Sunday, February 9, 2025

Lindsay Buziak Walk February 2nd 2025: Update

I just saw some traffic on an old blog post and realized I forgot about the Lindsay Buziak Walk in Victoria this year. Vic News is reporting that "Seventeen years after his daughter was murdered, Jeff Buziak continues his quest for justice. He will lead the annual Lindsay Buziak Walk for Justice this Sunday."

"On Feb. 2, 2008, Lindsay, 24, was stabbed over 40 times in a bedroom of a Gordon Head home that she had arranged to show to what she thought were prospective buyers. Almost two decades later, the case remains unsolved, though the Saanich Police Department told Saanich News in 2024 that the investigation is open and active."

"The father, who lives in Calgary, will lead this year’s walk, which begins at Saanich Municipal Hall on Feb. 2 at 10 a.m. and travels to the B.C. Legislature."

Stabbed 40 times was not a gang hit. It was Dr Phil personal like Cynthia Garcia and Messa Mike, the ATF's pimp. I personally don't think the Buziak case will be solved in this life but when this life is over, everyone will know the truth. Sometimes there is no justice in this life but it all works out in the end. 

The two man theories on who killed Lindsay Buziak

There has been a huge interest in this case from day one. A realtor is murdered while showing a house. It was featured on dateline. A blog was set up which received a huge amount of traffic. People started sharing their theories on who done it. It was like team Edward and Team Jacob. 

People would join one of the two main camps and start making statements that presented theories as facts. Since 99% of domestic violence cases involve the ex, many people blamed the Zailos. In response Shirley started suing a whole lot of people in a very punitive manner hoping to destroy them financially. I didn't really mention it because I was hoping everyone would be able to settle out of court. 

Unfortunately the punitive list of demands were completely unrealistic. So the court cases have dragged on and on. I recognize that accusing someone of murder is considered defamation even if they did it as long as you can't prove it.

I accused someone of ordering a murder once and was sued for defamation. Only I could prove it. However, I wasn't willing to put my witness' life at risk so I cut a deal. Likewise I was hopping all the ordinary people Shirley has sued would also have been able to cut a deal. Shirley's punitive greed prevented an out of court settlement. So the case drags on.

Although there are many different theories I will present the two main theories. Since there are more than two theories I will emphasize that means the top two are still only theories. No one, other than Lindsay and the assailants know who did it. Yet people like to review the facts and speculate about theories.

The First Theory:

The first theory is this. Before Lindsay was murdered she visited her father in Calgary and stopped in to see an old friend from High School who happened to be involved in the drug trade. She had dated one of his associates and told him she missed what she had with Mat and that she wasn't happy in her current relationship with Jason. During that visit she told her father she saw something she shouldn't have. 

Shortly after her trip to Calgary, her friend she visited was involved in a large cocaine bust in Calgary that involved Victoria where Lindsay and her high school friend were from.  

The first theory is that the Delalcazars had her killed because they thought she was the police informant that ratted them out. I have to admit that I was fooled by this theory at first until I made some other discoveries. 

When Lindsay visited her father in Calgary and told him she had seen something she shouldn't have, I assumed she meant she had seen something on her Calgary trip she shouldn't have. I was mistaken. That's not what she meant. 

She meant she had seen something in Victoria she shouldn't have. At first I thought drugs? No it wasn't drugs because she had seen that before in her previous relationship. Money laundering through real estate tied to BC Rail? Perhaps.  

Chris Horsley passionately pushed this theory nonstop and even visited Lindsay's father Jeff in Calgary threatening to destroy his reputation if Jeff didn't shut down the blog which was looking into other suspects. Since some people were accusing the Zailos, Chris Horsely held a press conference stating the Zailos had been cleared. Which was somewhat suspicious since the police didn't know who did it. 

I went to Victoria for one of the memorial walks and when people found out who I was they were very open with some of their observations and concerns. Some people were concerned about the amount of real estate Chris Horsley owned as well as some of his side businesses with nightclubs. 

Nothing illegal just conflicted. People admitted that Horsley tried to poison them against Lindsay's father for pursuing alternate theories. Chris Horsley threatened to sue me for even mentioning the concerns about him people shared with me. 

A lawyer who was retained by the district of Saanich contacted me about things I had posted about Chris Horsley. I found it unusual that the lawyer was retained by the district of Saanich regarding things said about Chris Horsely. 

I read over everything I had posted making sure it was all completely factual and I never heard back from them. I did think Horsley's trip to Calgary threatening Jeff was horrible and was just cause to have him removed from the case.

I will present the second most popular theory but before I do I will emphasize that although many people are being sued for claiming the Zailos were involved, no one is suing Chris Horsely for saying the Delalcazars were involved. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. 

If Chris Horsley can express his opinion about the Delalcazars which I believe to be false and constitutes defamation, I can present an alternate theory to respond to that defamation.

The reason why I don't think the Delalcazars did it is because stabbing someone 40 times is not a gang hit, it is deeply personal which I will get into later. 

Lindsay was on good terms with Erickson. If she did see any drugs in Calgary there would have been no reason for her to rat them out when she had seen that before when she dated one of his associates. Especially when she confided in him that she missed what she had with her old boyfriend. She wasn't a vindictive ex trying to punish her old boyfriend. 

Instead I think Horsley was the one who had an axe to grind with the Delalcazars. He was out to get them just as his cop friends from Saanich were. I think Jason was the CI that ratted out the Calgary drug bust. That's why the police were protecting him. That's what I think.

The second theory:

As for the second theory, no one is suggesting that Shirley or Jason stabbed Lindsay. Jason had a carefully crafted alibi which in itself was suspicious. Shirley knew her son's relationship was on the rocks. That's why she tried to bribe her to say in the relationship with trips and Christmas gifts which made Lindsay feel guilty and conflicted. 

Jason was a eager participant in the Dateline episode that highlighted Lindsay's murder. He failed to mention that he had overheard a private conversation Lindsay had with a friend stating she was going to leave Jason after this last sale. That's an important detail to leave out. 

A lot of people said oh Jason did it. He has a lot of drug dealer friends. Well so did Lindsay. Although she steered clear of that life she had several friend who were still involved. However Ziggy wasn't just a drug dealer, he was a bit of a sleazebag. 

Ziggy was romantically involved with Shannon Christine Spruyt. Ziggy's friend David Martin Niebergall plead guilty to murdering Kevin Black who was Shannon's new boyfriend after she broke up with Ziggy. Shannon was assaulted when Kevin was shot. Later that year she died of a heroin overdose.

Did Ziggy give Shannon a hot shot? We'll never know. 

Ziggy was found guilty in December 2016 of trafficking a kilo of crystal meth and 10 liters of date rape drug. Ziggy and his coaccused were referred to as Top level drug dealers busted in Victoria. Ziggy's real name is Zachery Matheson.

This top level drug ring was a rival to the Delalcazars low level drug network. Which would also point to Jason as being the Calgary bust's CI since the province was actively pursuing the rat out your Rivals program at the time. 

Interesting to note that I wrote quite a bit about the Delalcazars at the time. I haven't heard a word about them in the news since then. I have heard about Ziggy's co accused Ali and Ali's sister. His sister and two nephews were charged with under age prostitution, twice. 

So what's the second theory?

The second theory is that Jason planned it because Lindsay was leaving him. He obviously didn't do it because he went out of his way to have a witness with him when he was late picking up Lindsay from a sketchy appointment that she was worried about. The second theory is that Jason's brother Ryan did it with his friend Ziggy. Seemingly someone overhead Ryan confess which is hearsay. 

When Jason discovered the body he immediately began performing CPR which contaminated the crime scene. If his brother Ryan committed the murder they wouldn't be able to tell Ryan's DNA from Jason's unless they did a very specific test. Ryan's DNA would be very similar but slightly different from Jason's. Why would Ryan stab her that many times?

As I said, stabbing someone that many times is psychotically personal like in the Cynthia Garcia case. It turns out Ryan was the one originally interested in Lindsay but Jason would bring her coffee every day and eventually wooed her. So Ryan could have resented that rejection. 

Once again, this is just a theory. One of many theories but if Chris Horsley can tell everyone his theory and defame the Delalcazars, then I can present an alternate theory in response to that defamation. 

Why would Jason perform CPR on a stabbing victim?

One thing that puzzles me is the fact that Jason instantly began performing CPR on someone who had been stabbed an insane amount of times and was bleeding heavily. Normally in first aid, if someone has been stabbed or has a bullet wound you put pressure on that wound to stop the bleeding. 

If someone is bleeding heavily from multiple places and you start performing cpr on them, that's just going to make them bleed out faster. So I'm left to wonder was that his intent or was he just in shock? We'll never know in this life. 

I guess it all depends if there was a pulse. If there's no pulse you do cpr. If they're breathing you stop the bleeding.


  1. Maybe it,s time to start removing a few fingers on some of these creeps to get the truth out. Sometimes one needs to grab the bull by the horns or shut down some criminal realstate offices .
    I bet the lady who answered the phone would sing like a Canary !!!

    1. Nope. We know the truth. No one will testify because hearsay evidence is not admissible. People can only testify to what they saw and there were no witnesses. The two people who did it for the conspiracy aren't going to testify against themselves.

    2. We do? What is the truth?

    3. There are two main theories which I will discuss further in this blog post. Since there are a lot of people getting sued for defamation, I will stress that both are just theories but if Chris Horsley can persistently push one version, I can reveal the alternative.

  2. I ain’t that Greg Martel in the first picture?

    1. I'm pretty sure but I'm not 100%.

    2. Speaking of Greg Martel, I don't believe he was involved with Lindsay's murder but whatever happened to him? Last I heard he skipped town after being accused of a massive fraud:

    3. I’m curious as well about what happened to Greg Martel. This is another shining example of why MSM is garbage. Bloggers & podcasts and X. Are the future.

    4. They did report that the discharge of his bankruptcy was denied. I assume that's because he's in hiding and an arrest warrant has been issued for him.

    5. Arrest warrant only for Canada and United States.

  3. No offense but Garry Rodgers and Chris Horsley are lying POS. Just say'n.


  5. I remember when this happened I used to live few blocks away very sad I don't understand why they haven't caught the killer's yet .

  6. How come I recognize all these people?

  7. "No women, no kids. That's the rules." There is a special place in hell for those that do.

  8. Top picture is Jason Zailo, Lindsay and the Ponzi scheme loser Greg Martel before he ponzied his ass for other people’s money. Kicked out of Thailand suppose to be in Dubai.

  9. The other picture is Ziggy Matheson and the career criminals brother and sister Ziaee. Him drug dealer her human trafficker who traffics with her twin sons.

  10. Because they are always volunteering their time to different charities hoping to make the world a better place for everyone to live in.


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