Friday, November 17, 2023

Greg Woolley shot dead south of Montreal - Update

Update: Greg Wooley worked with Mom Boucher and Vito Rizzuto. Since the Ontario Nomads are back it's highly likely they are once again supporting the Calabrians out of Hamilton who were opposed to the Rizzutos in Montreal. So they may have capped him - the Ontario village idiots.

The Montreal Gazette is reporting that "Gregory (Picasso) Woolley, who used his influence to bring together the most powerful organized figures in Montreal, was shot to death in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Friday morning. The St-Jean-sur-Richelieu police received a call about shots fired shortly after 10:30 a.m. They found a 51-year-old man injured in the parking lot of a commercial building on du Séminaire Blvd, a Sûreté du Québec spokesperson said."

'The man was taken to a nearby hospital, where he was declared dead shortly after he arrived. Two police sources have confirmed to the Montreal Gazette that the victim was Woolley. Witnesses told police that a black sport utility vehicle was seen speeding away from the scene and an SUV matching this description was later found in Montreal engulfed in fire."
Wow, that is big news. Greg Wooley worked for Mom Boucher. Through Greg the Hells Angels were able to supply all the Crips in Montreal with drugs. A few years ago Greg held a big meeting trying to sell to all the Bloods in Montreal. The leader of the Beau Gars said no and slapped him in his face in front of everyone. Not long after that the Hells Angels shot him dead.

So what does this mean? Does this mean Greg lost favor with the Hells Angels after Mom Boucher died or did a rival from the Beau Gars finally cap him? The fact that they torched the getaway vehicle implies it was an organized hit which leads me to believe he lost favor with the Red and White. I'm kind of inclined to say that was a professional hit. It wasn't kids bustin caps in a frenzy. I don't think the Beau Gars are organized enough to pull off that kind of a professional hit. They wouldn't have waited this long either.

In 2014 Ducarme Joseph, the leader of the 67 gang tied to the crips was shot dead in Montreal.
When there's that much money involved a lot of your own guys are chomping at the bit to take your place. Just like they were in Thailand. Some Hells Angels from Australia killed their own guy in Thailand so another one of their guys could take over his drug line. No L & R there.


  1. Satan being the Ruler of Hell, and "The Prince of Lies", what would the Hell's Angles know about love and respect? "Devil's Army" etc etc. When people tell you who they are, listen.

  2. At least six gunshots, the majority of which hit the thorax and abdomen.

    Gregory Woolley collapsed to the ground and was later taken to hospital, 300 meters away, where he was pronounced dead. Resuscitation maneuvers proved unsuccessful. His wife and baby were not injured.

    1. That appears to be from the French article. One shot seemed a bit unrealistic. However it did appear to be pretty focused not chaotic:

  3. The single hole in the rear passenger door window appears to be an exit hole, not entrance.

    1. You may be right. That would make more sense if he was driving.

    2. It's the appearance of the hole that tells the story. Small hole going in, lots of spalling on the backside of the glass from where the bullet entered.

    3. They were still parked. The next step would've been to put the Lambo in reverse.

      The parking was full. I drove next to the scene. There was no way to escape fast. It's tight.

  4. Wow, somebody finally got him.

  5. I heard mom Boucher was a white supremacist why would he get a black guy working for him creg Wooley become very powerful I heard he was the link between hells angels the mafia and street gangs when it comes down to it u can't be a racist in the drug game u need those connections with the ethnic minority groups .

    1. That's why he used Greg. Greg made a lot of money.

    2. He also was a stone cold killer. Mom called him "le Picasso" because Greg murdered people and made it look like art he was so smooth.


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