Friday, September 20, 2024

Hells Angels arrested after assault & robbery in Hamilton

Thorold Today is reporting that "Four members of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club (MC) and one member of the Red Devils MC have been arrested and charged with assault causing bodily harm and robbery in connection to an incident that took place in Hamilton in July 2024."

"As a result of the search warrants, police seized four shotguns, three rifles, a shotgun barrel, ammunition, body armour and a Possession and Acquisition Licence (PAL)."

The Hamilton Spectator is reporting that "Defence lawyer Jaime Stephenson, who represents one of the accused, said the firearms and ammunition were all found at the residence of one member who has a firearm licence. All the firearms were registered, the ammunition properly stored and the body armour was a bullet proof vest that anyone can purchase online, she said. No unlawful items were found or seized from the clubhouse."

14 year old boy found dead outside Red Devils clubhouse

Update: The Dirty Nws has posted an update as more information has surfaced

CTV is reporting that "The province's public security minister said he was shocked Thursday amid reports that a body believed to be that of a 14-year-old boy was found this week near a Hells Angels hideout near Quebec City. Noovo Info(opens in a new tab) reported that the teen was from the Montreal area and allegedly recruited by a street gang from the region."

OK hold the door. We're losing things in the translation. The body was found outside the Red Devils clubhouse. The Red Devils are a puppet club for the Hells Angels.

"According to teens interviewed by Noovo Info near the victim's high school, the boy had reportedly gone to Quebec's Beauce region to carry out a contract. His body was found near the outlaw biker gang's hideout in Frampton, about 80 kilometres south of Quebec City."

CBC is reporting that "The teenager had travelled to the area from Montreal, according to the sources, and was armed with an AK-47-style assault rifle." Last time the fake news said AK-47 style assault rifle they meant and SKS. I'm not sure if the dead body was found with the rifle or sources claimed he was carrying a rifle when he was killed.

Yahoo News is reporting that "The child was reportedly sent to attack the bunker." City News is reporting that "a man was arrested at the bunker and released on a promise to appear in court at a later dare." WTF? A kid attacks a Red devil's clubhouse with an assault rifle and ends up dead.

All the media outlets report that this is linked to the ongoing conflict between the Quebec City Hells Angels and the Blood Family Mafia. No doubt the Dirty Newz will have more info as they have been covering that conflict for quite a while and have a guy from Quebec on it. is reporting that a car was set on fire near the clubhouse.

As we recall, two Red Devil prospects were shot guarding that same clubhouse May 2024.

July 30th 2024 CBC reported that "A 25-year-old man affiliated with the Blood Family Mafia is in hospital after he was tortured on July 24 at the Quebec City detention centre."

That Red devils clubhouse used to be called the Dark Souls MC.

I don't want to be rude buy you kids are crazy. How did you think that was going to end? What a waste of a life. Killing rival drug dealers is not noble. Get a job and be a real man.

Zimbabwe: Marxism and Mossad

I didn't realize that Zimbabwe had embraced Marxism. Melisa Tate said that was one of the reasons she escaped. Knowing that the Israeli company tied to Mossad helped rig so many elections in Africa, it made me wonder.

In 2008 the Jerusalem Post reported that "An aide to Zimbabwean opposition leader Simba Makoni alleged ahead of Saturday's election that the Mossad had been hired by President Robert Mugabe to ensure he won by computerized rigging of the vote." That's what I thought.

"Ibbo Mandaza, a senior member of Makoni's campaign team, told the Mail & Guardian that the voters' roll had been manipulated to favor the ruling ZANU-PF and that the format of the voter's roll was devised by the Mossad on instructions from the Zimbabwean government. Information technology expert Valentine Sinemane told the South African newspaper that the electronic version of the voters' roll, sold to the opposition by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission for $2,400, was compiled by an Israeli company named Nirkuv Projects."

"Mandaza said that ZANU-PF asked for Mossad help because of the intelligence agency's experience with elections in other countries. "They have expertise in vote-rigging. Also, Mossad is looking for any kind of support and alliances and therefore Zimbabwe is the obvious target," he said. He said that the opposition was aware that Mossad had been active in Zimbabwe over the past six months and that two weeks ago, six Mossad agents arrived in Harare and held top-secret meetings with government officials involved in state security."

The key words here are Mossad and Election fraud.

Previously I reported on Tal Hanan, former Israeli special forces operative that led a private company that rigged elections around the world including Africa. This was separate form all the call centre frauds in Tel Aviv tied to Mossad. We can clearly see how similar Mossad's MO is with the CIA. They are both deeply involved in drug trafficking and investment fraud.

One year after that story broke, Le Monde is confirming that team of Israli vote riggers were tied to election fraud in Syria and Qatar. So two French Muslims, Jean-Pierre Duthion and Nabil Ennasri, were working for Mossad to fix elections in Syria and Qatar. Imagine that.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Look at some of the people who support Trump

The way the fake news and the leftists obsess over Trump is somewhat dysfunctional. They're like bobble heads waving their arms and shaking their head saying Donald trump, Donald Trump over and over again. They're like chicken little who keeps crying the sky is falling.

Trump was elected and served a full term in office. The sky did not fall. In fact, the economy did a whole lot better under his leadership than Biden's but we know we can't blame Biden for that. After all he was just a puppet who did what he was told. We can blame the CIA and the Deep State for that. They are the ones orchestrating energy crisises and oil wars to reduce supply so the Saudi monopoly can jack up the price of oil until consumers become slaves.

That causes a rise in the cost of food and everything that is transported to the store for us to buy. The deep stake support Globalism and Stakeholder Capitalism which is simply Communism re branded. When Blare White came out of the closet and started supporting Donald Trump and the second amendment, she pointed out that you don't have to be an extremist to support low taxes and a strong economy. You don't have to be an extremist to see the lawlessness in Northern California is killing that economy. You don't have to be an extremist to see that decriminalization in Portland didn't work. The only extremists are the ones that support all that insanity.

Brandon Straka is not homophobic. Blair White is not transphobic. As Gays Against Groomers pointed out, if you oppose pedophilia and child grooming, that doesn't make you homophobic. It makes you normal. It means you have a brain and a conscience.

Candace Owen led Black Exit and Brandon Straka led the Walkaway movement. I totally support them both. They are sincere and intelligent. After Candace Owens we started to see a huge number of Black Conservatives step up to the plate, Rob Smith, Larry Elder, the Hodge Twins, Brandon Tatum, Melissa Tate, Colion Noir... the list goes on.

Black Conservatives are going to save America from the white Liberals.

Brandon Straka held a town hall for Latino community and one Latina said our culture is based on faith, family and freedom. Those are our values and that is what Conservatives believe in. I'm not talking about Neo Cons. I'm talking about real Conservatives like Ron Paul.

If you turn off the fake news and start listening to the people who support Trump and why they support him, there is no confusion. It's very simple. Texas and Florida led the way after Covid. These principles are not extreme. They're common sense.

In Canada we have Jagmeet Singh who wears a turban but his policies defy the Gurdwara and the Sikh religion. Jagmeet supports the legalization of all drugs. The Gurdwara doesn't. Jagmeet supports gender based abortion. The Gurdwara doesn't. How can you support woman's rights on one hand and killing all female babies on the either? It's a huge contradiction.

Communist China had the one child rule. As a result many families in China would have an abortion if they found out it was a girl because they wanted a boy to carry on the family name. Not only is that unethical, it isn't very intelligent. In one generation who are all your sons going to marry? Some areas of China are facing a huge disproportion of men over women. It was a pretty foolish practice. Jagmeet is a proud supporter of the World Economic Forum who are causing all the farmer protests in Holland and Europe. Jagmeet pretended to support farmers in India but that was only lip service. He opposes farmers in Canada many of whom are Punjabi.

Jagmeet was defiantly opposed to the Trucker's Convoy and many of those truckers are also Punjabi. So clearly Jagmeet is a sell out just like Justin Trudeau. In contrast take a look at the Conservative finance critic Jasraj Singh Hallan, a MP from Calgary. He wears a turbin but unlike Jagmeet, he lives his religion. Jasraj is a soldier of Rome. Honour him.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Kamala Harris wants to ban AR-15s

CBSA seize 1,278 litres of liquid meth bound for Australia

The Delta Optimist is reporting that "Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has made a major liquid methamphetamine bust taking an estimated $2 million of illegal drugs off our streets. The seizure of 1,278 litres of liquid methamphetamine in B.C. was bound for export to Australia. This seizure represents approximately four million individual doses."

"In a news release, the CBSA said on June 27, officers from the Metro Vancouver District, with the support of the Detector Dog Service, examined a container destined for export through the Fraser Surrey Docks. During the exam, officers found anomalies in the packaging of the bottles labelled as apple and grape juice. Upon further examination, officers discovered 1,320 bottles filled with methamphetamine." Tsawwassen Container Examination Facility.

"The investigation of these seizures was referred to the RCMP in Ontario, who worked with the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Border Force. As a result of the collaboration between agencies, three individuals in Australia were charged in relation to this seizure."

Three individuals in Australia busted but no one in BC??? Was this a sting?

The Devil doesn't sell slavery by calling it slavery

RFK Jr's Address to the Nation. In that speech he said "As you know, I left that party in October because it had departed so dramatically from the core values that I grew up with. It had become the party of war, censorship, corruption, big pharma, big tech, big AG, and big money."

RFK on Iraq and NATO missiles in the Ukraine

Dick Cheney is a neocon. He is not a patriot, he is a war profiteer.