Sunday, October 13, 2024

The Two Sides of Hamas

There are obviously two sides of Hamas. One side is the terrorist organization that Mossad created after the PLO agreed to a cease fire in the Oslo accord. The founding manifesto which Mossad created stated that it's objective was to wipe Isreal off the face of the earth. The reason Mossad created that was to push Fatah and the PLO out of Gaza and replace them with extremists they controlled. However Fatah and the PLO were two separate organizations.

In Ireland the IRA had the Sinn Fein. The IRA was the terrorist organization or the provisional government while Sinn Fein was the political organization that ran candidates in elections and held office. Likewise the PLO was the terrorist organization or the resistance to Israeli oppression and expansion while Fatah was the political organization that ran the government.

Hamas is both all rolled into one. Hamas is a terrorist organization created by Mossad but it is also a political organization that runs the government. Claiming that Hamas is ISIS isn't entirely true. ISIS doesn't run the health authority and the hospitals.

Netanyahu's obsession to wipe out Hamas, which he created, is problematic because Hamas also runs the government. To wipe out Hamas in Gaza would mean wiping out their government leaving them with chaos and anarchy. I guess that's what he wants. After the war Gaza needs to rebuild and need a functioning structure to administer their schools and hospitals.

Fatah already exists and is separate from the PLO and Hamas. There is no reason that political organization couldn't administer the schools and hospitals in Gaza completely separate from any terrorist organization. Saying I object to genocide does not mean I support terrorism because I don't. None of us do but we all oppose genocide and that is what we are all witnessing.

The least they can do is open up the border and allow civilians to leave Gaza. That would fulfill Netanyahu's expansionist drive to wipe Palestinians out of Israel since Netanyahu refuses to share so he can expand the borders of Israel in contradiction to Moses's commandments.

Claiming that Netanyahu and his right wing globalist extremists are Messianic is a lie. They are defiantly breaking Moses's commandments to vex not the stranger so there is nothing Messianic about them other than the fact that they are fulfilling God's prophecy about Armageddon.

Years ago we were all well aware of the prophecies regarding Israel. They would be scattered, then they would be regathered which they have thanks to England's gift. The scriptures have always declared this was done by God not them. Israel's pride cycle of obeying God and rebelling against God is well documented in history as the scattering and gathering of Israel.

However, this current act of rebellion isn't all Israel it is their electronic voting globalist defiantly trying to give the UN a reason to invade them which eventually in the distant future they will. Right now the people of Israel are objecting to it calling for a ceasefire. So this is on Netanyahu.

The prophecy states that one day all the armies of the world will gather against Israel just like they did against Hitler in WWl and WWll. Two false prophets will lead the armies of Babylon and will have power to call fire down from heaven. The two false prophets will. That is why a former companion always used to say if you are converted by a miracle, it's a miracle you stay converted. This army likely lead by the Dragon and the Bear will conquer Israel with ground groups and lay Jerusalem under seize for three and a half years. During that time, two true prophets will be called to confront the two false prophets as explained in Revelations 11.

The aspect of that prophecy we never previously understood was why on earth would all the armies of the world eventually gather against Israel? This is why. Pride cometh before the fall. It always does and it doesn't matter who your parents are. God is not a respecter of persons. We are all children of God if we obey his counsel. If we don't then we are not his children.

In the end the Messiah Ben David will come to save Israel but he will also come to save the Palestinians because as I said, we are all children of God. Ben David will save Israel from it's corrupt leaders who are children of the Devil from the synagogue of Satan because actions speak louder than words. Righteousness makes us children of God. Defiant evil makes us children of the Devil and that doesn't matter what religion you belong to if any. Support good and shun evil.

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