Monday, September 2, 2024

Mark Zuckerberg admits censoring Covid 19 info for the Kamala and Biden Administration

Anita Krishna is reporting that "So we were right? Everything we were trying to scream from the hilltops has now been confirmed to be correct. Mark Zuckerberg admits in an official statement to congressman Jim Jordan (R. Ohio) that he was pressured to censor Covid 19 information from the Biden administration, this included jokes, memes and groups."

"He also censored information about Hunter Biden and the fact that he sits on the board of Ukrainian oil companies like Burisma and says things like “the big guy gets 10%”. (meaning dear old Joe). What does this mean for future censorship? When does it end, if it does? I also address our societal addiction to oversharing personal information. Hope you enjoy this video, you can watch on YouTube or Rumble, your choice. 24 min." That Bill Gates clip must be AI.


  1. I didn't hear an apology in there.

  2. Indeed. It just confirms what we already knew. Facebook Sucks. The censorship on all those platforms suck. Their fake fact checkers are partisan lies. They still censor anything about Trump, child grooming, Q+ and vaccine info so nothing has changed.

  3. Pretty much, an apology with no change in behavior. Just trying to get on the good side for when Trump wins, because if he doesn't, this won't be forgotten.


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