Sunday, October 6, 2024

Lawmaker Claims Trump’s Shooting Was Inside Job

The New York Times, which has gone far left like the Washington Post and parrots the Agency's narrative is reporting that Eli Crane "has repeatedly raised the possibility that the shooter who tried to assassinate Mr. Trump in July at an open-air rally in Butler, Pa., did not act alone, and that the gunman who was arrested last month in what the F.B.I. described as a second assassination attempt at his Florida golf course was an asset of a foreign adversary who was being handled.”

(It wasn't a foreign adversary it was a domestic enemy. It was the CIA not Iran.)

They continuously throw out the words conspiracies and fringe right wing. If you question the obvious they mock you and label you. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the Trump assassination attempt was an inside job. The secret service has always been corrupt. Kennedy saw it. They ordered the agents running behind the car protecting him to pull back right before he was shot. That's not a conspiracy, that's history. So let's talk about the term conspiracy.

Murder is not a conspiracy. As we see in gang land, murders do happen all the time. That's a fact. When you hire someone to commit murder that's called conspiracy to commit murder. It's an actual criminal charge. Yet so often we hear debunkers throw out the word conspiracy to try and discredit a concern when we can all see the concern is valid.

Here's the twist. Look at Eli Crane's proposed solution. He says Trump should should bolster his private security to watch the watchers. At first that makes sense but the problem is Blackwater is just as corrupt as the CIA and the Secret Service. They're all bad. Private military is not a military it is an army of mercenaries that can turn on you as fast as they can support you. We saw that with the Wagner group. Mercenaries are not soldiers committed to a cause, they are mercenaries committed to their wallet. If someone offers them more money, they switch sides.

So what is the solution? Cut the head off the snake or in this case octopus. Public accountability is always a good thing. When any secret service has no public accountability that is always a recipe for disaster. The CIA is inherently corrupt. It's roots are evil and as we have seen, an evil tree cannot bring forth good fruit. If it's roots are evil the entire tree is evil and it is good for nothing except to be cut down and thrown into the fire.

The DEA is corrupt because the CIA infiltrated it The FBI is corrupt because the CIA infiltrated it. The ATF is corrupt because the CIA infiltrated. The first step is it gets rid of the CIA or as John F Kennedy said, splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds.

The CIA should not be operating on American soil yet it does. That needs to end. All the CIA black prison sites on and off American soil should need to be shut down. That's a start but it's only a start. Every agency needs to be accountable. That is essential. Right now the CIA has zero accountability. That needs to change. They need to stop operating on American soil. The reason they have infiltrated all these other alphabet agencies is because they want their jurisdiction. They have created the problem to justify their solution which is just as bad if not worse.

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