Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Chilliwack elect two Conservatives

OK so Chilliwack elected two Conservatives. That's totally believable. Chilliwack is rural and led several car rallies in support of the convoy to the Truck border crossing and back.

So let's back it up and look at this honestly and objectively. Remember how the mainstream media defiantly defamed and misrepresented the Convoy? The Convoy was a very positive freedom movement started by truckers who opposed vaccine mandates which was supported by the entire nation. Justin Trudeau and his state subsidized media defamed them and misrepresented them at every opportunity. We're still waiting for the decision from Chris Barber and Tamara Lich's kangaroo court trial that never should have happened.

Likewise the fake news obsessively misrepresents Conservatives at every opportunity. What is a Conservative? A Conservative is someone who believes in less taxes and more freedom. Blare White declared that just because I support low taxes and freedom doesn't make me homophobic or transphobic. So did Brandon Straka. Yet the fake news continued to misrepresent that fact.

The fake news kept calling Donald Trump racist so Candace Owens, the Hodge Twins and an army of black Conservatives rose up and said enough is enough. We support low taxes and freedom. There is nothing racist or conspiratorial about that. Now the fake news is forced to admit that the vast majority of black men in America are voting for Donald Trump.

That makes their ridiculous claims about Donald Trump being racist absurd. Don Lemon recently said all the black men he spoke with said they were voting for Donald Trump mostly for economic reasons. Exactly. The Globalists and their fake news keeps trying to divide us over race when the vast majority of people don't give a rat's a*s about race. All they care about is the economy and their freedom, something the Globalist's and their fake news constantly try to destroy.

Á’a:líya Warbus clearly stated that the reason she joined the BC Conservatives was because of David Eby's drug policy promoting addiction among Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. It's that simple. There's nothing crazy or racist about that. Denying that is crazy and racist. It promotes exploitation and misery which totally fits in with their slavery agenda rebranded as Globalism. Heather Maahs said the two main concerns voters in Chilliwack she spoke with had was public safety, including open drug use and addiction issues, and affordability.

People care about inflation and the cost of housing. The BC Conservative are riding a tidal change due to voter dissatisfaction with Justin Trudeau and the BC NDP. When the Reform Party swept the West many years ago we saw many new members of parliament who had not been elected before. For the most part that was a good thing because those new representatives weren't members of the WEF or the Old Boys Club that caused the problems the people were concerned with. However, sometimes some candidates jump on that bandwagon.

I saw Linda Hepner's name in that list and rolled my eyes. I'm glad a Conservative won that riding but Linda Hepner is not a Conservative. She is a tax and spend Globalist like Diane Watts. The fake news continues to defame the BC Conservatives calling them racist extremists just like they defamed the Convoy. We know that the fake news has no credibility and push an insane agenda we reject. That's why we have to see past the lies and hold fast to the ideals.

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