Friday, September 20, 2024

Zimbabwe: Marxism and Mossad

I didn't realize that Zimbabwe had embraced Marxism. Melisa Tate said that was one of the reasons she escaped. Knowing that the Israeli company tied to Mossad helped rig so many elections in Africa, it made me wonder.

In 2008 the Jerusalem Post reported that "An aide to Zimbabwean opposition leader Simba Makoni alleged ahead of Saturday's election that the Mossad had been hired by President Robert Mugabe to ensure he won by computerized rigging of the vote." That's what I thought.

"Ibbo Mandaza, a senior member of Makoni's campaign team, told the Mail & Guardian that the voters' roll had been manipulated to favor the ruling ZANU-PF and that the format of the voter's roll was devised by the Mossad on instructions from the Zimbabwean government. Information technology expert Valentine Sinemane told the South African newspaper that the electronic version of the voters' roll, sold to the opposition by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission for $2,400, was compiled by an Israeli company named Nirkuv Projects."

"Mandaza said that ZANU-PF asked for Mossad help because of the intelligence agency's experience with elections in other countries. "They have expertise in vote-rigging. Also, Mossad is looking for any kind of support and alliances and therefore Zimbabwe is the obvious target," he said. He said that the opposition was aware that Mossad had been active in Zimbabwe over the past six months and that two weeks ago, six Mossad agents arrived in Harare and held top-secret meetings with government officials involved in state security."

The key words here are Mossad and Election fraud.

Previously I reported on Tal Hanan, former Israeli special forces operative that led a private company that rigged elections around the world including Africa. This was separate form all the call centre frauds in Tel Aviv tied to Mossad. We can clearly see how similar Mossad's MO is with the CIA. They are both deeply involved in drug trafficking and investment fraud.

One year after that story broke, Le Monde is confirming that team of Israli vote riggers were tied to election fraud in Syria and Qatar. So two French Muslims, Jean-Pierre Duthion and Nabil Ennasri, were working for Mossad to fix elections in Syria and Qatar. Imagine that.

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