Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Woman charged for shooting at Hells Angels Clubhouse

Northern News now is reporitng that "According to the criminal complaint, on Sept. 2, at around 6:15 a.m., officers responded to a report of a woman in a silver Jeep who shot at the front door of the Hells Angels Clubhouse on Grant Avenue in Eveleth (Minnesota). The caller told police they were sleeping on a couch and awakened by a disturbance at the front door."

"A different Hells Angels member confronted a woman, later identified as Gunderson, at the front door, told her to leave, and shut the door. The caller said they then heard loud banging noises and the member who answered the door ran out of the line of fire."

"Authorities say they located fourteen 9mm casings scattered around the street and sidewalk in front of the clubhouse. In addition, they found apparent bullet holes on the front door of the clubhouse and apparent bullet damage inside the front entryway. Police say street camera footage shows a Jeep Commander parked in front of the Hells Angels clubhouse."

"Gunderson walked to the front door, pointed a handgun at the door, and fired multiple rounds. She then got back in the Jeep and drove away. Police say Gunderson made statements, including but not limited to: “I ***** hate the Hells Angels right now,” and “My gun is in my backpack.” Officers then entered Gunderson’s room and found a backpack containing a 9mm handgun, multiple magazines, and rounds of ammunition. Gunderson can’t possess a firearm based on a prior conviction from a 2016 incident for a crime of violence; third-degree controlled substance. Gunderson is looking at up to 15 years behind bars for the incident."

Wow, I thought Hells Angels aren't supposed to dial 911. Not only did they dial 911, they pressed charges and the woman got a jail sentence because of them. Rats. Times have sure changed.
Wasn't he a member of the Village People? Pat Matter rolled on his chapter to get a reduced sentence. Pat punched a woman in the head and raped her in their clubhouse as a prospect.


  1. Haha. That was a good chuckle.

    1. It's funny but it's also true. Chad got in a lot of trouble before he came to Canada for cooperating with the police and testifying against the Outlaw that shot at him. These guys did the same thing only worse with no consequences. They even gave the police their security camera footage to convicted her.

    2. Apparently he got in a lot more trouble when he came to Canada.

    3. That's funny. And true.

    4. Then Chad came to Canada acting all hard core and thought we were all weak and thought he would start his own chapter.
      White Rock has always been Surrey.

    5. That is ridiculous. Chad wasn't being hard core. He was a small guy and an underachiever. He wasn't trying to start his own chapter. Chad and Jamie, the Duck Dynasty Decoy, were a couple of clowns in a rental. White Rock doesn't and hasn't always sold drugs in Surrey.

      East Van had a hand in the Surrey House of Horrors. Randy Jones aka the Walrus owns Shakerz and was involved in a huge cross border drug ring but Surrey's drug trade is now run by the Edmonton Angels.

  2. How powerfull are the a HA in minesota ? Do thay have outlaws mc there ? Or other mc groups ?

    1. All I know about the HAs in Minnesota was in that A&E series Secrets of the Hells Angels. Pat was the chapter president who sold and used crystal meth. He offered some to Pee Wee but Pee Wee refused. Pat ended Pee Wee's probation and Pee Wee had to get his patch in San Francisco.

      In the A&E series Pat claimed he had Pee Wee makes some bombs for rivals but Pee Wee wouldn't incriminate himself on the TV series.

  3. I always thought that a member can't snitch on another member but everyone else is fair game . Someone else has to do time other than them

    1. According to George Christie the Hells Angels aren't supposed to dial 911 or cooperate with the police. The BC members didn't get that memo. Snitching on anyone is low life.

  4. Technically speaking that whole chapter should be erased for this, but only time will tell.

  5. Vancouver Girls Revv your engines

  6. Anyone going ask why she would be compelled to do something like this?

    1. That's a good question. One that should be asked. Two wrongs don't make a right but perhaps there was a reason that we should address.

  7. It would be most interesting to know why she decided to shoot at a H.A. club house. The members obviously are afraid of her, given they dialed 911 instead of taking care of it themselves.
    Wonder how proficient she is with a gun.
    Certainly hope the "boys" know why she shot at their club house, so they don't do it again. Certainly gave me a good laugh and it is a good start Perhaps in a decade or so, the H.A. will have been eliminated by a group of women who just didn't like them.

  8. With 14 rds to play with, and a target 5m or less, most of the proficiency you need is already in the software. Just pointing it will get you hits at that range. It's after that where you start to need the sights.

  9. Shooting at a building is different than shooting a person. Shooting at a building does not carry intent. It's simply a warning.

    1. True, I was speaking only to the mechanics of it.

  10. Proficient enough, it seems. All her rounds hit the door. The rough part for them is, if she gets whacked, there's only one name on the list of suspects. It will never end for them. Same if she disappears. Anyone who thinks she didn't generate some fans in the PD with this, give your head a shake. Nut job or not, guarantee you the local cops and OMG Investigators nation wide will be talking/laughing about this. At least one of them will have said, "Too bad we can't give her a medal".


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