Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Benjamin Netanyahu is an Anti Christ

I don't want to flog a dead horse but I will state my position clearly and unequivocally. Benjamin Netanyahu is a bad man. If Klaus Schwab and John Kerry are bad men and they are, then Benjamin Netanyahu is a bad man for the same reason. That statement is not antisemitic. It is anti Communist and anti Globalist. Benjamin Netanyahu is not a patriot he is a war monger. He starts and provokes wars then lies about the reason he started them. That is ungodly.

The people of Israel are a very different story. All those Jews in Israel calling for a ceasefire protesting against Benjamin Netanyahu clearly are children of God. In the Sermon on the Mount, Christ said blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God. The Jews in Israel protesting against Netanyahu are living their religion. Benjamin Netanyahu is not.

Benjamin Netanyahu is as as John the Revelator declared part of the synagogue of Satan who say they are Jews but are not. Actions speak louder than words and when our actions become evil then the Devil seals us his. John did not say all Jews are Satanists. That is a false claim from a false prophet. John's statement applies to all religions that foster hypocrisy. Christians, Muslims, Jews, any one who professes to belong to a religion but their actions defy those teachings is a child of the Devil. Actions speak louder than words.

We understand that wherever there is good, evil tries to infiltrate it and conquer it. We have seen all religions including Judaism at some point become hijacked by self serving hypocrites. In Matthew 23 Christ confronted the religious leaders at the time and called them liars, hypocrites and extortionists. He even referred to them as children of the Devil. We have seen good in Israel and we have seen evil. As Simon and Garfunkel would say, that's not unusual. The people in Israel right now are good but their leader is bad. His tainted vaccines and electronic voting.

Benjamin Netanyahu benefited from the murder of Yitzhak Rabin. Benjamin Netanyahu facilitated the October 7th attack. Without his assistance it could not have happened and there would have been no hostages. Benjamin Netanyahu orchestrated that attack to justify his theft of land and natural gas and to profit from a new canal without sharing any profit with the residents of Gaza his own neighbour. As God commanded him, vex not the stranger that sojourneth with thee.

So let's talk about Iran, Rafah and Lebanon. 6ixaktv recently retweeted this post on X. That's white phosphorus BTW. Remember when the US warned Netanyahu not to invade Rafah? He did and what happened? Nothing. Netanyahu defied the US with no consequences whatsoever. What Netanyahu is doing in Gaza is an abomination. He drove all the civilians out of their homes in every city from the north to the south until they were trapped in Rafah.
Then he closed the border to Egypt and ordered them to leave. He drove them into the ocean and started bombing the tent cities on the beach. That was unequivocally evil. We are witnessing a modern day genocide and no one is doing anything to stop it. If the US wants Iran to stand down then Israel needs to stand down and launch a permanent ceasefire in Gaza so Netanyahu can finally stand trial which this provoked conflict has distracted us from.

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