Sunday, October 20, 2024

BC's Fraudulent Election Results

CBC is reporting that "A tight race for political power in British Columbia still had no clear winner early Sunday after the vast majority of votes in the provincial election had been counted, with a weakened incumbent party barely holding off its top challenger late into the night. The NDP were either elected or leading in 46 ridings, while the Conservatives had won or were leading in 45 — each just a seat or two shy of the 47 needed to win a majority government. With a little more than 96 per cent of votes counted, the B.C. NDP and B.C. Conservatives were left locked in a near dead heat. The razor-thin result means the race will come down to the final polls, out-of-district votes and mail in ballots. The latter aren't expected to be fully counted until Oct. 26."

Mail in ballots? The first thing I'm going to say is the obvious. This extensive delay in reporting reflects election fraud. What do I mean? Wait 'till I tell ye. Electronic vote tabulators are instantaneous. The fake news admitted that we should know the results hours after the polls close. Why is that? As soon as your vote goes into the machine it is counted. As soon as the polls close all the machines report what their final count is. There's no delay. Advanced voting has already been counted. Mail in ballots? GMAFB. That is the most common form of election fraud.

In the US election where Biden was "elected" swing ridings were purposely delayed while other ridings were called right away. As the Hodge Twins pointed out at the time, it seemed as though they were waiting to see how many extra votes they needed then kept pulling out suitcases of ballots out from under the table until they had enough. As Five Times August said, "hey Joe, we did it, 81 million votes!?" Abnormally high voter turnout point to election fraud.

Then the fake news claimed they weren't suitcases of ballots pulled out from under the table. That's what they looked like in the surveillance video. They pulled out boxes of extra ballots out from under the table after they sent scrutineers away. The documentary 2,000 Mules showed video surveillance of people making numerous mail in ballot drops to mailboxes but they censored that video evidence. We all saw it.

So before I analyze the fraudulent result I just wanted to throw that out there. I'm not saying we storm the capital. I'm saying we sue for judicial recounts of actual ballots. That's what Mayor Eric Adams did in his Democrat primary in New York after obviously anomalies appeared. That's what Doug McCallum started to do in the last Surrey election. For some reason he abandoned that court application. The last election in Surrey was clearly hacked. They didn't flip the results they reversed them. Brenda Locke wasn't the second favorite. She wasn't even in the top five.
Now for the Shady BC Election Eesults

The BC NDP has been significantly weakened and the BC Conservatives are now on centre stage. I don't support keeping the RCMP in Surrey and I don't support nuclear power. I support Hydroelectric power. That means we need to start using the Cleveland Dam again and all our Dams. Site C needs to be finished and SNC Lavalin needs to be given the boot. Their budget over runs on that project are absolutely criminal.

David Eby is a complete mental case. There is no way he got that many votes. No way. Aside from crime and illicit drug promotion, what they are promoting in schools is genuine child abuse. The debt he incured since taking over from John Horgan is criminally insane. That alone shows sinister forces are at play here. Bonnie Henry needs to be fired. That needs to happen now.
Electronic voting and vote tabulation are a far greater threat to our sovereignty than Russia, China or North Korea. This isn't about Donald Trump. This is about globalism. It goes back to Jeb Bush who hired Clinton Curtis to find out how to flip the vote electronically.

Preserving the integrity of elections is in everyone's best interest. Questioning the security of electronic voting and electronic vote tabulation is not unlawful. It is common sense. Criminals will do anything for money and they will continually search for new ways to do it.

One good thing about Canada was the fact that we didn't have electronic voting federally. The fact that we have electronic vote tabulation municipally and provincially is a huge concern especially because of the bugs and discrepancies we see everytime they are used. In the New York City Democrat mayoral primary, bugs were seen. The electronic vote tabulations started counting test ballots which flipped the vote. That's when Eric Adams filed a court petition.

Even Jason Kenny was accused of election fraud in the vote where he originally became leader of the party. This effects everyone. Kamala Harris and Justin Trudeau are trying to make these conversations illegal. That is insane. The Orwellian things we see every day now are something we never even conceived possible 5 years ago.

If you question misinformation they'll censor you, fine you and throw you in jail. If a medical doctor expresses their medical opinion and exposes government misinformation, the government will censor them, fire them, fine them and thanks to Bill 36 in BC imprison them. They want to imprison medical doctors for expressing their medical opinions. We can all see how crazy and how serious this has become. So that means it's something we do need to talk about.

Alberta opposed electronic voting judicially but came to a compromise that preserved physical ballots for judicial recounts. That is essential. A physical recount should have happened in the last Surrey election but never did. That has to happen in this BC election now. We also need a separate tally for in person voting and mail in ballots.

Ontario had glitches in their municipal election thanks to Dominion voting software as did New Brunswick. Calls for recount grow in New Brunswick after technical glitch.

CBC reported that "It was fall of 2017. Jason Kenney, former prime minister Stephen Harper's chief lieutenant, and Brian Jean, who had led Alberta's recently dissolved Wildrose Party, were vying to lead the newly created United Conservative Party. On the second day of the three-day leadership vote, a panicked call came from Kenney's campaign in Calgary ordering his team in Edmonton to shut down a voting kiosk they had set up in an empty storefront in a strip mall."

"The location on Ellerslie Road quickly emptied. By the next day, volunteers huddled in a private home in southeast Edmonton, where one insider alleges they cast votes from their mobile devices using PINs collected from registered voters."

"A CBC News investigation lifts the veil on what happened inside voting kiosks set up by the Kenney campaign. It’s part of a larger story about allegations of wrongdoing by the team behind Alberta’s current premier that one longtime conservative operative says is the focus of an ongoing RCMP investigation and an expert says undermines the credibility of Canada’s democratic system." Remember the discrepancies in Leslyn Lewis' bid to become leader of the Federal Conservatives? She had more votes than the others but less "election points" and no formula was shown for how those election points were tabulated.
Unsealed report on Dominion Voting vulnerabilities

Dominion Voting in Surrey and Vancouver

Dominion Voting's tainted legacy


  1. It was amazing to watch the talking heads going “We won’t know the actual results for a few days.” Shady as hell.

    1. Exactly. It's believable Kelowna went Conservative. It's not believable it was that close. The whole thing is shady.

  2. What are you sayin about site C?

    1. I'm saying the insane budget over runs from the Site C dam are from SNC Lavalin who were given that contract when they shouldn't have been. They shouldn't have been given the contract for the Pattullo bridge or the Evergreen Skytrain extension either but they were. They under bid and over charge every government contract they get. Hydroelectric power is good. SNC Lavalin is not.

    2. How quick people forget the SNC scandal & whistleblower Jody Wilson. SNC should have been banned from ANY future contracts with government. Likely connected to the Green Slush Fund as well.

    3. Indeed. SNC Lavalin was given the Evergreen Skytrain expansion contract while they were banned from world contracts due to bribery and fraud.

  3. These ‘tight’ results are highly suspect. I do not believe BCer’s voted in those numbers for big bird. I say we have a re-vote & manual-security cleared & monitored count. No counting MACHINES.

    1. It's hard to get everyone out twice. We have the paper ballots. They should not be destroyed and should be manually recounted with scrutineers. Even Kelowna's riding was close enough to trigger a recount. However, as I said, there is no way that riding was that close so the whole election is now in question.

  4. Kelowna is a conservative riding. It's considered rural. They were very active in anti lockdown protests in support of Health Care workers who refused the Covid RNA vaccine. When I went there many years ago they were tons of farmers talking about GMO. At that time I had no idea what GMO farming was. It was such a safe conservative riding they gave it to Christy Clark twice when she became leader of the liberals back when the liberals were considered conservatives.

    That is why I boldly declare there is no way that riding was that close this time around. Skimming the vote and making it appear closer than it really was in uncontested ridings helps them sell their lie that the overall election was closer than it really was.


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