Saturday, September 7, 2024

Judge orders release of 3 of ‘Newburgh Four’ and assails FBI’s role in a post-9/11 terror sting

Before I post an overview of the Cameron Ortis story and comment on the recent full page spred on him in the Vancouver Sun, I want to comment on a recent US court decision chastising the FBI for setting up a fake terrorism plot just like the Surrey Pressure Cooker entrapment case.

The Associated Press is reporting that "Three men convicted in a post-9/11 terrorism sting have been ordered freed from prison by a judge who deemed their lengthy sentences 'unduly harsh and unjust' and decried the FBI’s role in radicalizing them in a plot to blow up New York synagogues and shoot down National Guard planes."

"Onta Williams, David Williams and Laguerre Payen — three of the men known as the 'Newburgh Four' — were “hapless, easily manipulated and penurious petty criminals” caught up more than a decade ago in a scheme driven by overzealous FBI agents and a dodgy informant, U.S. District Judge Colleen McMahon said in her ruling Thursday."

“The real lead conspirator was the United States,” McMahon wrote in granting the men’s request for compassionate release, effective in three months. She said that it was “heinous” of the men to agree to participate in what she called the government’s “made for TV movie.” But, the judge added, “the sentence was the product of a fictitious plot to do things that these men had never remotely contemplated, and that were never going to happen.”

"She excoriated the government for sending “a villain” of an informant “to troll among the poorest and weakest of men for ‘terrorists’ who might prove susceptible to an offer of much-needed cash in exchange for committing a faux crime.”

"Citing concerns for the men’s health and her own qualms about the case, McMahon cut the 25-year mandatory minimum sentences she imposed on them in 2011 to time served plus 90 days. She said that would allow time for probation officials to prepare and for Payen’s lawyer to line up supportive housing for the man, who has a severe mental illness."

"The men’s lawyers soon raised questions about entrapment — a legal defense that argues that people were enticed into illegal conduct they wouldn’t have otherwise committed." Exactly, without the FBI's involvement there was no means or motive to commit the crime. That's entrapment. Just like the Surrey Pressure Cooker fraud was.

"The defense lawyers said federal informant Shaheed Hussain tried to stir up the men with rhetoric and went on to choose the targets, offer hefty payment, buy the defendants groceries, and provide the fake bombs and missile. The defense portrayed Hussain as a self-serving manipulator who was trying to please the government after his own, unrelated fraud conviction."

We've heard this all before. How CSIS, the FBI, the CIA or the RCMP bribe drug addicts or the down trodden to commit a criminal act they would not have otherwise done. If you walk up to a drug addict and say I'll give you 10 thousand dollars and a new BMW if you fire this rpg at that plane, you haven't saved the world from a terrorist, you have created one.

The vulnerable will do anyone you ask them to for money. A couple of weeks ago 6ixaktv posted a video on X of an addict in the DTES picking up a dead rat and taking a bite out of it. I'm pretty sure the guy filming it said I'll give you 20 bucks if you pick up that dead rat and take a bite out of it. If you are desperate for money you'll do anything. We need to stop exploiting the vulnerable to justify the WEF's agenda. After all, the purpose of these stings is to remove civil liberty.

Remember Cameron Ortis? He was warned by the Five Eyes of an impeding terrorist attack in Canada. Cameron Ortis was a civilian in charge of the OC. That was a new task force addressing terrorist threats that worked with the Five Eyes. That means Cameron's claim that a foreign intelligence agency contacted him about a terrorist threat is completely within the realm of believability. That's what the task force he was in charge of was mandated to do.

What if the CIA or the FBI said they were behind the plot and that it was another sting operation? What if Cameron wasn't on board with that? What if he objected to the entrapment of vulnerable marks to commit a terrorist attack in Canada? Do you really think the CIA would say you're right. That's not a very nice thing to do. I think not. Instead they teamed up with the RCMP who did not want another civilian Commissioner to destroy him. Literally and then torture him with more than 1,200 strip searches and 642 full-body X-ray scans. Are they trying to give him cancer?


  1. 642 X-rays, there's an excellent chance of that, The East Germans got rid of a few of their more troublesome dissidents by doing exactly this, the would take a plumbing xray rig and set it up in the cell next to the victim, then leave it on all night. The victims died of exceedingly rare cancers 6-8 months later.

    Evil walks the earth. It always has.

    1. Yes it does and we have become evil. Oh yes, the Germans were bad but guess what, so are we. We have become the enemy. We are just as bad. CSIS and the CIA are a shameful stain on society.


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