Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Jury finds Cameron Ortis guilty

Update: Ditch RCMP, set up B.C. police force, MLAs recommend

The signs B.C.'s biggest cities are inching toward regional policing

Municipal debates renew push for regional policing in BC

CTV is reporting that "A jury has found former RCMP intelligence official Cameron Jay Ortis guilty of breaching Canada's secrets law. Prosecutor Judy Kliewer suggested the Crown would seek a prison sentence in the range of 20 or more years, and that's what we expect to see."

That is an abomination. Most people would not believe the RCMP and the CIA would go to that extent to set someone up just to destroy civilian oversight. I'm telling you right now they would and they did. "Defence lawyer Mark Ertel said he was shocked and extremely disappointed at the outcome. He said there would be an appeal. 'I think an innocent man has just been found guilty of six serious offences,' Ertel said. 'I'm really at a loss for words, I can't believe what happened.'"

That because you both believed in the system. The inherit problems is that the system is broken. When looking over the case I heard one criminal defense lawyer predict he would be convicted on the evidence but win on the appeal. There needs to be an appeal.

My conclusion is that the RCMP need to leave. Not only Surrey but BC entirely. The BC NDP need to create a Regional Police Force just like Ontario. That is clearly the only conceivable fix. A bitter tree cannot bring forth good fruit. If the roots are evil, the entire tree is evil.

I feel a bit like the Roman soldier standing at the foot of Christ after he died on the cross and said "We have just crucified a good man." Indeed we have. I salute Cameron Ortis for his flawless integrity and his naive faith in the system that betrayed him. God bless you and your family.

The Crown Prosecutor is a complete a*shole. "Prosecutor Judy Kliewer suggested the Crown would seek a prison sentence in the range of 20 or more years, and that's what we expect to see." 20 years? That's more than what someone gets for manslaughter. I've never seen a drug dealer get 20 years in Canada. They just completely destroyed a good mans life and have absolutely no remorse whatsoever. This guy has a phd in cyber security. He could he a huge asset in investigating real crime but no, the CIA and the RCMP don't want him to do that.

What we're looking at here is the swamp. And the only way we can drain that swamp is if we get rid of the RCMP in BC and form a Regional Police force. Alberta needs to do the same.

Look at how the Crown and the media has misrepresented Tamara Lich and Chris Barber.
If you know anything about Cameron Ortis you know he is very moral and very by the book. If the CIA told him there was a mole in the RCMP and not to tell anyone his mission he would have not told anyone. If the CIA told him there was a serious terrorist threat facing Canada he would have believed him. He probably didn't believe 9/11 was an outside job.

He probably wasn't aware of the Gary Webb story and the CIA's long history of drug trafficking. I am. That means when the CIA defames anyone like Edward Snowden or Julian Assange, I instinctively question it because I know what they are really up to. You really don't think they planted shit on his computer to set him up because they didn't want civilian oversight? They planted those ridiculous passwords to make him look bad. Those were not his.

Do you really think the CIA didn't plant the child porn on that whistle blowers computer? If the CIA will sell heroin and crystal meth and if the CIA will kill people like Major Charles McKee they will set up a guy like Cameron Ortis in a heart beat.


  1. Dennis, I agree that the whole system is broken. Any idea what a closer-to-perfect system would look like? I can see why more regional police forces would be better. Minimizing centralization is usually the best way to go imo, but it seems like that may come with it's own bag of problems too. I imagine one of the benefits of a federal (national) police force is that it handles national crime more efficiently, although this may depend on who's in charge at the federal level. Maybe the corruption in a federal police force spreads faster too though. Pardon me, I started thinking out loud there. Just wanted to get your opinion on what a better system looks like.
    Great work here.

    1. When I say the system is broken I'm referring to the RCMP. The pissing match in Surrey is a prime example. The BC NDP have been considering forming a Region Police force and I think it's time. I held romantic ideals for the RCMP but they have proven unworthy of those ideals. Ontario confronts Organized crime. The RCMP does not.

    2. The RCMP let's any crime go just so they can create a statistic for more funds. PS what ever happened to that RCMP officer who was busted by Creep Catchers in Surrey... Dario Dekovic. He only got a four month house arrest sentence.

  2. I think we all held an outdated, inaccurate view of the RCMP long after we should have. Our family saw the Musical Ride in Kamloops when I was a kid and it was all my parents could talk about for weeks afterward. The RCMP is not the Musical Ride, they are a Paramilitary Federal Police Force suited to the time in which they were founded, but these days they are out of control and do whatever they like. With rare exceptions, members who cause trouble are transferred to another province rather than fired. Good luck filing a complaint that will have any results.

    1. We saw members of the musical ride trample that disabled woman at the convoy.

    2. Great comment. Touché.

  3. I hope Cameron appeals this travesty of justice.

  4. Dennis, why is it that the 51 has so much power? Do you suspect that EPS has a corruption issue like RCMP do?

    1. Yes. It has long been rumored that EPS was compromised. The HAs would get their hands on confidential police files all the time. That's why the HA busts in Edmonton came from ALERT not the EPS. One could then argue that forming a municipal police force isn't necessarily a magical solution. However, the problem with the RCMP is from the top down bot the bottom up, I am now convinced that getting rid of the RCMP administration in BC is the only way we can drain that swamp and let the rank and file members be the good law enforcement officers most want to be.

    2. In 2012 the OMGU brought down David Giles in Kelowna. They did such a great job the BC Liberals disbanded the OMGU and transferred all the ring leaders somewhere else. At that point the CFSEU became compromised and stopped making HA drug busts. After a long hiatus, some new local leadership finally started making drug busts. Obviously that leadership has been transferred because they have since stopped making drug bust. That kind of corruption comes from the top down and the only way to fix that is by getting rid of the RCMP in BC entirely. Surrey is clearly the first place they have to go. That leadership is absolutely toxic.


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