Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Israel bombs tent city of refuges in Safe Zone - Update

Buisiness Day is reporting that "Israeli strikes blasted a huge crater in a designated safe zone in southern Gaza before dawn on Tuesday, setting tents ablaze and burying Palestinian families under sand. Palestinian officials said scores of people had been killed or injured in the strikes, with at least 19 dead bodies brought to hospital and other victims feared lost or buried. Reuters journalists saw several bodies in the morning aftermath."

Nation of change is reporting that "Israeli airstrikes in Gaza on Tuesday targeted the overcrowded al-Mawasi tent city, designated a “safe zone,” leaving dozens of civilians dead and wounded. The attack, which Israel claims was aimed at Hamas militants, has drawn sharp criticism for the civilian casualties, especially since the bombs used were reportedly supplied by the United States. The assault has added fuel to growing international outrage over the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the complicity of countries like the U.S. in providing military support."

I'll add a overview but this is Satanic. No lie can live forever.

Overview: Let's remember what has happened here. Netanyahu invaded Gaza from the north and targeted civilians. He went to each major city and dropped leaflets demanding they evacuate and leave their homes for they would be killed. Then he would bomb safe areas right after he evacuated each city. Finally, the whole country was evacuated and forced into Rafah near the Egyptian border. Netanyahu closed the border and ordered all the displaced civilians to leave Rafah and forced them west into tents on the beach. Now he's bombing the tents.

There is nothing noble about any of this. This is a genocide that the people of Israel do not support. The whole time Israelis have been hold mass demonstrations demanding a ceasefire and for Netanyahu to resign. The whole time Netanyahu, a globalist in action, has been defying the people and unilaterally proceeding with his own evil agenda.

We know that the October 6th false flag was not possible without Netanyahu's assistance due to the heavily monitored border. Netanyahu took all the soldiers monitoring the border off that watch to facilitate the attack. Then he issued a stand down order so the operatives could get in and out with hostages. They were his operatives. Mossad created Hamas to push Fatah and the PLO out of Gaza after the Oslo accord was signed. Netanyahu wants conflict.

Netanyahu benefited from the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin and has done everything in his power to defy that agreement and the peace process ever since. He is a vaccine loving, electronic voting, lockdown supporting globalist with the WEF. We have seen how the CIA has hijacked the mainstream media in support of the UN's New World Order of lies.

We have also seen how Mossad has hijacked two independent media outlets who both pretended to opposed the WEF but are in reality actively supporting it through Netanyahu. For them to denounce Klaus Schwab and the WEF then blindly endorse Netanyahu is complete hypocrisy and reveals their deceptive agenda. Infiltrate and lead astray. Buyer Beware.

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