Friday, October 25, 2024

SOGI and BC's Provincial Election

Remember how the fake news pushed SOGI and portrayed anyone who opposed SOGI as a transphobic right wing extremist? Well now we all know better. Opposing SOGI isn't homophobic or transphobic. It's opposing the grooming, sexualization and exploitation of children.

In Drea's report she showed a video clip of Abbotsford south MLA Bruce Bannon reading an offensive expert from a book found in BC school libraries. The speaker of the house censored him for using profanity which was found in the book he was objecting to. That presents the dilemma. If it is not acceptable to read that book in parliament, why is it acceptable to read it to elementary school children? Expressing that concern is not trans or homophobic.

I have always contended that if I read the contents of these SOGI books at work, I would be fried for sexual harassment. So again, if these SOGI books are not appropriate for parliament or the workplace, they they are not appropriate for schools. I interviewed Pierre Barns from He's a local father who posted some of the books he objected to in his daughter's school library. You don't have to argue about banning books. Just look and see what the books contain for yourself. You will see for yourself if they are appropriate or not.

Remember how the media misrepresented this. They claimed anyone who objected to SOGI and the sexualization of children in school were religious extremists. Religion has nothing to do with it. Protecting children from sexualization is common sense. Something the media intentionally abandoned in their obsession to promote a dark agenda. Children can't consent.

Giving puberty blockers to minors is child abuse. If you block the development of their body you also block the development of their brain. Turning children into life long pharmaceutical patients before they are old enough to vote is child abuse. Medical sterilization of children is criminal.


  1. No mention of Heathers victory in MSM, wrote and told them they were biases and partisan! Nothing new here.
    Thank you Heather for your perseverance and karma will be the parental push back.
    Now let us start that process to oust the misfits on the SB and bring our children Home!

    1. Anonymous, I reside in Chilliwack and the popular newspaper is The Progress, all they do is bash the right.

  2. Thank goodness, common sense is coming back to public education.

  3. You can only push people and their kids so far.


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