Sunday, November 19, 2023

Connecting the dots in the Cameron Ortis case

Update: Undercover sting to lure suspects to 'honeypot' encrypted email service

Before I jump to any conclusions in the Cameron Ortis case lets examine the facts that have been revealed and connect the dots so everyone can come their own conclusions after they analyze the data the fake news isn't reporting. Before we do that let's set the stage so we can clearly see the players on the field and see that history often repeats itself until we learn from it.

William J. S. Elliott was the first civilian Commissioner of the RCMP. He was appointed by Stephen Harper. Needless to say the RCMP did not like that. They harassed him until he resigned. The RCMP do not like civilian oversight and public accountability. They are the epitome of an old boys club. I once heard a local officer state that the RCMP are so arrogant they think their sh*t doesn't stink. We also know the RCMP are very territorial. That's why they sabotaged Operation Phoenix. To get the Regional jurisdiction they lost back.

The RCMP had three class action sexual harassment law suits and numerous abusive management complaints and law suits. The abuse started at Depot and never stopped. That's why the allegations that William Elliott the first civilian commissioner was verbally abusive didn't make sense. The existing management was abusive. He wasn't raised with that Depot mentality and they resented it because they felt Depot made them superior to other police agencies. When trainers are having sex with trainees, that's a Gong Show. It's not a superior form of training.

One minute they're claiming he was verbally abusive and the next minute they are deriding him for wearing a police uniform. Who was really abusing who?

Cameron Otis was hired shortly after William Elliott became Commissioner. Bob Paulson and Todd Sheen wanted to bring RCMP Intelligence up to snuff so they created the OR short for Operations Research to coincide with the NIC which was short for the National Intelligence Coordination Centre. They put Ortis in charge of the OR because Ortis had a phd in Cyber security. He definitely raised the bar as far as improving RCMP competence.

The court transcripts described the rivalry between the OR and the NIC. When Ortis was put in charge of the NIC, that department lost their sh*t. They didn't want a civilian in charge of their department just like they didn't want a civilian for a commissioner. So they started to do to Cameron what they were already doing to William Elliott. They started a paper trail of bogus verbal abuse complaints. Ortis was a civilian. He wasn't raised with the Depot abusive mentality. Bob Paulson and Todd Sheen knew it was BS. That's why they didn't pursue it.

The NIC even filed a lawsuit. Kinda like the Keep the RCMP in Surrey crew. Marie-Claude Arsenault, the woman who missed the promotion because of Ortis, joined that lawsuit. According to Todd Sheen's testimony her husband lead the bogus investigation into Ortis. That was a huge conflict of interest and the fake news omitted that fact in their coverage of the trial. So we see a pattern of how the RCMP derided and harassed the two civilians who tried to make a difference.

Here's how far it went. Todd Sheen groomed Cameron Ortis to take over for him when he retired which he did. Bob Paulson was grooming Cameron to take over for him as Commissioner when he retired. Bob Paulson wanted to give Ortis a badge and the old boys club had an aneurysm. That's when they called for outside assistance. Here's how the set up went down.

A foreign intelligence agency contacts Ortis directly and tell him three things. First they tell him the RCMP has a mole. Second they tell him Canada is facing a serious terrorist attack. Third they give him a list of ten names and states they have access to confidential RCMP information because of moles within the RCMP just like Edmonton did for years. They tell him to contact these people and try and convince them to use a German encryption called tutanota so they can monitor them. Three of the four people they accuse him of contacting were names on the list that the foreign intelligence agency told him to contact to try and convince them to use tutanota. The fourth person was the son of one of the names on the list. Since the father wasn't residing in Canada he was out of Ortis' jurisdiction and since Ortis is so meticulously by the book he contacted his son who was residing in Canada instead.

This shows us two things. It shows us that Ortis was completely by the book and he was completely set up. The foreign intelligence agency tells him to contact these people because they know moles so they can track them and the RCMP charges Ortis for doing what the foreign intelligence agency asked him to do. It was a set up from within and from without. I called this from day one when the CIA held a press conference making false allegations against him that didn't make sense. Now they are going after two other expert money laundering investigators because the CIA are the money launderers. They're also the terrorists. I rest my case.

One other thing. The fake news reported that Cameron Ortis had some strange passwords for the material they mysteriously found on his computer years after he was alleged to have done something wrong. Passwords used from Nov 6 morning testimony pages 34 to 37: Ontario sucks 57, Montreal is slightly 58, eastern toadies gat trash 59, bodum eastern Canada blows 63, awful terrible Ottawa crap 62. Aside from being completely out of character, on the stand he stated that he did not remember ever having those passwords. They don't really meet the criteria of a high level security password. Their claim he had those passwords fails the test of believability. It was a ridiculous add on to their false narrative.

Notice how Cameron keeps taking the high road in his testimony. He never comes right out and says they planted false information on my computer. He simply says I don't recall ever making those specific passwords. They ask him how did it get on your computer. He simply says I don't know and leaves it up to everyone else to do the math. He also gives a legitimate reason why those claims don't make sense.

Marie-Claude Arsenault, the woman from the NIC who missed the promotion because of Ortis, testified that it seemed as though he had an axe to grind and that he was trying to destroy the RCMP. Aside from being highly unlikely and completely false, it showed that they were trying to profile him. They were building a case and were trying to portray him as a disgruntled lone wolf. They planted those fake passwords on his computer to defame him. As a result, after Ortis' arrest, the OR has been disbanded. Civilian oversight has disappeared. Mission Accomplished.


  1. Dots well connected, good job.

    1. As I said from the beginning, the allegations fail the test of believability.

    2. Raf Souccar, the RCMP deputy commissioner who complained to federal authorities about Commissioner William Elliott admitted to the press that "they" did not want a civilian Commissioner:

    3. In 2017 former RCMP deputy commissioner Raf Souccar and Julian Fantino launched a medical marijuana business eight months before recreational pot was legalized:

    4. Raf the freak Souccar supports giving addicts free drugs. F*ck him:

    5. Raf Souccar wanted William Elliott's job just like Marie-Claude Arsenault wanted Cameron Ortis' job:

  2. I feel sorry for the members that join up for the right reasons only to have their ideals chipped away at day by day by the realities of who they are working for. The ongoing scandal's sap moral and foster denial among those who need a career because they have a family to support. It's hard to get off a train like that after you're riding it, because it never stops. Canadians deserve better, and it appears the only way to fight this dynamic is to foster Municipal Police as Surrey is doing, more local accountability where a problem officer cannot be hid by transferring them out of Province.

    1. Yes but I do support Police on Guard because there is good and bad in every organization. I do think the RCMP can be saved IF we maintain civilian oversight and public accountability. We need to make Cameron Ortis Commissioner and put Bill Majcher and Kim Marsh in charge of the money laundering task force.

  3. Yup, civilian oversight is key, for any police organization.

  4. Either way, this guy is not allowed to provide full defence. He should be not guilty. It's not really fair.

  5. The RCMP has been a mess for some decades now. Will it ever be changed. It is doubtful,, unless there is another major lawsuit which costs the government so much money voters will object, loudly. civilian over sight, might help straighten things out. A committe of individuals who have various backgrounds. A committee will make it more difficult for those who want civilians. Its easy to pick off individuals, but a committee, .....

  6. They will do the same as they have for those decades, pretty much as they please. Who would stop them? The same as before, no one.


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