Sunday, November 26, 2023

Google warning on another blog post

OK this is crazy. This must have been a bot. As soon as I made the last blog post Google placed it behind a warning. WTF? It was instant so it must have been a bot. I have no idea what they could possibly consider sensitive content. The gods must be crazy.


  1. It's not the Gods who are crazy.
    It's the people for putting up with this shit.
    Even the dumbest animals in nature would have stopped this agenda by now.
    The frog in boiling water metaphor needs to be replaced with the human in front of the television.

    Tell a vision alright.
    Programming our very demise as we enter the state of hypnosis.

    1. I meant the Google and WEF gods so to speak. The modern idolatry.

  2. Your being silence pretty much.

    1. Yeah but there was nothing in that post worth censoring.

  3. Right but they want to silence you because you speak the truth. If u can Google porn hub and hop on that site without verify your age, why do this? You must have stired the pot enough to get noticed.?

  4. Soon you'll be arrested for simply being at a protest.
    It's coming.

  5. It's their way of warning you without promoting any super contentious topic.

    Fall back in line Dennis.

  6. Read your post which was flagged. I can find nothing objectionable . What you wrote is fairly similar to what was on the CTV and Global news.
    If a bot put up the notice, the only thing I can think is, the bot didn't like the use of the words, Hell's Angels. Don't know why a bot would object to those two words, because they are used by the msm regularly
    Do they offer people an explaination as to why their writing receives such a notice?
    It boggles the mind

  7. It because Google and Facebook follow Jr the blackface crimeminster foot steps and want to ban any news not published by the lamestream media. We live in a 💩🤡 world run by elites. Just keep keeping-on Dennis I will always follow you as your news speak volumes compared to the others.

    1. Thanks. I just thought it was weird because I didn't even say anything remotely controversial.


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