Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Charges against Jarrod Bacon related to Fort Nelson shooting stayed

Update: CTV is reporting that "Bacon has been identified by police and in the courts as one of the leaders of the Red Scorpions — a drug trafficking group tied to a deadly gang war in the province." This is their February 27th update.

Jarrod WAS a leader in the Red Scorpions just like Jamie Bacon WAS but no longer is. That's a huge fact to leave out. These media outlets just sit on their a*s and reprint whatever CSIS or the RCMP tell them. That's not journalism.

Castanet is reporting that "Just under a month after high-profile gangster Jarrod Bacon was charged for a shooting in northeast B.C., charges have been stayed." ROFL. 

Oh but Donny Flysh*t McWhirter said they had surveillance video of Jarrod pulling the trigger. Not. I said this arrest was bullsh*t. It didn't make sense. After Jamie Bacon started cooperating with the police that put Jarrod's life at risk.

They can lie all they want about Jamie but we have the recording. Everyone knows Jamie is no longer in not to mention leader of the Red Scorpions. Ask yourself why. If Jamie's out, Jarrod's out. This was just a dramatic publicity stunt to bring Jarrod into the program with Jamie and the rat pack. 


  1. Looks like you called it.

    1. The initial dramatic accusation was ridiculous but staying the charges after they made that ridiculous accusation was even worse. The CSFSU have no self respect.

    2. It seems to be even worse than that, they have no sense of what's believable or not, apparently they think people will believe anything. Which is good for us really, we don't want them clever, but still it illustrates how detached from reality they truly are.

  2. Good fuck Jamie Bacon. He deserves to have cement shoes along with anyone else talking shit about the club. 🫵

    1. Jamie Bacon is a clown but blind obedience to anyone is blind.

    2. All the club guys were rats you fag piece of shit ass licker go lick their club ratting Asses you fagot you probably a rat too goof

    3. Donnie McWhirter why do you keep saying that when you were the rat who didn't serve his sentence? Especially when the PoPo pay your rent in Abbotsford so you can sublet your front lawn to a guy in a trailer you sell meth to while you collect rent from his mother. Do you call the bikers in Haney worn out old men when you buy crystal meth from them or do you just trash them from your keyboard the Teletubbies paid for?

    4. That's going to leave a mark. "A mark on a mark".

    5. Did I say that out loud? My bad. It's just amusing how much Donny sh*t talks the club behind their back while he spams my blog with stupid comments nonstop for the last 10 years. He even spent Christmas one year with a tenant he was selling meth to and the guy's mother he was extorting. Classy. Not.

  3. I wouldn't even do a blog like this for money and here is your dumb ass doing it just for clout. I'm sure eventually you'll write the wrong thing and it will only be a phone call and maybe 10 grand tops before they just torch your rathole. I know guns are great for defense but not really effective against arson sadly. I'd advise just sticking with these bacon bitches and shutting the fuck up about the bikers.

    1. If you notice this post and the ones about Jamie Bacon's aren't trashing the bikers they're supporting them. I don't have a problem with the club collectively just shady individuals who violate the code like the Wolf Pack and the Edmonton Angels. The CFSEU is dirty and no one likes a dirty cop.

    2. You must be new around here. Dennis will be just fine.

    3. Donny keeps referring to my firearms as though they were for self defense. They are not. My firearms are strictly for target shooting. That's it. Just like my young friend's new additions. He's a just a collector. That is all.

  4. This is just next act in the bacon family circus. Not sure why they even bother giving these pieces of trash the time of day in media anymore the fact they are recieve protection for what they did is horrible

  5. Who is in charge of the Edmonton hells angels ? Do they just have 1 chapter

    1. Edmonton has four chapters including the Nomads. Hellside is the newest one.

    2. I named Dominic DiPalma Jr back in 2014 before he was convicted of drug trafficking. I'd don't know who's in charge of what now.


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