Saturday, October 26, 2024

Natural gas scam fuels BC's election fraud

The Tyee is reporting that "Both major BC parties backed the methane boom. Two new Green MLAs might change the equation." Oh the cunning plan of the evil one. This is why the Globalist's shaved the West Vancouver results is the last BC election and flipped them this election. To promote the LNG fraud. Natural gas is clean burning. Industrial coal is not. Electric cars running on electricity generated from Industrial coal plants are not green. Natural gas is cheap. That is why the Globalist's are trying to ban it to drive up inflation and make energy unaffordable.

"British Columbians awaiting a final vote count that will determine who governs their province are understandably anxious. After all, in many ways, the agendas of the NDP and Conservatives are starkly different. But one group hasn’t felt much concern during the campaign. For the liquefied natural gas industry, the winner made little difference. Both parties are supportive of the construction of nearly $100 billion worth of LNG terminals." That's becuase they should.

"Only the BC Green Party has opposed the economic gamble... Declining global LNG prices" confirm that natural gas is affordable. That's why they want to ban it - to create manufactured energy crises like we see in England and Europe. This is where fake environmentalism has hijacked the Green party and replaced it with Globalist Communism that uses fake environmentalism to turn consumers into slaves.

We all care about the environment. Heating homes with natural gas has greatly improved the air quality in West Vancouver. When I was in Cork I noticed LA smog in a small town. It was from the coal fires everyone used to heat their homes. I wrote my parents about it. My father wrote back and said that's what it was like is West Vancouver when your mother and I were first married. We had the same smog. I was amazed at the huge improvement we observed in a single generation. All this absurdity about a war on methane when referencing natural gas is a fraud. It's like the war on farming. Planting trees is green. Farming is green. Plants need fertilizer to grow.

The NDP and the Conservatives both agree about the LNG plant in Kitimat. They don't need the fringe Communists to move that project ahead. Selling Natural gas to China to help them get off Industrial coal will greatly improve air quality and reduce global CO2 emissions. Just like selling natural as to Germany will. Opposing that is not green. Fake environmentalism is ridiculous.
Waste management trucks powered by natural gas are far cleaner than diesel. Ships powered by natural gas are also far cleaner than diesel. The fake environmentalists have an agenda and protecting the environment is not part of it. Green Justice supports natrual gas not globalism.

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