Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Joel Skousen and Ross Perot: Splitting the Vote

I posted a link to Joel Skousen's year end analysis because I thought he had a good understanding of Globalism but I didn't realize he was running for president. That's kind of strange because he pointed out that Ross Perot split the vote and helped Clinton get elected so I'm wondering what the hell he's thinking now. Ross Perot had a better chance of winning than he does. So why on earth is he splitting the vote? Is he CIA or has he just lost his mind?

This is a really important election. There are a lot of really important issues on the table and Kamala Harris will not solve them. She will maintain the globalist status quo. Donald Trump is far from perfect but his economic policies will be a huge step forward addressing the manufactured energy crisis which will be essential to pull us out from the rigged inflation we are witnessing. We need to break the Saudi oil monopoly and we need to stop the oil wars protecting that monopoly.

It was interesting to see Joel Skousen heckled when he started to talk about Russia and the Ukraine. I disagree with his position on that matter as did the heckler who walked out calling him a fraud. Joel admitted Conservatives don't see Putin as a bad guy in that war but he does. Joel thinks Putin orchestrated that war and I think he's wrong.

The concern that would have avoided that war entirely in having the Ukraine join NATO putting nuclear missiles on Russia's border. That was an antagonistic move by the Globalist's who provoked that conflict on purpose. I'm not saying Putin is a saint. Far from it. Big brother isn't always right but big brother isn't always wrong either. Especially in this case. Stand with any man as long as he stands right and part with him when he goes wrong.

The movie my son Hunter touches on the dirty business deals the Bidens were involved with but it wasn't just them. John Kerry's son, Nancy Pelosi's son, as well as Mitt Romney and his spook. Putin didn't create that mess they did. All those biolabs? Putin didn't make and profit from those.

So I disagree with Joel Skousen about Putin and the Ukraine. It's quite possible that Russia and China will one day go bad but right now the WEF is a far greater concern than they are.

The entire UN is f*cked. The UN's New World Order is insane. Remember the prophecies. China and Russia will open up before the great and dreadful day. That will happen through diplomacy not military conflict. Right now the domestic enemies to the Constitution are even worse than the foreign adversaries. Right now the WEF is worse than China and Russia.


  1. Female taken by ‘at least 5 males,’ sexually assaulted in Vaughan, Ont.: police....that's your gang.

    1. Norwood Avenue and Jane Street...Near Canada's Wonderland...These buggers probably been doing it all summer. What gang is that?

    2. I'm not familiar with that area but I've heard of it. Jane Street is famous for Driftwood Crips but I think there are also rival Blood gangs right across the street in that same area. I can't imagine Wonderland being part of that but one of the suspects had dreadlocks.

  2. I agree Joel Skousen won't split the vote like Ross Perot did because nobody knows who he is. He will however split the LDS vote in the swing states which forces me to question his motive.

  3. You're right, I wasn't really thinking of the impact of LDS specific voting.

    1. I think that's the concern. People outside the church have no idea who he is. However, he has a name that is recognized in the church. His uncle was famous. So when we see Kamala and the fake news target the LDS vote in the swing states, our Buddy Joel is helping them out which leads me to ask, what on earth is he thinking?


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