Friday, September 13, 2024

Donald Trump, the Deep State and the Pet parade

I didn't watch the debate but I heard a few comments. Evidently the fake news gave Kamala Harris a list of the questions they were going to ask ahead of time which is not surprising. More like the CIA gave the fake news a list of questions they were allowed to ask. Yet that is all irrelevant. The only thing we need to remember is Kamala Harris' track record with Joe Biden.

Joe Biden is a blundering idiot and under his administration the country went to sh*t. Kamala Harris was a big part of that. People can argue she was just VP she wasn't in charge. Do you really think Joe Biden was in charge? Either Kamala Harris was telling him what to do or someone else was. If it was someone else, we know that someone is pulling Kamala's string just like Uncle Joe's because they are the ones that got her on the ticket without a party election.

RFK was not allowed to run. RFK and Tulsi Gabbard both left the party for a reason. We need to remember that and not be distracted by the smoke and mirrors. The way the media referenced the debate was once again comical. The Guardian highlighted Kamala's facial expressions during the debate which according to them said it all. Again no substance, no policies, no ownership for the current economic fiasco, only smoke and mirrors bullsh*t. The Guardian is MI6. The ones that assured us Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction when they didn't.

I saw several memes about Donald Trump claiming some mass immigrants were eating pets. I don't know how Haitians were associated with that. Canada has a large Haitian population and they don't eat pets. Obviously that was a stupid statement like the one about putting Lysol in coffee during Covid. Trump is unscripted. Sometimes he says stupid things but most of the time he is right on the money. He knows business and he speaks about real issues. The US economy prospered under his leadership. No one can dispute that. Everyone is leaving Liberal sh*t holes that promote crime and high taxes for a reason. Portland's decriminalization didn't work. The insane self destructive economic polices of the World Economic Forum are also undisputed. Supporting the Saudi oil monopoly so they can jack up the price of gas is criminal.


  1. If kamilla wins, the world loses, I predict ww3 under her administration. That what the blackrock CEOs want they are the warmachine!

  2. She's a puppet like Joe, if she wins the present wars will widen in the name of freedom, but the real reason will be profit.

  3. If Kamala wins, there will be a huge incase in funding for the war in Ukraine.

  4. RFK was very clear about the war profiteering in the Ukraine:

    RFK was also very clear on why he left Kamala's party:

  5. Tulsi Gabbard is very clear why she endorses Donald Trump:

  6. Yo Little dick dennis your boy blaze here living it up on the government's dime. You jealous of the life I live and everyday you have to deliver junk mail for everyone and I sit in my penthouse smoking the finest herb and selling the finest sniff. Fuck you dennis you will never be anything just like ya boy donny dickburger trump

    1. You're not living in a penthouse but you are living on the government's dime. You're subletting the front lawn of your rental to a guy in a trailer you sell meth to as you collect rent from his mother. The time for honoring yourself will soon come to an end.

    2. I should have approved that last one. You said that wasn't even me. Who's me : )

  7. ZING! Don't need to go to that Youtube link to know what it goes to, and it's a great line in a movie that has more than one of them. Quite a contrast in those two pictures painted.

    It occurs to me that this rental must have an address? With all the enemies this guy has from ratting them out......well you can see where I'm going with this. I'm sure the people who would like to drag him off to the woods for a chat are way ahead of us. After all it's kind of what they do. I don't think a guy like Blaze wants to live to old age anyway.

    1. I wasn't given an address and unlike the trolls I don't post my enemies home addresses on line. It's in our best interest if Blaze escapes judgement in this life. That means he will be separated from us when this life is over.

    2. Good point, but if you think about it, he is not escaping anything even in this life, he is actually paying for it right now. Him thinking he is not does not change this.

    3. Indeed. I'd tell him to go to hell but he's already there. He's just a troll hiding in the shadows dreading the day everyone will know the truth about him.

  8. In addition he's dreading the day he can no longer lie to himself. Deep down he already knows, but he's telling himself it's not true. "Internal conflict". It always gets resolved. Always. The people who have dug themselves the deepest hole just spend more of time they don't have until that point. You wouldn't want to be him the day it all hits home.

    Everyone know right from wrong. Everyone. Evil is a choice.


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