Sunday, October 6, 2024

Nuclear power is Globalist not Green

I see True North is reporting that John Rustad from the BC Conservatives is promising to look at nuclear power. That is not green. BC has been very energy independent with green hydro electric power. John Rustad should start using the Cleveland Dam on the Capilano river again. Not using that existing dam to generate electricity is a globalist scam.

The problem with the site C dam is SNC Lavalin. Hydroelectric power is good. Nuclear power is not. Nuclear waste is virtually impossible to safely despise of. We have seen that from the leaking nuclear waste into the Colombia river.

The problem with nuclear power is that it fulfills the globalist arms race by promoting the technology and the materials to create nuclear weapons. Globalism infiltrates the right as well as the left. When Canada sold India CANDU reactors that gave them the ability to create and use nuclear weapons. Sanctioning Iran is not necessary but giving Iran or anyone else's nuclear weapons is not wise. Third Hanford Nuclear Tank Suspected of Leaking Radioactive Waste


  1. The issue with Hydro dams is they do massive changes to the environment. Flooding hundreds, sometimes thousands of kilometers of land has massive environmental impacts. You're also creating a reservoir, which will increase the water temperature, which also has an impact as well. I'm not anti dams, but you should read up on them and the negative impacts they have.

    1. That is absolutely ridiculous. No really. Cleveland dam. That reservoir is our drinking water. Stave Lake and Alouette lake. Those reservoirs our our recreational areas. That kind of brazen bullsh*t fosters Globalism and fake environmentalism. If I disagree with you I need to read up on it some more. No, I disagree with you and that's my right. Hydroelectric power is green. Nuclear power is not. Beavers are green too.

  2. There’s just not enough water coming down the Capilano watershed to provide any significant hydroelectric energy. You would have to drain half the reservoir everyday just to keep the Teslas of West Van charged. That volume of water flowing down the canyon would also decimate the fish spawning habitat. Any remaining wild salmon and steelhead stocks would be extinct in the first year. Good luck explaining to the Squamish nation that you are killing the rest of the salmon to fight globalism. Not to mention severely depleting drinking water reserves that already run low in summer

    1. OMG you support the globalist lie. Right now the water level is low, yes. However, ever since that "accident" they stopped using it to generate electricity during the wet season. Instead of having the water flow through the dam to generate electricity they had it come out the side through an overflow channel. That's the fraud.

      The manufactured accident was simple. They let too much water out all at once which caused a surge and swept a fisherman into the water. That was "human error". The solution is simple. Don't release the water all at once. Gradually turn it up and gradually turn it down. Globalists with a sinister agenda are bleeding us dry. Hydro electric power is green and cheap just like natural gas which the Globalist's are also try to ban based on another lie.


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