Sunday, February 23, 2025

China, Fentanyl, Shen Yun, LGBT and the Q plus Crusade

Today we're talking about China's defamation of Shen Yun and the CIA's defamation of China. Then we're going to talk about LGBT and the Q plus crusade. We want to balance the extremes. The defamation of Shen Yun is getting out of hand. They're even making bomb threats at the theatres.

The Mona Lisa Twins trip to Iceland

The Mona Lisa Twins just posted a video of their trip to Iceland last year as a background for their music video there called Destination Sunrise. Iceland looks awesome and I definitely need to get a drone for my postponed road trip. 

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Zionism, Antisemitism, India and the Lost Tribes of Israel

Today we talk about what Zionism is as well as real and fake Antisemitism. Then we're going to talk about India comparing Modi and Netanyahu with Gandhi and Yitzhak Rabin. Then we'll even touch on the lost tribes of Israel.

Angelo Pandeli met with Canadian Hells Angel

TBM embedded a video in their blog about Australian Hells Angels Angelo Pandeli. The Sydney Herald is reporting that "Hells Angels bikie boss and alleged drug kingpin Angelo Pandeli has been deported from his safe haven of Dubai and landed in Australia after years overseas."

"Pandeli has long been suspected of being among Australia’s most influential drug traffickers, according to several serving and former law enforcement officials who spoke to this masthead earlier on condition of anonymity."

So he's a big drug dealer according to an anonymous law enforcement source. The YouTube video claims he ran a billion dollar drug network across Europe. 

Yet they're posting pictures of him on a very small boat with very young children. He's not on a yacht with hookers and blow. He's spending some family time with kids. I know the Hells Angels sell drugs and he could be involved with that but there are some fishy pieces in the puzzle.

The Greek Herald is reporting that "Australia’s most wanted man, Hells Angels leader Angelo Pandeli, privately met with his Canadian counterpart, Marty Robert of the Montreal chapter, to discuss enhancing cooperation on drug shipments prior to his arrest in Dubai." To me that sounds like a set up.

If he was in Greece one would think he'd be making contacts with the Cub Pack since Damion Ryan got his crowbar patch in Greece after he and Robby killed that Quebec Hells Angel who came to them for help.

I find the Marty Robert defamation suspicious. There was a CSIS crime podcaster like CSIS Sammy who was defaming him but no one else was. They billed him as this big drug lord when he got married back in 2018 but I haven't seen anything about him in the news ever since. Until now and this sounds like a complete set up. 

His mother in law ran a legal grow on a Mohawk reservation in Quebec and the police burned it down because they resented the competition. There is a security firm for retired police officers that are in the legal pot business. I don't know Marty but I like him. I don't think he's a sleazebag like Larry Amero and Damion Ryan. In 2010 the media said Marty was arrested in Cancun but not a word about any trial or conviction until the mention of his wedding eight years latter. He was probably on holiday. There are some shady things going on and the Five Eyes are behind it. Angelo's arrest was related to the FBI honeypot ANON.

Update: Angelo Pandeli sues News Corp for Defamation.

Nine News is reporting that "The reports were defamatory, his claim said, because Pandeli was falsely painted as a fugitive who seized control of Australia's illegal drug trade in 2023 and ran drug labs and warehouses in the notorious Golden Triangle region in Southeast Asia." 

The Golden Triangle? The CIA created the Golden Triangle. In 1980 the CIA crashed the Nugan Hand bank in Australia

They used Photoshop to put fake Hitler tattoos on a German HA

Curtis Siwa runs for NYC Mayor in 2025

Curtis Sliwa understands the New York Model. He was an important part of it. The world has forgotten what that was because De Blasio flushed the city down the toilet. Curtis Sliwa can bring back peace and prosperity to New York City. 

The charges against Eric Adams are bogus. Adams won the Democrat nomination because he was the candidate most like Curtis. They even tried to prevent him from winning with voter fraud but Adams filed a court lawsuit challenging the fake results and he moved forward. If you think Eric Adams is bad wait until you see what the Democrats really want to do to the city. 

Friday, February 21, 2025

Trudeau’s high-speed rail to be built by SNC-Lavalin rebranded as AtkinsRéalis

Investing dot com is reporting that " An international consortium including Air Canada, AtkinsRealis Group and France's SNCF has won a C$3.9 billion six-year contract to help develop a high-speed passenger rail network in eastern Canada, Ottawa said on Wednesday. The contract covers the first stage of planning the network, which would span approximately 1,000 km (620 miles) from Quebec City to Toronto and allow trains to reach speeds of up to 300 kph (186 mph)." 

AYFKM? AtkinsRealis Group is SNC Lavalin. So CSIS Sammy Cooper is going off about Justin Trudeau's previous SNC Lavalin bid when all the political parties across the country are still giving them more contracts. This should not be happening but it is. Ask yourself why. Trudeau’s high-speed rail to be built by SNC-Lavalin rebranded as AtkinsRéalis

Ruby Dhalla removed from the Liberal Leadership ballot

Update: Ruby Dhalla loses appeal

Was Ruby Dhalla too much of a threat to Mark Carney?

Just like RFK. The corruption machine didn't let them run.

CTV is reporting that "Former MP Ruby Dhalla has been disqualified from the Liberal Leadership race, the Liberal Party of Canada said in a press release. Her ouster comes amid questions about campaign finances and possible allegations of foreign interference, which Dhalla strongly denies."

Dhalla tells tells CTV News "that the allegations are fictitious and false, and the disqualification is an effort from the Liberal party to keep her off the debate stage and ballot in order to complete the coronation for former Bank of Canada governor Mark Carney to become the party’s leader." Sound familiar?

Listen to what she has to say and you'll see why they want her off the ballot. She makes sense and wants to bring the Liberal party back to the centre instead of the WEF far left. She should definitely be at the debate.  

It's pretty obvious they were trying to groom Chrystia Freeland to take over for Justan Idiot after she was fired before reading the budget deficit. It's also pretty obvious that wouldn't fly. She was just as responsible for Just an Trudeau's failure as Kamala Harris was for Joe Biden's failure. They wanted her because she is another WEF puppet just like Mark Carney is. 

The people won't buy Chrystia Freeland so they're going to try and sell Mark Carney to maintain the WEF status quo. It's interesting to note that Ruby Dhalla wants to bring the party back to centre. That would make sense but that wouldn't fit in with the WEF's agenda. We have globalists on the left and globalists on the right. Moderates are the only ones that can balance the extremes and avoid the WEF's agenda.

I don't see the Liberals allowing Ruby Dhalla to run for the same reason the Democrats wouldn't let RFK run. The party is corrupt. It's been hijacked by the WEF and the UN's NWO. Yet I think having alternative conversations is healthy. 

Tara Henley said she she first started at the CBC she was considered a liberal. She was left of centre. Now she is considered right wing. Her beliefs hadn't changed, the CC's have. The CBC are no longer left of centre. Now the CBC is far left just like the liberal party is. There's nothing wrong with being left wing or right wing. The problem is far left are globalists just like the far right is. Fascism and communism are the same.

All these tariffs don't represent small government and low taxes. They represent big government and more taxes. Donald Trump is bringing back colonization. That is not a good thing. That is the opposite of what the Constitution represents. 

Americans pledge allegiance to the flag not to a person. They pledge allegiance to the flag and the free Republic it represents. That free Republic is defined by the constitution They swear an oath to protect the constitution so the free Republic can be preserved. When you swing too far right, you start to embrace big government and a reduction of civil liberty. That is not good. 

Ontario Drugs busts in the GTA and 6 Nations

CTV is reporting that "Police said they executed eight search warrants at homes in Oakville, Brampton and Toronto as a part of the investigation dubbed Project Regal between Feb. 8 and Feb. 10.

Approximately 11 kilograms of cocaine, around half a kilogram of methamphetamine, three ounces of fentanyl, two loaded firearms, two Kevlar vests, a re-vinned BMW sedan and around $250,000 of cash were seized, Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS) said in a news release Friday."

Joseph Campbell, 31, of Oakville, 

Brendon Rego, 30, of Brampton, Damion Rego, 31, of Orangeville, Shaun Homem, 37, of Brampton and Tristan Bonnick, 33, of Brampton all face multiple charges including drug trafficking.

That's a ship load of cash. “The seizure of these drugs, firearms, and other stolen property sends a strong message - we will not tolerate this criminal activity in our region,” Insp. Raf Skwarka of Regional Investigative Services said. Stolen property? They have all that money from drugs and still steal sh*t. Parasites.

Insauga is reporting that "An ‘unwanted person’ call at an Oshawa seniors’ residence Thursday evening resulted in four people charged with drug trafficking, with all four now in jail awaiting a bail hearing."

"Durham Police responded to a disturbance at the 25 John Street apartments in downtown Oshawa just after 7 p.m. involving two women and two men – with one man already banned from the premises – and discovered a large quantity of methamphetamine and Canadian currency.'

"All four into custody without further incident. 50-year-old Jamison Ramesar of Oshawa had been barred from the building and was charged with prohibited entry, in addition to possession and trafficking charges."

"The other three – Sarah Spencer, 39, George Lund, 64, and Allison Lemyre, 46 – were all charged with possession and trafficking in methamphetamine. All four reside in Oshawa."

Creating a disturbance in a seniors complex you're already been banned from with Crystal meth in your possession. Not the sharpest tool in the shed.

CTV is reporting that "Four people are facing a long list of charges after Project Neo, a Six Nations Police investigation into drug trafficking. Officers arrested a man who came to a Chiefswood Road address by taxi on Feb. 13. Investigators believed he was bringing illegal drugs onto Six Nations territory. During a search, police seized a loaded handgun, pre-packaged cocaine, fentanyl and bulk prescription drugs."

"The next day, officers executed search warrants at a Colborne Street East motel and a Cayuga Street home in the City of Brantford. Two men were arrested at the motel and police said they found a loaded handgun, a loaded shotgun, a conducted energy weapon, bulk fentanyl, cocaine, prescription drugs and cash. During a search at the Cayuga Street home, police seized bulk fentanyl in teddy bear shapes and firearm ammunition."

Fentanyl in teddy bear shapes is pretty messed up. Sounds like the Six Nations community is fed up with drug trafficking on their territory. Police Chief Darren Montour was born and raised on the Six Nations of the Grand River Territory and is a member of the Mohawk Wolf Clan. Nice.

Notice the pattern. Law enforcement in Ontario consistently addresses drug trafficking while law enforcement in BC does not. Do the math.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Canada vs USA Hockey Final

The New York post claims the Americans were booing the Canadian anthem in Boston but it didn't sound like it. Even if they did it would be a fair response. All this in your face sh*t about becoming the 51 State is way over the top. It's stupid. It's delusional. It's offensive. Trump is convincing Canadians not to vote Conservative. This thing is, Trump is not a Conservative. 

Tariff this, tariff that. Tariff the counter tariff. Trump is like a spoiled brat throwing a temper tantrum. Tariffs hurt Americans. If you tariff Guinness, the Guinness you buy is more expensive. Let Trump tariff whatever he wants. Don't put any tariff on American products. Instead sell our products to other countries. It's that simple. Don't take the bait. Trump is delusional.

I saw this picture of an American boy waving a flag before the hockey game in Boston and I have to admit he looked adorable. Hockey games in North America are family events and they should be. Soccer games in England and Central America are insane. The football hooligans destroy it for everyone. 

People are allowed to root for their country. The problem is the offensive threats to force Canada to become a state. That's the problem. Mocking us for wanting our freedom is not acceptable

The score after three periods is tied 2 -2. We are now in sudden death overtime. Trump is being an a*shole. So is his press team. This is not a good salesman. This is not a good person. 

Canada scores in sudden death overtime to win the final! We are very grateful. Not to throw it in the Americans' face because it could have gone either way. It's just nice to shut them up and have some peace and quiet. The True North Strong and Free. Sorry to the kid. He is cute. You can wave your flag too

Connor McDavid will be fondly remembered as a Canadian hero throughout history as will the entire team. The American flag is sacred. Americans don't pledge allegiance to a person they pledge allegiance to the flag and to the free republic is represents. The free Republic is defined and protected by the US Constitution. The Constitution gives the power to the people not to one man.


X has become a propaganda machine just like Facebook

Social media is absolutely insane. I set up a profile on X so I could view other profiles. Everyday in my feed I'm getting bombarded with Donald Trump and Elon Musk's political opinion. I keep hitting ignore about these idiots talking about Canada becoming the 51st state. People keep spamming the same polls over and over and over again leaving no room whatsoever for dissent. This is a new form of censorship.

One guy claiming to be a Canadian ran a poll asking if we should ban the Palestinian flag from being flown in Canada. My response is, do you want to ban the Charter of Rights as well? 

Ivanka Trump Parody runs a poll asking if AOC and IIhan Omar should be expelled from Congress. Like Father like Daughter. Neither of those two have any understanding of the Constitution whatsoever. This is the woman that told everyone at the WEF to make hand puppets during Covid lockdowns. 

I can't stand AOC. I think she is All Out Crazy as Curtis Sliwa calls her. However, she is an elected official. You can't ban elected officials from Congress. Suggesting that is mentally deranged. We've gone from far left crazy to far right crazy which is the same thing. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.