Saturday, September 28, 2024

Man charged with attempted murder in Nova Scotia

The National Post is reporting that "A Nova Scotia killer charged with attempted murder earlier this month in Halifax once tried to stab a correctional officer, threatening to kill the guard when he got out of jail, and tried to slit another inmate’s throat. But despite his violent track record, Canada allowed him out of prison before his sentence expired. Robert Harris Lamb, 34, saw his statutory release temporarily revoked for cocaine use just four months before he allegedly tried to shoot another man dead just after dawn on Sept. 5 in Halifax. Paramedics took the victim to hospital with a gunshot wound, but he’s expected to survive."

OK so Robert Lamb shot a guy in Halifax on September 5th but the guy survived.

His previous manslaughter conviction was for a fatal stabbing. At that trial CBC reported that "Stan Rudolph was one of the four people renting the home at 123 College St. where Beaton was stabbed on Jan. 1, 2010. After midnight, Rudolph was in the kitchen restraining a person with an eye injury he believed wanted to use a beer bottle as a weapon."

"Rudolph testified in the Nova Scotia Supreme Court in Pictou he then jumped in to help a friend who was in a fight on the floor. 'I looked up and saw the guy who tried to smash the beer bottle, with a knife.' Earlier testimony said that the accused Lamb had a similar eye injury and a photo of Lamb with a bruised eye was entered by the defence."

"Carissa Pettipas identified Lamb as the person she saw being restrained in the kitchen. 'His eye was swollen up and looked really beaten up,' she told the court. Dwayne MacDonald told the court he tried to break up the fight until someone came after him with a knife."

"MacDonald said he was blocking the blows with his arms, but when he tried to go after the knife he said 'then buddy put the gun to the side of my head and told me not to move. I looked and saw the barrel. He said 'Stay out of this. My boys are in there.'"

So Robert Lamb got beat up and came back with some guys for vengeance. Someone was fighting the guy for him and he then came at the guy with a knife. When someone tried to intervene, a third person with a gun said don't get involved those are my boys in there. So that means Robert Lamb was working for the guy with the gun and the guy with the gun got off.

Likely the shooting on Sept 5th was for the guy with the gun from the payback party.

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