Friday, February 2, 2024

Phantom Security, ANOM and SkyECC

The Slate is reporting that "In one of the more unusual cybersecurity policing stories of the past year, the FBI announced in June that it had created its own company, called ANOM, to sell devices with a pre-installed encrypted messaging app to criminals."

"The June government press release gave some explanation for the FBI’s success, writing that it was able to attract users for ANOM by shutting down other platforms that offered similar services. For instance, the press release explains that in 2018, when the FBI shut down the Canadian encrypted device company Phantom Secure, many of the criminals who had been using Phantom Secure devices were forced to seek other secret communication methods to avoid law enforcement detection. The FBI—along with substantial contributions by the Australian Federal Police—filled that void with ANOM.” The same guys that lied aboiut James Riach.

"Then, in July 2020, European officials shut down the EncroChat platform, and demand for ANOM devices grew even more. Finally, in March 2021, U.S. officials seized the infrastructure underlying Sky Global’s encrypted device platform, called Sky ECC, and “demand for ANOM devices grew exponentially as criminal users sought a new brand of hardened encryption device to plot their drug trafficking and money laundering transactions and to evade law enforcement."

Sky Global was another Vancouver company just like Phantom Secure. Did the FBI seize Sky Global or did they create it like ANOM. Did the FBI also create Phantom Security or did they just seize it like all the others so they would have a monopoly on the market.

Sky Global sued the US government stating that it it marketed its phones to legitimate business users, including members of the legal, healthcare and financial industries. Jean-Francois Eap was the CEO of Sky Global. He was also the technical manager of Phantom Secure and was a known associate of Vincent Ramos." Is the FBI obsessed with a monopoly on this market?

The Slate article states that "The government managed to get users onto ANOM by shutting down to alternative end-to-end encrypted messaging platforms that it said had not sufficiently deterred criminal users. But it increasingly looks like the government may not have had solid evidence that those other platforms had actually done anything that warranted seizure by the government."

"At least, that’s what one of the companies that the FBI shut down in the process of recruiting users to ANOM claims in a new filing. If the company’s allegations are true, it’s a big deal because end-to-end encryption is an incredibly valuable tool for all sorts of legitimate purposes—and companies should be able to implement it without fear of the government unless they’re deliberately catering to criminals with their services." Is a free market allowed to exist?

This sure makes the Cameron Ortis ordeal look like a set up. Any one of us could be next.


  1. I'm not sure how the FBI seizes a Canadian company? Were the servers in the States?

    1. That's a good question and demonstrates the problematic nature of their obsession with a monopoly on the market. I guess it was because they had the RCMP and the Five Eyes on board. The RCMP has become a puppet for the FBI.

  2. Cryptography has been prohibited and controlled as a military technology until recently. Eric Hughes and the CypherPunk Manifesto in 1993. While termed ‘military grade’, cryptography is accessible to anyone with a decent level of mathematics, probabilistic analysis, and computer programming. The RCMP were possibly recruiting people through a Khan Academy course on Cryptography a little over 10 years ago. There were hidden instructions to deliver a code word to the Staff Seargent at a detachment in the interior of BC. I would expect the highest levels of government and military are already using quantum computing and quantum cryptography.


    Cryptography Challenge 101 Super Advanced Level. See how far you can go!

  4. The servers were located overseas for all the encrypted devices, skyecc somehow servers got caught in a raid. The encro team was infiltrated by the French police I believe the story was, and they used a simple Trojan horse hack from the 1990s known as a keystoke recorder... they sent it to the main server which sent it as an update to every device world wide. So in real time they were catching the messages with no encryption whatsoever. They had this hack running for months before encro team even noticed and shut down. In the mean time they used Ramos info to learn how the marketing of these devices worked and used the same formula to push ANOM.

  5. The servers were located overseas for all the encrypted devices, skyecc somehow servers got caught in a raid. The encro team was infiltrated by the French police I believe the story was, and they used a simple Trojan horse hack from the 1990s known as a keystoke recorder... they sent it to the main server which sent it as an update to every device world wide. So in real time they were catching the messages with no encryption whatsoever. They had this hack running for months before encro team even noticed and shut down. In the mean time they used Ramos info to learn how the marketing of these devices worked and used the same formula to push ANOM.

  6. Here is an interesting article although it is Vice

    1. I probably shouldn't comment but I already have. Long before we heard about the Phantom Secure bust I was told the police had incriminating info on Larry Amero from his encrypted blackberry. Ramos was working for the cops. Cameron Ortis contacted a police agent. Only instead of busting Larry Amero and all the people using the phones they busted the guy that gave them their phones and set up Cameron Ortis.

      The CIA pulled the plug on the Larry Amero bust just like they pulled the plug on the Blandon bust in LA. The only reason Larry Amero was busted was because the Montreal police seized his phone and asked the CFSEU if they could hack it. They were like ah, yeah. How do you think they hacked it?

      I know this is getting complicated and hard for people to follow but the bottom line is that the CIA was behind the opium in Afghanistan. Now that the Taliban stopped it the CIA are dealing other things. They bust rivals but they also bust guys that worked for them to make it look like they are fighting drugs when in reality they just find someone else. If BC is making fentanyl, the CIA is behind it.


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