Sunday, September 8, 2024

Cameron Ortis: What if he's Innocent?

Connecting the dots in the Cameron Ortis case.

Meanwhile back on the ranch, Sam Cooper is a complete CSIS Spin doctor. GMAFB. He admits his sources are CSIS. The ones that supplied the explosives for the Air India bombing.

I am told that yesterday the printed edition of the Vancouver Sun ran the National Post article by Gillian Burnett, which isn't surprising since Post Media News owns the National Post as well as the Vancouver Sun and Province. What is surprising is that they ran it as 4 full pages with the heading The Spy who (possibly) wasn't. The National Post article fell under a full page headline that said What if he's innocent? Finally a breakthrough in the CSIS controlled media.
Startled by the National Post exclusive, Catharine Tunney from the CBC reported the new revelation that after Cameron Ortis was granted bail he turned it down because of the punitive conditions that would have put an unrealistic burden on hs parents.

Aside from Cameron's obvious innocence, is his mistreatment in prison. As the National Post article reported, Cameron has faced more than 1,200 strip searches in prison as well as 642 full-body X-ray scans. That isn't just invasive that's punitive torture which we know is the Five Eyes specialty. This guy is a patriot. His crime is doing what they asked him to do.

One of the points the article missed was the fact that not one but two of Cameron's lawyers were promoted to the bench. That's more than ironic. That's highly suspicious. When you spend all that time and money on a lawyer, only to have him removed from the case you have to start all over with a new lawyer who has to go through all the red tape of getting security clearances to be able to speak to your client. That is a huge financial burden. He was completely wiped out financial on purpose and is now being denied legal aid on purpose.

It's pretty clear the crown had no intention of going to trial. They wanted to break him and destroy him so he copped a plea. They underestimated his resolve. When he proceeded with a third lawyer they changed the allegations and came up with that ridiculous story about Ramos who as I said was an RCMP CI. As soon as they mentioned Ramos, I knew it was a scam.

Phantom Secure was a FBI honeypot just like SkyECC and ANOM were. Just like Tutanota is.

They had to stage Ramos' arrest so they could legally use the information they already had.

Not only is the Canadian government denying Cameron legal aid, they are trying to prevent an appeal which he will win simply because he wasn't allowed to defend himself given the classified nature of the evidence. The crown basically said he's guilty but we can't show you his defense because it's classified. You're going to have to take our word for it. That is insane.

Now the crown is preventing Cameron's appeal by adding more absurd security measures to prevent the classified defense documents from being admitted. When Cameron wins his appeal and is set free, he will still be under a gag order because all the evidence is classified.


  1. The courts, crown, politicians, police are ALL complicit and obviously possess too much power and authority, thus preventing the natural order of justice. If these corrupt entities can “control” evidence, then there is no justice system.

  2. We need elected judges and Senators in this country.

  3. LOL yeah, "they" don't want that......

  4. I'm not sure if elected judges are the answer but we definitely need some kind of accountability because right now Canadian judges have zero accountability.

  5. Accountabilty needs to be public. We have seen how they make complaints go away when they investigate themselves, find no problems, then seal the proceedings.


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