Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Compassion for the drug addicts

Before I do a hit piece on the death to Canada flag burning fraud, I wanted to throw out a thought. I was picking up a few groceries up at Superstore today and a younger woman bent forward with the beginnings of the fentanyl fold was walking out of the store as I was walking in. As I was leaving I saw her walking hunched forward in the store heading towards the bakery section counting a handful of change. My heart kind of broke and I felt like asking what they wanted and I'd buy it for them. I remember what it was like to be hungry.

That's the dilemna. If they want money for food then by all means but if they want money for drugs, that's not in their best interest. Yet if they want money for food so they can spend their money on drugs, then that's not in their best interest either.

It's a catch 22 because that new addictions centre is bringing a ton of rift raff into the area turning Guildford into a toilet. The more that come the louder and more outrageous they become. The problem is what we are doing is wrong. It's not compassionate, it's evil.

There was the recent video 6ixAK_TV reposted of a volunteer who visited the DTES and was heartbroken over all the insane trauma she witnessed. Allowing that to continue is not compassion, it's the opposite. It's heartless. As soon as this drug addict drop in centre opened up in Guildford they started setting tents up outside and more and more addicts started to come and literally take over the area. When they are in a large group they are empowered and defiant.

They start blocking the street, shooting up in the bathroom, smoking crystal meth in public and terrorizing the patrons of the grocery store. Then there's the theft. Last week there was a mob of them blocking the road and two guys were in the underground parking lot urinating in front of the patrons. In an underground parking lot there's no rain to wash the urine stench away. I get out of my car and look right at one of the guys and yell out WTF.

When I came back to my car he was still there strutting around trying to be intimidating. So I get in my car, drive up to him and roll down my window. Then he looks down and walks away. There is only one thing those kind of defiant criminals understand and that's violence. They don't care about anyone or anything else. So I guess you can tell I'm pretty conflicted.

The defiant as*holes I don't give a sh*t about but the others sincerely struggling who are getting brutalized by those defiant as*holes in their community I do care about. A lot. That's why I can't serve in the DTES any more. What we are doing is wrong and Bonnie Henry is a big part of that.
Most of us have seen the dramatic transformation meth addicts under go once they start using and become addicted. Likewise we have seen similar transformations in the other direction=n. How a scabbed up meth addict transforms into a normal healthy human being. This positive transformation comes through treatment not addiction promotion.

When you see these two contradictory transformations it becomes crystal clear where the compassion is really found. Helping someone get their life and health back is compassionate. Promoting the slavery and abuse of addiction then offering medically assisted suicide is not compassion. Not at all. It is cruel and malicious.

Sadly, once some becomes addicted they feel like an outcast. They are uncomfortable with the way society looks at them so they go where they find acceptance. Sadly with that acceptances is a violent world of abuse. That kind of acceptances brings with is slavery.


  1. How much compassion do they have for others?

    1. The defiant ones committing crimes and exploiting the other addicts in their own community have none. However, they have all been hijacked by very addictive drugs. We need to help them get off the drugs not keep them on them.


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