Sunday, September 15, 2024

No regrets. Well, not many.

I was at the gym today and a Yong gun had a T shirt that said No Regrets. I smiled. I used to be like that. Young and confident. Now I'm old with a few battle scars but as the Terminator remix said old but not obsolete. I'm not dead yet. I always used to say I have no regrets but in all honesty that's not really true. I have many regrets but I'm grateful for the experiences I've had.

People say wouldn't you like to be young again and I'd be like hell no. People's say but wouldn't you like to know then what you know now? I'd be like nope. If I knew then what I know now there'd be a whole of sh*t that I wouldn't have done and I wouldn't have all those experiences now. Experience is a good thing. I don't regret trying my best in life.

I'd rather be old with a blank canvas in front of me ready to embark on a new journey. I feel like Bob Seger in that song Roll Me Away. Maybe this time we'll get it right. For me that ship has sailed but my kids still have the whole world in front of them and it looks hopeful so it does.
I do regret some people died. I regret I wasn't able to do more for some of the youth I've worked with over the years. I guess I do have a few regrets. It's like that song about Derry called the Town I loved so well. "What's done is done. What's won is won and what's lost is lost and gone forever. All we can do is hope and pray for a bright brand new day in the town I loved so well."

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