Update: SNC-Lavalin, now AtkinsRéalis, facing $100M in legal claims from Trillium contractors due to costly delays.
A closer look at SNC-Lavalin's sometimes murky past
"Norman Morin faces 42 months for Fraud over $5,000, 36 months for Fraud on the Government and 24 months for Forgery, for his involvement in the political scandal which saw $2.3 million in bribes paid by company executives in return for the award of the Jacques-Cartier bridge repair contract in the early 2000s." So if it was executives plural, why was one one guy sentenced? Because he's a fall guy once again.
SNC Lavalin was awarded the contract for the Evergreen Skytrain expansion when they were banned from world contracts due to fraud and bribery in Africa - Libya and Uganda. They were awarded the contract for the Site C Dam in BC hiding under shell companies which defiantly runs more and more over budget costing taxpayers billions. That is organized crime.
SNC Lavalin under bid and over charge government contracts. They keep getting away with it because they keep giving the politicians awarding them contracts kickbacks in the form of political contributions. Giving the contract for the site C dam to SNC Lavalin was criminally insane. We can all see that now.
That was the inherently corrupt BC Liberals. They were so corrupt they made the New York Times. No one did any prison time for that. In fact, Christy Clark is running to take over for Justin Trudeau. Justin Trudeau was involved with a SNC Lavalin scandal but guess what? The BC NDP gave the contract for the Pattullo Bridge in Surrey to none other than SNC Lavalin.
Ever wonder why the Langley Sky train extension is taking so long? Guess who got the contract? SNC Lavalin. I kid you not. This is organized crime at the highest level and no politician has ever done jail time over it. SNC Lavalin has rebranded as AtkinsRéalis. That's who got the Langley Skytrain expansion project but that's SNC Lavalin. They just changed their name instead of using a shell company.
Kind of like how Blackwater keeps changing their name to avoid jail time when we all know it's still Blackwater run by Eric Prince of Darkness. Mercenaries doing black ops for money.
The National Post is reporting that "A company formerly at the centre of one of the biggest scandals of the Trudeau government is now looking for as much as $75 million in annual funding to update a nuclear reactor Canada has exported around the world."
"AtkinsRéalis, formerly named SNC Lavalin, launched the Canadians for Candu campaign earlier this year. It’s a push to get both provincial governments and the federal government to back a new, more powerful Candu nuclear reactor that could be built both home and abroad."
OK so let's back it up. Nuclear power is not Green. It's virtually impossible to safely dispose of nuclear waste. Calling Nuclear power green is Bill Gates lie. Nuclear power also gives countries the technology and the materials to bud nuclear weapons.
India tested nuclear explosions from the Candu reactors Canada sold them. So here I am once again over 30 years later once again saying No CANDU. I objected to Canada selling Candu reactors to Communist China. That was Harper's Conservatives quest for the WEF.
SNC Lavalin's involvement with CANDU reactors is not surprising. They under bid and over charge government contracts but their fraud is directly connected to CSIS and the Five Eyes. Arthur Porter died in a Panama prison waiting trial for corruption and fraud charges over a SNC Lalavin hospital in Quebec. See the difference between BC and Quebec? Quebec prosecutes fraud and corruption, BC doesn't. BC just keeps awarding them more contracts.
Arthur Porter was Harpers' CSIS watchdog. He was caught sending money to a mossad agent named Ari Ben-Menashe tied to Iran Contra. I kid you not. Ari Ben-Menashe wrote a book called profits of war. So who's crazy now? We are for allowing this stupidity to continue. F*ck the Five and a Half Eyes.
Awesome book.