Friday, September 6, 2024

BC Hospitals are Drug Injection sites

I have a FBI fraud follow up on the Cameron Ortis story but before that I have a crack pipe vending machine follow up. As we know, crack pipe vending machines aren't really new. Extremists have been trying to implement them for years. It wasn't until recently they showed up outside hospitals on Vancouver Island thanks to Bonnie Henry.

In the article I quoted Bonnie Henry addressed the criticism of the vending machine project enabling addiction. She defiantly boasted that prohibition caused the problem not free crack pipes. That lunatic is delusional. She used to work for the World Health Organization and we all know how crazy they are. The current director of the WHO is not a medical doctor. He was a leader of a violent Communist Paramilitary organization in Ethiopia.

A former NDP MLA was the one that broke the story about the crack pipe vending machine pilot project outside hospitals on Vancouver Island. She left the NDP because of the NDP's position of enabling addition instead of treating it. That's like Bonnie Henry saying if someone has a disease we aren't going to treat the disease we're going to feed it so the person never gets well.

Then we find out not only were they putting crack pipe vending machines outside hospitals of all places, they also launched a website where addicts could order free illegal drug supplies and have them delivered to their home thanks to Bonnie Henry and our tax dollars. Adrian Dix's tearful tantrum supporting Bonnie Henry demonstrated that he needs to spend some time with Dr Phil.

Langley and Surrey Memorial ER's used as safe injections sites

So here's the new news. Remember the backlash when Bonnie Henry and Adrian Dix wanted to put safe injections sites outside hospitals? That's because they're already using the inside of hospitals as safe injection sites and it isn't working. Health Care workers are complaining about the daily violence and abuse they face from addicts at the hospital.

Yesterday I was speaking with one of my neighbours. The subject of crack pipe vending machines came up and he said he was at the emergency room of Surrey Memorial hospital last week with a neighbour who had heart problems. He said while everyone was anxiously awaiting emergency treatment in the emergency room, two addicts walked straight past the line and each received a dose of heroin before leaving the hospital.

He could understand them bypassing the line if they were overdosing but that's not what happened. They were fine. They went straight in for a dose of heroin. I have another witness that saw the same thing in Langley Memorial Hospital.

She was a former nurse. She had to go to emergency in Langley for acute asthma a couple years ago. She said as always there were patients lined up in the hallways. Only one set of patients were addicts getting a free dose of drugs in the hallway with all the other patients. She was shocked and horrified. So now this is something we have to look at.

The BC NDP always pretend to support health care and nurses. Well we know they didn't support nurses and doctors who objected to the Covid RNA vaccines as they punitively demanded health care workers take the toxic dose long after the pandemic was over. Bonnie Henry was the last health authority in Canada to finally lift the mandate despite the dramatic shortage of health care workers in BC. We also know the BC NDP do not support Health Care workers because of the abuse they force them to endure with all the violent drug addicts on site.

Now we face the reality of the NDP's complete destruction of Health Care in BC. ER's are getting cutbacks all over the province. All these people waiting for emergency medical treatment at Surrey Memorial hospital were bypassed by addicts getting a free dose of illegal drugs at the tax payer's expense. That is their delusional definition of safe supply.

Surgeries are postponed, MRIs are delayed but addicts get free drugs on the tax players dime with no wait. I said this from the beginning. Safe supply will bankrupt our medical system and we are seeing exactly that. The BC NDP is crazy. The good news is that the tide has finally changed.

I have always said that politics in BC is very tidal. BC isn't always the left coast. BC goes left, BC goes right. The politics here ebb and flow like the tide in the ocean. One minute it's Bill Vander Zalm and Gordon Campbell . The next its Mike Harcourt and Glen Clark. They all rise and fall based on their pride and right now Bonnie Henry's arrogance is off the hook.

The good news is that the BC Liberals have folded and set aside their power and pride to endorse the BC Conservatives so they don't split the vote. Now we have Gwen O’Mahoney, a former NDP MLA who quit the NDP to join the BC Conservatives. This shows we have a united front. That's why so many long time NDP MLAs in BC aren't seeking reelection. They can all see the writing on the wall that Bonnie Henry and Adrian Dix refuse to recognize.

Here's the deal. I support public health care but I don't support throwing away the three critical pillars in the four pillars program and turn harm reduction into harm promotion. You don't have to support the privatization of health care to oppose​ Bonnie Henry's crack pipe insanity forcing heath Care workers to face daily abuse from violent drug addicts. The tide has turned. Catch the wave.


  1. I will never vote for the NDP again either Federal or Provincial. To do this with my tax dollars is ludicrous. Axe the carbon tax, because it’s clear that revenue is supporting the chaos in our communities.

  2. BC healthcare is not far behind Ontario. Both hijacked by Nazis.
    Top story on the news today woman denied transplant for prior alcohol use dies. Ontario hospitals have essentially admitted to federal eugenics programs existing. Just as was suspected with MAID. Canada now has active death panels in our hospital administration. Exactly what Alex Jones said was going to happen 10 years ago. It’s just the beginning, this is how they slowly get the public on board with the idea that some people don’t deserve to live. Germans didn’t become fascists supporters overnight

    1. Wow. Just wow. Well, there are some people don't deserve to live, they are right about that. But as usual, everything they are trying to apply to you actually applies more to them. The classical penalty for betrayal and treason is well known.

    2. The people that don't deserve to live is them.

  3. Shooting in north vancouver last night

  4. A news story came out yesterday saying that the vending machines have been removed.

    1. Last I heard they were removed from one location only. It's like the safe injections sites outside hospitals also. They keep pushing the boundaries until there are none. They keep trying to get away with crazy sh*t in secret only to dial it back a bit temporarily when they get caught. Their agenda is to wear down our morals and standards.


    3. The NDP realize if they keep catering to these political extremists they will not be reelected. See how the fake news twist it? Harm reduction kiosks with first aid supplies. Those lying freaks are Satanic. They promote addiction, harm and slavery.

    4. Everything Communist types say is a lie. They have to lie, no one would buy their shit otherwise.

  5. Under the guise of freedom of speech the communists are allowed to flurish while the people that support conservatives are punished and called racist and bigots. I do hope this fall election we can send a clear message to the communists that we will not allow them to hijack Canada anymore. That's also applies to federal government.

  6. What the NDP have done to this province with their bleeding heart mentality has gone far enough. It is just plain wrong. I used to be a proud supporter of them until now. They’ve clearly lost all my respect so I will not vote for these guys ever again. Good riddance.


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