Saturday, September 28, 2024

NY Mayor Eric Adam’s Indicted

This is indeed shocking but not in the way they want you to think. The Hodge Twins is reporting that "NY Mayor Eric Adam’s Indicted Because He Said Immigrants Will Destroy New York." WTF.

He's not indited for embezzling money or any other criminal act. He's indicted for making a political statement. One that is accurate and justified. This once again demonstrators the weaponization of the Department of Justice under Kamala Harris. A black woman censoring a black man within her own party. Just like Tulsi Gabbard and RFK.

I do not have any hate for Eric Adams. Stand with any man when they stand right and part with them when they go wrong. Obviously I supported Curtis Sliwa for mayor. I recognize that Eric Adams won the Democrat nomination for mayor amidst a sea of crazy because he was the candidate most like Curtis. He came from a law enforcement background and did not support defunding the police like AOC - All Out Crazy as Curtis refers to her.

I also recognize that there were serious irregularities in the Democrat primary and credible allegations of voter fraud. Adams was winning by a long shot then all of a sudden the results flipped and Adams went to court over it. After Adams filed a court claim, the original results held and he became the candidate. He won by popular vote but Kamala's party didn't want him there because of his sensible positions which opposed their agenda.

First of all, there's nothing wrong with immigration. Canada and America were built by hard working immigrants. The poem on the Statue of Liberty attests to that quest. The problem is mass illegal immigration. No government can afford to feed and house mass migrants who refuse to work. Eric Adams simply said we can't afford to feed and house all these migrants. New York is currently running a huge deficit and essential government services will suffer as a result. In that sense, mass illegal immigration of criminals who won't work will indeed destroy the city.

If everyone in every city said we refuse to work and want the government to pay for everything, every city in the country will go bankrupt. Just like how safe supply of harmful drugs will destroy our public health care system. Drug addiction is like a forest fire. The more you feed it the more it consumes. You can't get a MRI or surgery but you can get free heroin. That is Satanic.

Indicting a Democrat mayor for telling the truth is indicative of Kamala's party. Whip it.

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