Saturday, September 14, 2024

The CIA, Iran and the Hells Angels

The Washington Post, a died in the wool propaganda outlet for the CIA and their Iranian Contra mirror recently posted a follow up nonsense piece about the Damion Ryan Iran dissident lie and the Toronto Sun took the bait. Not a word about the fact that Dammion Ryan's co accused Naji Sharifi Zindashti is a Kurd and sold drugs for the CIA not the government of Iran. Not a word.

Instead they're trying to blame Donald Trumps assassination attempt on Iran. That is ridiculous. It was the CIA. Their MI6 Iraq's WMD mirror picked up on the fake story as well. Let's review what we know and examine the test of believably. The CIA are international drug traffickers. They assassinated Major Charles McKee on Pan-Am Flight 103 then blamed Libya so he couldn't testify about the CIA's drug trafficking in Lebanon. The CIA lie about everything they do.

The CIA are supporting Iranian terrorists known as the MEK short for Mujahedin-e Khalq in their bid to overthrow the current Iranian government. MEK supported Saddam Hussein in the Iran Iraq war who was using US mustard gas on Iranian civilians with the CIA's blessing. The CIA is demonizing Iran because they have oil and the CIA's oil wars reduce oil supply in favor of the Saudi oil monopoly. The CIA are not patriots. They train terrorists all over the world.

The CIA created ISIS and assassinated the Iranian general who was responsible for defeating ISIS in Syria. Then the CIA created ISIS K in Pakistan. Meanwhile back on the ranch, the Mainstream media is reprinting every lie the CIA send them. BTW Gaza has natural gas.

Don't forget Damion Ryan's fake bust is tied to FBI honeypot Sky Global.

Jerusalem's arm sales to the Islamic Republic during Iran-Iraq War


  1. Good solid reads,I like that
    So why do we have a CIA office in Vanzcouver.
    And you forgot to mention Allen Dulles ,Herbert Bush and David Sanchez.

    1. Probably overseeing the local drug trade. Allen Dulles was the author of Operation Northwoods. GWB was the one that got the CIA addicted to drug trafficking in Vietnam. I don't know much about Sanchez. Sounds like a member of Operation 40:

  2. This is quality journalism and I'm glad you're clearing the club name being slandered with this Iran situation.

    1. I'm not saying they were involved with a drug dealer of Iranian descent. I'm just saying they weren't targeting Iranian dissidents for the government of Iran. That part is BS.

  3. Is Damion Ryan a major player with the Wolfpack


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