. It is very easy to track the origin of messages on the internet and have them forwarded to RCMP.

    4. The problem is the police don't care because Donnie's in the program.

    5. As for the MMA fight, Donnie actually challenged me to one in Calgary several years ago. I'm like Calgary? I'm not riding my motorcycle in the winter all the way to Calgary. I said you're not even a contender. I'll f*ck you up in a back alley and no one will know because no one will care. I want your boss. Now that Voldemort is out in bad, he doesn't matter any more either.

    6. I am 55 now little fella. I been training like Mike Tyson.

    7. I am the biggest and the strongest. Know it!

    8. Donnie is almost as short and Walter Stadnick:

  5. I’m pretty sure that’s Jarod threatening you lol maybe even Jamie we all know they both clearly not in custody

    1. Not a chance. That was Donnie, aka Kayla and a dozen other troll names.

  6. Dennis is not a small guy. Midget McDogfuck would wind up getting dropped on his (King) Pin Head.

    1. Perhaps but that wouldn't happen in a cage for everyone to see. It would happen in a back alley with no witnesses. Yet my justice is sweet because I know when this life is over, everyone will know the truth. There will be no denying it. At that point he will simply have to leave.

  7. If "Voldemort" is out bad, you can't name him? Initials?

    1. Nope. I cut a deal and will honor it. That protects me from future court actions.

  8. Is Jarrod bacon PC now ? Is he still rs ?

    1. I'm not sure what's going on. It's all shady. There's no way he is still a member of RS now if Jamie is out and is cooperating with the police. After Jason Wallace shot Bob Green they killed his friend just because he was his friend. When Jamie Bacon made that tape for the police, that put Jarrod's life at risk.

  9. How many people lost their lives either directly or indirectly because of the Bacon family activities? Seems like there is a trail of death and misery that follows them. Perhaps Rob Sidhu was a hero RCMP officer for trying to assist their enemies to neutralize their threat to Canadian society?

    1. ROFL. Rob Sidhu? Really? He was a dirty cop who sold drugs for the Hells Angels just like the Bacon brothers did. Rob Sidhu was an associate of Rob Shannon and Jody York.

    2. Still, how many lives have been lost or ruined because of those brothers?

    3. That's still kicking the cat. Those brothers worked for Larry Amero and had 24 hour police protection. Those brothers are clowns.

  10. Do you know what's happening with the haevischer trail . It must be wrapping up soon


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