Sunday, October 20, 2024

Donald Trump takes a shift at McDonalds


I’ve offically worked longer at McDonalds than Kamala!

♬ original sound - President Donald J Trump

BC's Fraudulent Election Results

West Vancouver is another smoking gun. Rich people don't normally vote green.

CBC is reporting that "A tight race for political power in British Columbia still had no clear winner early Sunday after the vast majority of votes in the provincial election had been counted, with a weakened incumbent party barely holding off its top challenger late into the night. The NDP were either elected or leading in 46 ridings, while the Conservatives had won or were leading in 45 — each just a seat or two shy of the 47 needed to win a majority government. With a little more than 96 per cent of votes counted, the B.C. NDP and B.C. Conservatives were left locked in a near dead heat. The razor-thin result means the race will come down to the final polls, out-of-district votes and mail in ballots. The latter aren't expected to be fully counted until Oct. 26."

Mail in ballots? The first thing I'm going to say is the obvious. This extensive delay in reporting reflects election fraud. What do I mean? Wait 'till I tell ye. Electronic vote tabulators are instantaneous. The fake news admitted that we should know the results hours after the polls close. Why is that? As soon as your vote goes into the machine it is counted. As soon as the polls close all the machines report what their final count is. There's no delay. Advanced voting has already been counted. Mail in ballots? GMAFB. That is the most common form of election fraud.

In the US election where Biden was "elected" swing ridings were purposely delayed while other ridings were called right away. As the Hodge Twins pointed out at the time, it seemed as though they were waiting to see how many extra votes they needed then kept pulling out suitcases of ballots out from under the table until they had enough. As Five Times August said, "hey Joe, we did it, 81 million votes!?" Abnormally high voter turnout points to election fraud.

Then the fake news claimed they weren't suitcases of ballots pulled out from under the table. That's what they looked like in the surveillance video. They pulled out boxes of extra ballots out from under the table after they sent scrutineers away. The documentary 2,000 Mules showed video surveillance of people making numerous mail in ballot drops to mailboxes but they censored that video evidence. We all saw it.

So before I analyze the fraudulent result I just wanted to throw that out there. I'm not saying we storm the capital. I'm saying we sue for judicial recounts of actual ballots. That's what Mayor Eric Adams did in his Democrat primary in New York after obviously anomalies appeared. That's what Doug McCallum started to do in the last Surrey election. For some reason he abandoned that court application. The last election in Surrey was clearly hacked. They didn't flip the results they reversed them. Brenda Locke wasn't the second favorite. She wasn't even in the top five.
Now for the Shady BC Election Eesults

The BC NDP has been significantly weakened and the BC Conservatives are now on centre stage. I don't support keeping the RCMP in Surrey and I don't support nuclear power. I support Hydroelectric power. That means we need to start using the Cleveland Dam again and all our Dams. Site C needs to be finished and SNC Lavalin needs to be given the boot. Their budget over runs on that project are absolutely criminal.

David Eby is a complete mental case. There is no way he got that many votes. No way. Aside from crime and illicit drug promotion, what they are promoting in schools is genuine child abuse. The debt he incured since taking over from John Horgan is criminally insane. That alone shows sinister forces are at play here. Bonnie Henry needs to be fired. That needs to happen now.
Electronic voting and vote tabulation are a far greater threat to our sovereignty than Russia, China or North Korea. This isn't about Donald Trump. This is about globalism. It goes back to Jeb Bush who hired Clinton Curtis to find out how to flip the vote electronically.

Preserving the integrity of elections is in everyone's best interest. Questioning the security of electronic voting and electronic vote tabulation is not unlawful. It is common sense. Criminals will do anything for money and they will continually search for new ways to do it.

One good thing about Canada was the fact that we didn't have electronic voting federally. The fact that we have electronic vote tabulation municipally and provincially is a huge concern especially because of the bugs and discrepancies we see everytime they are used. In the New York City Democrat mayoral primary, bugs were seen. The electronic vote tabulations started counting test ballots which flipped the vote. That's when Eric Adams filed a court petition.

Even Jason Kenny was accused of election fraud in the vote where he originally became leader of the party. This effects everyone. Kamala Harris and Justin Trudeau are trying to make these conversations illegal. That is insane. The Orwellian things we see every day now are something we never even conceived possible 5 years ago.

If you question misinformation they'll censor you, fine you and throw you in jail. If a medical doctor expresses their medical opinion and exposes government misinformation, the government will censor them, fire them, fine them and thanks to Bill 36 in BC imprison them. They want to imprison medical doctors for expressing their medical opinions. We can all see how crazy and how serious this has become. So that means it's something we do need to talk about.

Alberta opposed electronic voting judicially but came to a compromise that preserved physical ballots for judicial recounts. That is essential. A physical recount should have happened in the last Surrey election but never did. That has to happen in this BC election now. We also need a separate tally for in person voting and mail in ballots.

Ontario had glitches in their municipal election thanks to Dominion voting software as did New Brunswick. Calls for recount grow in New Brunswick after technical glitch.

CBC reported that "It was fall of 2017. Jason Kenney, former prime minister Stephen Harper's chief lieutenant, and Brian Jean, who had led Alberta's recently dissolved Wildrose Party, were vying to lead the newly created United Conservative Party. On the second day of the three-day leadership vote, a panicked call came from Kenney's campaign in Calgary ordering his team in Edmonton to shut down a voting kiosk they had set up in an empty storefront in a strip mall."

"The location on Ellerslie Road quickly emptied. By the next day, volunteers huddled in a private home in southeast Edmonton, where one insider alleges they cast votes from their mobile devices using PINs collected from registered voters."

"A CBC News investigation lifts the veil on what happened inside voting kiosks set up by the Kenney campaign. It’s part of a larger story about allegations of wrongdoing by the team behind Alberta’s current premier that one longtime conservative operative says is the focus of an ongoing RCMP investigation and an expert says undermines the credibility of Canada’s democratic system." Remember the discrepancies in Leslyn Lewis' bid to become leader of the Federal Conservatives? She had more votes than the others but less "election points" and no formula was shown for how those election points were tabulated.
Unsealed report on Dominion Voting vulnerabilities

Dominion Voting in Surrey and Vancouver

Dominion Voting's tainted legacy

I will admit that rigging this election in BC is way beyond David Eby and the NDP. It wasn't them, it was a foreign intelligence agency and it wasn't India, China or Russia. It was the same intelligence agency that hacked the 2020 US election. The same intelligence agency that set up Cameron Ortis and William Majcher. The same ones that killed Gary Webb.

Just like how hacking the last election in Surrey was way beyond Brenda Locke. She didn't do it, the RCMP did. Who's going to investigate them? Nobody. In 2018 the grass roots organization Wake up Surrey blew the whistle on election fraud in Surrey. Supporters of Tom Gill from Surrey First were falsifying mail in ballots. So don't tell me this never happens.

Anything can change but when you look at probability and statistics things change for a reason. For example, the federal Liberals recently lost two longstanding strongholds in bi elections. That makes sense because the outpouring of hate for Justin Trudeau is off the charts. That was the cause of the change. Likewise in BC the hate for David Eby and the NDP is huge now.

The health care workers are really upset with Bonnie Henry. As I said random people who aren't political keep coming up to me and are taking about politics. How much they hate the NDP and support the Conservatives. I have Vietnamese neighbours who are very kind and polite. They were so fed up with NDP people coming to their door they left a torn up NDP flyer beside an untarnished Conservative flyer on their doorstop all week. That was their way of asking the NDP to leave them alone. There are two nurses in that family.

So when you see all this NDP hate in BC right now, it doesn't make sense that the NDP would gain votes in a conservative riding like Kelowna. That is not believable. That's why Kelowna and West Vancouver are smoking guns pointing to something that just doesn't make sense. If it looks like a duck, talks like a duck and walks like a duck, 9 times out of 10, it's a duck.
Judge overturns Bridgeport, Connecticut's civic election due to evidence of fraud

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Fatal shooting in Calgary

The Calgary Herald is reporting that "A man is dead following a shooting Friday night in the northeast community of Homestead. Calgary police said officers were called to a home in the 200 block of Homestead Drive at about 7:20 p.m. for reports a man had been shot. Once there, they found the victim deceased. The suspects had fled before police arrived."

"It’s the second fatal Calgary shooting in eight days and at least the fourth incident of gun violence this month." The Dirty Newz posted a picture. I have no idea who the DBoys are.

Ontario Court of Appeals Strikes Down Law for CBSA Officers to Search Personal Electronic Devices at Border

Police on Guard is reporting that "In a case challenging the constitutionality of the search of digital devices at our borders, the Ontario Court of Appeal has ruled that the low threshold used to justify these searches is unconstitutional and inappropriately restricts the individual’s Charter rights.

The ruling acknowledges the unique issues associated with electronic devices, the vast and inherently personal information contained within, and the need for a higher threshold to justify these searches. The Crown argued the act of crossing the border is a choice and the resulting expectation of privacy is lowered; if you do not want your devices searched, your choice is to not travel. The appeal court correctly asserts that choosing between one protected right and another is not acceptable. That's a good point. Mobility rights are in the Charter and well as privacy rights.

Reclaim America Tour October 19th Omaha, Nebraska

Fatal Shooting in Brampton, Ontario

City News is reporting that "Homicide investigators have been called in after one woman was killed in a quadruple shooting in Brampton on Saturday morning. Peel police say just after 6 a.m. they were called to a commercial complex on Rutherford Road South near Selby Road, just west of Highway 410, following reports of gunfire. There were six occupants in a vehicle and this vehicle was parked in the plaza on Rutherford Road in Brampton. At some point, another vehicle attended and began shooting at this parked vehicle. The resulting gunfire and shrapnel associated with the shooting caused several injuries and one fatality."

"One woman, who suffered multiple gunshot wounds, was pronounced dead at the scene while another woman was taken to a trauma centre in critical condition. A third woman and the male driver were taken to a hospital with serious but non-life threatening injuries. Two other women who were in the vehicle were not injured."

CP24 showed a surveillance video of a stray bullet going through the window of a local business.

Voting Day in BC

Update: Analysis of the BC Election Results

2024 B.C. Provincial Election Results - CFAX 1070 - Global Live Results - City News results

Today is voting Day in BC for the Provincial election. I see they have electronic vote tabulators like in municipal elections which make sense but can be hacked. Keeping the paper ballots for judicial recounts is imperative to preserve integrity of elections. It appears to be a conservative landslide. The debt David Eby incurred after he took over from John Horgan is staggering.

All I'm seeing is an overwhelming amount of support for the conservatives and a whole lot of hate for the NDP. That is what I am seeing everywhere I go. Random people who never cared about politics before tell me they are definitely voting conservative this election. The tide has clearly changed. Bonnie Henry has lost her mind. Good riddance to a horrible person.

Ontario trucker pleads guilty to cocaine trafficking in US

The Natioanl Post is reporting that "Ayush Sharma, 25, was caught red-handed delivering 19 kilos of drugs to a garage in Montreal, a victim of an elaborate undercover operation. The smuggling ring moved large quantities of cocaine, methamphetamine, and heroin from Mexico to Los Angeles and then into Canada aboard transport trucks, with one branch feeding Ontario and another Quebec. Although Sharma has no previous criminal record, he also has few ties to Canada. He is not a Canadian citizen nor permanent resident."

"He agreed to plead guilty to one of four counts he faced in the indictment that was filed against ten people. He has an imposing list of co-accused, including Roberto Scoppa, the brother of two leaders of the Montreal Mafia, Jesus Ruiz Sandoval, an American narco living in a house filled with guns, and Eduardo Carvajal, an alleged Mexican cartel leader known as Primo.”
The Natioanl Post is also reporting that "Canadian police had their eyes on an Edmonton man named Sam Nang Bou in the summer of 2021, when Bou was quietly moving cocaine and meth from California into Canada using long-haul truck drivers."

Bou was caught and became an informant. "It took several texts and a few photos sent on Signal, an encrypted messaging app, to tell the driver where to deliver his load." LOL Another encrypted messenger app run by the FBI.

"The FBI alleges the message was sent by Roberto Scoppa, the brother of two leaders in a faction of the Montreal Mafia. Scoppa, 55, wasn’t arrested then — it was early in the investigation — but he has been now. He is one of 19 men named in U.S. federal indictments that were unsealed with great fanfare on Jan. 30."

"American authorities say their investigation shut down two separate but related drug rings moving large quantities of cocaine, methamphetamine, and heroin from Mexico to Los Angeles, and then smuggling it into Canada. One network was feeding Quebec and the other Ontario."

Roberto Scoppa opposes the Rizzutos and is supported by the Ontario Hells Angels.

CTV is reporting that "In addition to Scoppa, the Mounties arrested Ivan Gravel Gonzalez, 32, of Trois-Rivieres, Que., Ayush Sharma, 25, and Guramrit Sidhu, 60, of Brampton, Ont., and Subham Kumar, 29, of Calgary." Some of the meth allegedly headed for Guramrit Sidhu in Brampton.

Although cocaine is a concern, crystal meth is worse and the primary problem is fentanyl.

The India Tribune is reporting that "Sandhu, also known as King, is alleged to have orchestrated the trafficking and exportation of large-scale quantities of controlled substances to Canada working with several co-defendants described as suppliers. Both the indictments allege illicit drug trafficking activity cumulatively involving approximately 845 kg of methamphetamine, 951 kg of cocaine, 20 kg of fentanyl, and 4 kg of heroin."

In 2017 Andrew Scoppa was arrested with 65 kilos of cocaine in Laval which is red and white. Which confirms the Dirty Newz east coast claim that the Quebec HAs are now starting to work with Rizzuto rivals. That's what appears to have started the BMF war in Quebec City.

Andrew Scoppa is the brother of deceased Salvatore Scoppa, a leader among the Calabrian side of the Montreal Mafia. Wally Stadnick is from Ontario not Quebec and supported the Calabrians secretly from day one. Mom Boucher supported the Rizzutos.

"A month later, the informant went back to Mexico, this time to meet with a boss of the other network he was snitching on, the one allegedly feeding Sidhu, known as King, in Ontario. It was a shorter trip. On Jan. 29, 2023, the informant walked across the U.S.-Mexico border into Tijuana, south of San Diego, wearing a wire. Soto picked him up at a café and drove him to meet Jesus Ruiz Sandoval Jr., 45, an American living in Mexico, the FBI claims. Sandoval said the Hells Angels in Montreal were one of his biggest customers. The bikers ordered up to 600 kilos at a time, their demand so large he sometimes had trouble filling the entire order,”

"Bou (the informant from red and white Edmonton) was found to have engaged in eight other similar distributions of cocaine and methamphetamine, from September 2021 to September 2022, said the USAO. In total, for the eight additional distributions, Bou distributed roughly 752 pounds (341 kilograms) of cocaine and around 730 kilograms of methamphetamine."

On March 15, 2023, Leonardo Rizzuto was shot while driving on Autoroute 440 in Laval.

Friday, October 18, 2024

North Korea invades Europe - GMAFB

MSN is reporting that "North Korea is effectively invading Europe as it plans to send soldiers to fight in the war against Ukraine. A tough response from Western countries is required, according to Ukraine's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Andrii Sybiha, on Twitter (X)."AYFKM?

How about the millions of tax dollars sent to the Ukraine laundered through FTX? RFK itemized the war profiteering scam the Ukraine war is. Joining NATO and putting nukes on Russia's border is an act of war. Zelensky is a complete slimeball. He doesn't give a f*ck about the people in the Ukraine or the rest of the world. He only cares about his own pocket. He wants long range missiles to strike Moscow. That means Moscow could send missiles to the US.

Zelensky needs to be stopped. The only way to do that is by cutting his funding.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

France, Italy and Ireland denounce Netanyahu's attack on peace keepers in Lebanon

France 24 is reporitng that "Referring to the resolution adopted in November 1947 by the United Nations General Assembly on the plan to partition Palestine into a Jewish state and an Arab state, Macron warned Israel’s prime minister not to forget that “his country was created by a UN decision”, a few days after the Israeli ambassador to France was summoned, and Israel repeatedly fired on UN peacekeepers."

Israel attacks on UN in breach of international law, Harris says

"The taoiseach described attacks on three United Nations Interim Force positions in Lebanon (UNIFIL) as really dangerous, despicable attacks on peacekeepers".

"In 1996, I witnessed the horror as the Israeli army fired on UN positions. Now history is repeating itself. For the Irish deployed to Unifil, as events unfold it is abundantly clear that the IDF is preparing to replicate its brutal assault on Gaza in Lebanon. The death toll in Lebanon, mostly among innocent civilians, already exceeds 2,000." This is a land grab. That's all this is.

Ireland will not wait for EU to unilaterally suspend trade with Israel


"Canadian Forces Major Paeta Hess-Von Krudener – stationed as a United Nations peacekeeper in Lebanon – was killed on July 25, 2006 when the Israeli Air Force dropped a bomb on his UN post. Since the time of the incident, the Israeli government has claimed its attack on the UN post was an accident. Canada issued the results of its inquiry into the incident on Feb. 1, 2008. Unfortunately, this claim of the Israelis rings hollow in light of the specifics of the incident."

Qana massacre in Lebanon 1996

"The Qana massacre took place on April 18, 1996, near Qana, a village in then Israeli-occupied Southern Lebanon, when the Israeli military fired artillery shells at a United Nations compound, which was sheltering around 800 Lebanese civilians, killing 106 and injuring around 116. Four Fijian United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon soldiers were also seriously injured."

"Israel's claims were refuted by a United Nations investigation which later found that the Israeli shelling was deliberate, based on video evidence showing an Israeli reconnaissance drone over the compound before the shelling. The Israeli government at first denied the existence of the drone, but then said, after being told of the video evidence, that the drone was on a different mission." In both incidents Israel lied.