Sunday, October 27, 2024

BC's election fraud has become obvious

Global fake news is reporting that "NDP extends lead in key ridings with B.C. election final count underway." This makes the fraud even more obvuous and I'm clearly not th eonly one that thinks so. Drea Humphrey pointed out not only are excessive email in ballots a huge concern but so is telephone voting. Telephone voting? What the hell is that?

These globalist freaks have lost their mind. That's how Jason Kenney's supporters hacked his primary. This is nothing new. Dominion election vote counters were a concern as soon as they start using them in Surrey. Last election in Surrey wasn't just flipped, it was reversed. Even the election before that in Surrey had serous allegations of mail in ballot fraud.

So what do we do? We raise our voice not our fist. You can't endorse a coup just because you don't like the election results. Coups don't protect democracy they override it. Violence is what the intelligence community wants. As soon as you use violence they will use that violence as an excuse to take away civil liberty. It is their planned response to their provoked conflict.

A coup would just be a temporary fix. It wouldn't solve the problem of election fraud because the new party would simply hijack the election fraud technology to preserve their own interests. We need to solve the problem by restoring election credibility​. The first way we do that is by getting rid of telephone voting. The next step is to get rid of Dominion voting. They aren't the source of the problem but they are part of the problem because they are insecure and can be hacked.

The primary concern is mail in ballots and absentee ballots. These need to be very closely monitored. Where are they coming from? Who has requested a mail in ballot? Does the list of requests match the number received? We need to have that information publicaly available.
The other obvious concern is the delay. Just as the Hodge twins observed in the US 2020 election, they called the obvious ridings and delayed the swing ridings. The delay was so obvious people were making memes of sloths counting the votes. As I said from the get go, the bizarre delay in the BC election is an anomaly and points to election fraud. COVID is over. People aren't requesting mail in ballots any more. Advanced voting ballots should not be taken home.
OK so who's doing this? David Eby? Dominion voting? No, it's the Intelligence community and it's beyond CSIS. It links to the Five Eyes. That's the foreign interference. Mossad is supporting Tommy Robinson. Agent Provocateurs are promoting an extreme response to their interference.

The CIA has been involved with coups all over the world for generations. We need to see past that. Canada was not born in the rocket's red glare. Canada was forged through patient devotion to law and order. They can take away our vote but they can't take away our voice. Keep talking about this but as soon as you fall for their fraud and use violence, your voice will be lost and all that will remain is your violence. That is how they plan to win this. By convincing you to use violence so they can cement their fraud in stone and remove civil liberty permanently. That is their goal behind Agenda 2030. Mossad and the CIA are the driving force behind it.

The election fraud we are now witnessing in BC is not new. Last election they skimmed the vote in West Vancouver and this election they flipped it. This election they skimmed the vote in Kelowna an next election they will flip it. The delayed mail in ballot fraud flipped the vote in one Surrey riding after they skimmed the others. We can all see that now and we will not forget. As Gina Carano said we need to keep speaking up so the results are too obvious for them to flip.

We need a publicly scrutinized manual recount of paper ballots with a separate subtotal for mail in ballots and in person ballots. These recounts need to be triggered when there is any anomaly not just when the results are within 100 votes. That is what we need.

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