Thursday, October 24, 2024

Rudy Giuliani ordered to transfer all personal property to 2 Georgia election workers

NBC is reporting that "A federal judge in New York has ordered former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani to turn over his luxury Manhattan apartment and many of his valuables to the two Georgia election workers he defamed. In a decision released Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Lewis Liman ordered Giuliani, a longtime ally of and former lawyer for former President Donald Trump, to transfer personal property including cash accounts, jewelry and valuables, a legal claim for unpaid attorneys’ fees, and his interest in his Madison Avenue co-op apartment to a receivership" within seven days."

"Ruby Freeman and her daughter, Wandrea Shaye Moss, filed an action to seize Giuliani's assets in August in an effort to begin collecting on the $146 million in damages they were awarded last year after a judge found Giuliani liable for having repeatedly defamed them. Giuliani had falsely accused the pair of election fraud after the 2020 presidential election."

OK My first question is what did he say? In the YouTube video seemingly she showed a surveillance video of two poll workers passing around a USB drive. What was on those USB drives? I don't know. To me it looks suspicious. The court claimed he committed defamation because he couldn't prove what was on those USB drives. The monetary award in that case is staggering and punitive. I emphasize punitive because there is obviously an agenda behind this.

The first thing every fake news outlet points out is that Giuliani is an associate of the evil Donald Trump. We saw how the fake news vilified Trump and anyone that associated with him. The way Brandon Straka and Simone Gold were mistreated over the January 6th farce was obscene. Let's jump back to the firing of Tucker Carlson.

Fox News had to pay some kind of settlement to Dominion Voting for accusing them of election fraud. That was a line from Shakespeare alright. Electronic voting is insecure. If someone commits election fraud from electronic voting the party that committed the fraud doesn't have to be the company that made the software. However, we do know from unsealed court documents that Dominion voting machines have vulnerabilities like any other electronic vote machines.

Nevertheless Dominion voting machines have experienced glitches in Ontario and New Brunswick. I'm not sure what company was used in the Democratic Primary for New York Mayor but there were definite irregularities in that primary. The machine mistakenly added numerous test ballots and Eric Adams filed a court application to preserve the integrity of that election.

Domino Voting sharing office space with George Sorros shell companies is shady. It doesn't prove or disprove election fraud but it demonstrates a conflict of interest. Dominion Voting donating to Hilary Clinton and Justin Trudeau's campaigns is a clear conflict of interest. Electronic voting companies should not be donating to political parties to win government contracts. That's a little too SNC Lavalin. Oh right. SNC Lavalin rebranded to AtkinsRéalis. Change the name and the people forget the past. Election fraud is usually from mail in ballots.

The court order against Alex Jones was staggering and punitive as well. He said Sandy Hook never happened. That was somewhat ridiculous because we all know it happened. Many believe 9/11 was an inside job. Just because it was an inside job doesn't mean it never happened. Yet expressing an opinion, no matter how absurd, isn't unlawful. It's like the flat Earthers. You have a right to claim the earth is flat. You're an idiot but you have the right to say that. Making a flat earther pay millions of dollars for saying that would be absurd.

On a side note, I know people who think Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson are both deep state. I have to admit when Tucker Carlson interviewed Felix Rodriguez it sure looked that way.

I will add that Rudy Giuliani is a hero for authoring the New York Model. The fake news won't talk about that. Giuliani saved New York while De Blasio flushed it down the toilet.

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