Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Tim Shields’ sexual assault trial settled and gagged

The Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal is reporting that "RCMP say a settlement has been reached in a lawsuit that alleged a former spokesman for the force in B.C. sexually harassed a civilian employee. The lawsuit against former inspector Tim Shields had been scheduled to go to trial on Tuesday but court documents show the parties agreed to dismiss the action without costs in May. RCMP Sgt. Janelle Shoihet says the terms of the settlement are confidential."

Another gag order on another RCMP sexual harassment lawsuit. Tim Shields was a member of the FOCCers in BC. The Friends of Craig Callens who were a bunch of dirty a*s swingers in RCMP E Divison management. No lie can live forever. Welcome to the real world order.


  1. Who’s pocket does the settlement money come from?

    1. That's a very good point. The settlement comes from tax dollars - we pay it. That means there shouldn't be a gag order so we know what we paid for. The company is condoning sexual harassment. That is why they are paying all these settlements so individuals never have to accept responsibility for their actions.

  2. Disgusting. And they wonder why people have little respect for the RCMP any more. Probably time for them to go. Policing needs to be regional to be accountable. The Catholic Church and the RCMP have both used the method of moving offenders to far away places to escape accountability to their victims.


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