Monday, September 2, 2024

Israel union calls for general strike

Le Monde is reporting that "Later Sunday, grieving and angry Israelis – tens of thousands in Tel Aviv and other cities –surged into the streets Sunday night chanting "Now! Now!" as they demanded that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reach a ceasefire with Hamas to bring the remaining captives home. The call for the strike comes after the Israeli military said that it had found the bodies of six hostages in a tunnel in the southern Gaza Strip."

"The head of Israel's powerful Histadrut trade union ordered a "complete strike" in support of Gaza hostages on Sunday, September 1, urging a deal to secure their release after the bodies of six captives were recovered." Netanyahu has been defying the protests this whole time.

CTV is spinning the situation by saying "(Netanyahu) added: “No one is more committed to freeing the hostages than me. But no one will preach to me." That is a lie.

Netanyahu facilitated the attack and made the hostage taking possible. He took the soldiers guarding the border off that watch and issued a stand down order letting the operatives in and out with hostages without resistance. When the IDF were caught firing on Israelis during the attack they said they were firing at Hamas. They lied. If they were firing at Hamas they would have called for back up and Hamas would not have been able to escape with hostages.

Mossad created Hamas to push Fatah out of Gaza after they agreed to the Oslo accord.

Netanyahu orchestrated this war to stay in power and avoid his corruption trial.

October the 7th was Israel's 9/11 - but the CIA did 9/11.

Hamas is ISIS - but the CIA created ISIS and ISIS K.

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